Attention to the grim legal reaper. This is a fan fiction work inspired by your masters. It was not done for profit, just for fun and therapy. El Hazard and Tenchi Muyo belong to AIC. Robotech references belong to whoever owns Robotech, which is Harmony Gold, I think. Gundam references belong to whoever own Gundam. Anywhere, here's the fic. Hope you like it. Chapter 2 Storm Warnings A few days before on another backwater world, a little girl was having a terrible nightmare. If anyone were awake they would have been worried about the state she was in. She was fully agitated and had broken out into a cold sweat. Her sleeping body thrashed about on the tatami. Floating above a white marble floor, she watched as two warriors faced each other on the deck of a massive ship. She saw one warrior drop his weapon while the other unleashed a hellish beam of energy at him. Then she saw the Light Hawk Wings and heard Tsunami calling out the name of the weaponless warrior. Tenchi became one with the Light Hawk Wings. Tenchi and Kagato leaping at each other. The clash of sword upon sword resounded through the ship. Kagato turning towards Tenchi and saying as he evaporated, "you've won boy". Then everything exploding in a blast of light. Darkness nothing but darkness. She could hear Tsunami calling out her name. "Beware Sasami" Tsunami said. A planet with two moons swam into view. Tsunami smiled and said, "welcome Sasami, welcome to El Hazard." The outer moon flew past, then she stopped in front of the inner moon, but it wasn't a moon. It was Kagato's face. It morphed into another dark and sinister face and whispered, "you've won boy. for now." Kagato. KAGATO!!! Sasami awoke with a start and found herself staring into a pair of eyes. Ryoohki stared right back and meowed. "Ryoohki, what?" Then she realized what the cabbit had been doing. She'd been jumping up and down on Sasami to wake her up from a nightmare. "That sure was some nightmare" she said to the cabbit. "It was almost like the one I had before Kagato came." She gasped "Oh Ryoohki, something is going to happen. The figure floated across the gray boulder strewn field with the ease of a man taking a walk in the park. He looked up towards a blue-white world floating peacefully in the darkness of space. The second much smaller moon was in close attendance to its parent world. He was not wearing a space suit. In defiance of the deadly vacuum, he searched among the ruins within this large crater on the planet's only natural satellite. The object he was searching for had been made here. He knew it would be perfectly preserved from the ravages of time by the vacuum that sought to tear him apart. He smiled as he found what he'd been looking for. With approval he noted that it had never been set up for a user. It was a blank slate waiting to be keyed to the appropriate lock. As he withdrew it from the case that had been protecting it for ten thousand years, he could sense it powering up. "Not yet." He whispered to this tool of destruction and slavery. "I have to prepare you for your new mistress." He briefly wondered if the Galaxy Police would cooperate with him and send their most powerful agent to him. "But they must. She's the only one they have with any connection to this world." He mused to himself. He knew that there were others like her on the world below. It would be easier to find one of them and turn them to his purposes. However, she had learned much over her long life, and he needed her new talents. She was the only one that had been stolen from him. All the completed ones had been delivered to his respective customers, except for her. Soon, he would rectify the humiliation that had been inflicted upon him. But first, he needed to bring a few more pawns into the fold. He disappeared. Nahato prayed before the grave of his fallen lord in a lonely cave on the edge of the Desert of Bleached White Bones. It had been almost three years since the Phantom Tribe's defeat at the end of the Bugrom War. Once the Tribal Council had realized what Gallus' true plan was they reacted with outrage. Gallus had found out that there was no way home through the Eye, and he reacted to that information with a plan to destroy everything. His plan was just a cover for the sabotage that Nahato had unwittingly done to the Eye of God. They simply wanted to go home and be away from this foul planet. They didn't want to sign some mutual suicide pact. The fallout was simple and severe. All who had direct knowledge of Gallus' plan would be ostracized forever. The Phantom tribe didn't want any more trouble with the native people of El Hazard. The Illusionist arts would be restricted only to those most loyal to the cause of the tribe and to the Council. All of the most powerfully gifted had pledged their allegiance to this cabal. Any use of the gift against the cursed ones would be punishable by death. Nahato and a few others were doomed to spend the rest of their lives as outcasts. "My Lord. I am sorry, but we have failed you. The Tribe has abandoned its destiny and there are too few of us to carry out our vengeance against the cursed ones." "Perhaps I can be of some assistance." Nahato hissed and whirled about, his veil of illusions cloaking him from all except tribesmen