El Hazard and it's characters are owned by AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 14: Mizuhara Residence It was approaching midnight by the time Makoto and his family were ready to sleep. Everyone was a little uncomfortable at first adjusting to either the new setting or another body in the house. Makoto's parents were relieved to have their son back. But in a way they had lost him again, perhaps in the best way. Ifurita was treated like their daughter. Sentiment she appreciated and returned. She spent most of the evening with Makoto's mother. Neither mentioned the impending Bugrom invasion. Instead they talked of common things and even the family secrets traditionally only given to Mizuharan wives. When the evening was over and Ifurita prepared for bed, she was saddened that her stay would be so short. Makoto had given her so much before and even more now. Part of her refused to give it up. As the water sprayed out of the spout, Ifurita felt like there was something wrong inside her. Her stomach hurt. Worse than the time Nanami experimented with seafood, inland spices, and pizza. The pain was unfamiliar, completely different than any battle she had fought. The demon god bent over from both the fear and the pain. Her eyes went wide when she noticed a trickle of blood trickle down the inside of her legs. "Makoto!" she called out with her mind. "Ifurita! What's wrong?!" he called back. "Mom! Get Mom!" she moaned both mentally and physically. As much as Makoto loved her, he was still a man. He couldn't help her with this. "What's wrong with me?" she thought to herself, only herself, as Mrs.Mizuhara came into the bathroom. Ifurita learned that what happened was normal and natural. For humans anyway. She was relieved for that comfort. It meant she was leaving her demon history behind. It even opened the possibility she could bear children. Did coming to Earth trigger these changes? Her brief time on Earth out of her sleep chamber - that was when it began. Her internal diagnostic was wrong, or at least misinformed. Maybe losing her mass destruction powers weren't the result of the destruction of the control circuit, but the first step in her transformation from demon to human. Contact with Makoto, then being on Earth, triggered this process and now was continuing it. She couldn't return to El-Hazard now, not if she were to get what she wanted, to spend the rest of her life with him. It was a wish she kept from him because before now, she was sure it could never be realized and telling him would only add to the burden he carried in his research to help her. He wanted Ifurita to remain strong and in perfect working order forever never realizing it was not what she wanted. Makoto took the news of Ifurita's first period as any man would, not so much as disinterest but uncomfortable hearing nothing more than the basic facts. He knew what it meant though. He confessed that he was transforming as well. "I don't know exactly when it started. At first I thought it was just an extension of my own powers. That's why I didn't really notice it for a while. By then the changes in Ifurita were more visible and that took priority." "How do you think you're changing, Son?" his father asked. "Well for starters I can do this." Makoto said letting his arm drop to the side of the chair near an electrical outlet. Blue sparks of electricity leaped out and into his palm for a few seconds as his family stared. He lifted his hand and let the arcs dance on his fingers before it dissipated. "I figure it's a combination of Ifurita's defensive/offensive adaptation ability and my own power. I'm 'calling' the electricity to my hand then amplifying and controlling it." Ifurita nodded in agreement. Nearly all her own attacks were learned in the same way. "If I concentrate hard enough, I can float too. With practice I might be able to fly one day." "But you want to learn why you've been changing in the first place?" his mother concluded. "I didn't want to be seen as a freak. What if I was turning into a Demon? What if Ifurita and I are just changing places?" "Or what if you two just meet somewhere in between?" his father suggested. "Son, they say the more time a couple spends together, they may start to share some personality traits. Take Hiashi and Mr.Fujisawa. Do you think they have changed since they got married." Makoto admitted his father had a point. Mr.Fujisawa was becoming more responsible, and Hiashi more outgoing. Two traits he credited to their wives. With his and Ifurita's link to each other, was this just how her program was adapting? The control circuit; what if he didn't destroy it? What if he absorbed it into his own psyche? Could he be directing Ifurita's transformation subconsciously and did this go both ways? With Ifurita weakened as she was