with the gift. His fellow outcasts followed suit. He saw a man standing in the shadows of a rocky outcropping. "A non-tribesman! He must die for defiling the sacred burial place of our Lord!" He screamed. He and several others confidently whipped out their heavy curved knives and advanced on the man. He just stood there smiling with his face veiled in the shadows. "What do you think you are going to do with those?" He raised his right hand out at the nearest tribesman and shot him with an energy blast. The very much surprised man flew across the rocky chamber and slammed into a wall. "He can see us like that terrible Earth girl!" one man wailed. "Let's see if he can dodge this!" another cried as he raised his bowcaster and fired. The non-tribesman didn't even try to dodge it. The bolt just stopped in mid air. "So, you've heard of Earth have you? Do you wish to continue this battle or would you like to hear my offer?" mocked the smiling man. "Who are you and what do you want?" Nahato asked. He was clearly impressed. This man was totally unafraid of them, and something in his manner and style of speech chilled him. "Who I am doesn't really matter. What matters is what I would like to hire you and your merry men to do." "And what do we get in return?" Nahato hissed. "Your lives for one. A chance to rejoin your tribe and to punish those who exiled you. A chance to make the people of this planet suffer for what they did to your people those long years ago. A chance for your people to go home." "Home?! Do you mean to the homeworld!" several men cried at once. The man only nodded. "I see. And what is it that you would have us do? If we try anything against anyone on this planet, save the Bugrom, we will all die in the most painful manner possible!" Nahato angrily retorted. All the man could do laugh. It was a low evil sounding laugh, very much like Gallus'. Nahato felt like his body temperature had dropped below freezing. "What I want done isn't going to be performed on El Hazard. How would you like to see the homeworld of the ones responsible for your defeat?" The smiling man asked. Realization dawned in Nahato's eyes. "I would like that very much." Then he laughed also. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Damn you Makoto Mizuhara!" Shayla Shayla cried angrily as she struggled to get the wine bottle open. And just where was that Fujisawa when she needed her favorite drinking partner? It was just like Makoto to cancel his plans with her whenever some new information would come out about the Eye of God. Usually it was Schtalabaugh's fault. Makoto's research and frequent trips to the Eye would give him all kinds of insights in to the workings on the ancient El Hazardians technology. Such realizations would lead to his own discoveries about the Eye's innermost workings, and these would in turn fuel Makoto's own research. Makoto had figured out how the Eye worked, but he had no idea as to how use it to send him back to Earth. He needed to find more information on the actual physics of the Eye, and now spent much time searching various libraries. Schtalabaugh would often find information that may be useful, and he often pulled Makoto away with his discoveries. This time however, it was all Afura's fault. An ancient map that she had found in her own library led to an unexpected discovery. In the years immediately after the apocalypse of the Great Holy Wars, there was a backlash against anyone remotely connected with any of the doomsday weapons. The deranged survivors massacred teachers, scientists, engineers, surviving soldiers, and the surviving aristocrats. The rage against those who had created the war machines turned against anyone of learning. The bloodbath after the wars had seen the loss of much valuable wisdom. In an attempt to preserve the more benign arts, the ancient Priestesses of Mount Muldoon had hidden many items that would have been destroyed by those rebelling against technology. Among these items were the elemental lamps. Some items had been too large, heavy, or delicate to be transported to Muldoon. These had been hidden in secret caches scattered across El Hazard. Some caches were located in the former dead zones created by "dirty" weapons like nuclear or chemical weapons. Others were in the burning desert, high mountains, or even the deepest parts of the Ocean. There were even tales of a lab on the moon where some of the Demon Gods were created and the principles of the Eye of God were discovered. The map led to a cache that had been on what used to be the Bugrom side of the River of God. The war had shown the Eye of God to be a terrible weapon. In the three years since, not a single enemy had been sighted on their side of the river. The only ones to be found were survivors that had been on the Alliance's side. The lack of Bugrom near the cache meant that the Alliance expedition could spend as much time as they wanted to clean out the cache. Nothing overtly dangerous, like weapons, had ever been found in one of these caches. Apparently the ancients had decided not to pass on their more dangerous tricks. Useful things had been found before, like the wondrous cutters and the principles that made them fly. Other things of a more exotic nature had been found. Like that magic moving picture box which Makoto called a television and laserdisc player. "Hmmph! Just who does he thinks he is, standing up a beautiful Priestess of Mount Muldoon!" Shayla thought as she poured her first glass. "And running off with that old Schtalabaugh, just because he found a. Now what did Makoto call it? Ah! That's it! A computer with some old science stuff in it." She looked at her glass, then downed it in one swift movement. "Damn you too Afura! If you hadn't found that stupid map in the wall, he'd never have gone off on that damn fool expedition to find that cache. Now he's busier than ever, trying to find the secret of the God damned Eye of God. Then you go and run off to the Forbidden Island to look for some old book to show Makoto." She made to pour herself another glass just as the first burned its way down her throat. "Whoa, musta picked up the strong bottle by mistake! Oh well." she thought as she tossed her glass away and too a swig directly from the bottle. Schtalabaugh and Makoto were staring raptly into the screen of the ancient computer. By sheer chance, it had been a computer in a university. There was an incredible amount of information about dimensional physics. On the screen before them was a discussion of wormhole theory. It postulated that wormholes existed throughout all of spacetime. They could connect one point in space to another point in space. They could even connect one point in time to another. They were normally infinitesimally small, but using the appropriate apparatus, one could push them open to a more useful size. Makoto and Schtalabaugh were convinced that the Eye of God's core systems was a giant version of these wormhole manipulators. It was chilling knowledge. It was a tool of destruction, which worked by opening up a large enough wormhole near its target. It would suck up everything that was near to it. Its victims would shoot down the wormhole to appear somewhere else. They both had the unsettling feeling that the other end of the wormhole would be in a very unpleasant place. Previous victims of the Eye of God might have been shot into the hearts of stars, or blasted out into the cold vacuum of space. The devices described by the computer fit the probable functions of many of the Eye's systems. He knew that the Eye could be used for dimensional travel. The logs that existed in its computers proved that experiments had been performed before its use as a weapon. Ifurita had been able to activate the weapons program to form a wormhole. The energy that the Eye gathered to destroy El Hazard had been sucked into it along with Ifurita. According to the physics described by the computer, adding even more energy to a wormhole may do one of several things. The Eye of God had not exploded or imploded into a black hole. Ifurita must have been sent safely to the distant past of Earth, otherwise a time paradox would exist. As he read on, he noted that the next section started off with the theory behind the use of wormholes for traveling to distant worlds or times. "This is it." Makoto thought aloud. He already determined that the Eye of God manipulated wormholes. What he needed to know was how to safely control the time and location of the other end of the wormhole. The Eye's weapons programs all had preset endpoints. He was just about to go to the next page when something happened to the old computer. A bright light lit up the inside of the casing and it went dead. "What happened?!" cried Schtalabaugh. "I don't know. Let me try linking with it." Blue lines appeared across his hand as a link formed with the silent computer. The monitor briefly blinked to life then died again. Makoto broke the link and said, "It's completely fried. It's like Shayla melted the inside with her elemental magic. Oh my God! I completely forgot that I was supposed to take Shayla out to Nanami's for lunch!" "Ah, a date." Replied Schtalabaugh in a knowing tone. "Hey now. Cut that out. Shayla and I are just friends..." His voice trailed off as he remembered the time he had told her that were just that. I pained him to think of the disappointment in her green eyes. That was why he tried to be nice to her. He didn't know that it only gave her more pain and confusion. "I'd better go find her." Makoto said standing up. As if on cue Ura walked in and said, "Makoto, Shayla sad. Shayla go drink." "Oh no. Where is she Ura?" "Makoto follow Ura. Ura show where Shayla." At which point, Ura turned and started walking out the door. Makoto, Schtalabaugh, and Ura could not see or sense the shadowy presence that watched them from one corner. "Not just yet Makoto Mizuhara. I can't let you find out about the Eye of God yet. Then you'd just run off for home to find your precious Ifurita all too early for my plan." the shadow thought to himself. He turned and walked through the wall. Moments later he was in a side corridor in the new Bugrom fortress. Glancing out of a window he saw the absurd self-glorification that these insects' leader was capable of. "Hmm. just looking at the statue of this Jinnai makes me wonder if I am making the correct choice here." The shadow thought. "Ah well, it doesn't matter, my next pawn will soon be here, and she will need a suitable king for her moves." His own ship warned him of the approach of a small Galaxy Police Cruiser. "She travels lightly. But then again, even in the service of the high and mighty Galaxy Police, she's worth perhaps just over a third of their total strength. Soon my dear. Soon you will know your true value with me." He smiled slightly to himself as his invisibility wavered and he took on the form of a Bugrom scout. "But first, I must prepare your new master for his puppet strings. I only hope that he will be all that I need." Nanami had been waiting for close to an hour for Makoto and Shayla Shayla to show up at her restaurant. The lunch crowd was long gone from what had become one of the most popular restaurants in Floristica. Nanami was proud of this fact, even as she wondered what had happened to her two friends. She and Shayla still had a friendly rivalry over Makoto. However, unlike Shayla, she had already come to terms with Makoto's love for Ifurita. "She's only causing herself more pain." Thought Nanami. Mr. Fujisawa and Miz were just finishing up their own lunch when they called her over to their table. "Looks like they're doing it again." Miz said to Nanami. "Yeah, that girl can't get over him, and he's too thick to see it." Fujisawa agreed. "I just hope that Shayla doesn't drink too much this time around. I still remember how much coffee I had to make for her the last time." Sighed Nanami. A shared look passed between the three of them. "We'd better go look for her." They said in unison. Nanami told her manager to watch the restaurant until she came back. As it turned out, she didn't come back until well into dinnertime. "Damn you Makoto Mizuhara! I'll get you yet!" rasped Nanami's older brother. Katsuhiko Jinnai had been carrying on for sometime, especially after he found out about the secret cache which Makoto had just finished cleaning out. And right in the Bugrom's old territory. Queen Diva patiently listened to him ranting on and on about Makoto, his crazy wind up witch, the Eye of God, and just about everything else which stood in the way of his path to glory. The grating in his voice told her that he needed water, so she made to call a servant, when the scout arrived. "My Queen and my Lord. I bring joyous news from Floristica!" chirped the bug. "Pray do tell us this news." Diva chirped back "And it better be that Mizuhara is dead!" screamed Jinnai. At this point, he laughed maniacally for a whole minute. While he waited patiently for Jinnai to stop laughing, the scout thought to himself, "it's a wonder he got so far in the last war with the Alliance, especially with such a huge ego. Then again I play the organ to get psyched up for a fight.." "Nay my lord, I cannot report on Mizuhara's death but upon the discovery of yet another map to a secret cache!" the scout said. "Yes, fool, a cache which won't exist for another few hours." He noted to himself. His ship alerted him that the GP cruiser was approaching the inner planets. Two. So they send only two. A male and a female. "It doesn't matter." he thought as Jinnai asked another question. "A map? Where is this map?!" Jinnai queried. "Well speak up fool!" Suppressing the urge to assume his normal form and blast Jinnai and all his Bugrom to ashes, the scout answered "I have stolen it from the Roshtarians before they discovered its true worth!" He then produced the map in his mandibles. "Gimme that!" growled Jinnai as he swiped it away from the scout. Opening it with a flourish, he stared intently at it, while Queen Diva stood up and looked at it from over his shoulder. "You're dismissed!" Jinnai stammered, as the full import of the map struck him. "ANOTHER DEMON GOD!!! And only a few hours journey from here. LOOKOUT MAKOTO MIZUHARA!! I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!" He screamed gleefully as he started into his laughing again. Diva could only look on fearfully as she thought. "Not another Demon God." They did not see their "scout" fly out through a window. No one saw him fly out to a nearby cave. Only a blue skinned man saw him land inside a cave and shift back into his normal form. Shaken by his new lord's transformation, the Phantom Tribesman reported "My Lord, Nahato reports that he and his team are returning from the Earthers' homeworld in your shuttlecraft." "I know. My ship has already informed me that they are approaching the system well behind the Galaxy Police cruiser. What I want to know is if they were successful at their task." "They were my lord. The Earthers suspect nothing. The devices were installed within Washu's lab while everyone was asleep and without being detected. They avoided all contact with Tenchi Masaki, Washu, and Ryoko. When she activates her experiments, they will draw power directly from the lab's power systems." "And the other assignment?" "They were able to infiltrate the Galaxy Police cruiser while it was undergoing maintenance and sabotage its shield system." "Excellent. Soon all will be in order. One pawn is coming within range of my trap for her. And when they wake up in the morning on Earth, the final pieces will fall into my grasp." *********************************************** "A drink! I NEED a drink!!" Masamichi Fujisawa (El Hazard) ***********************************************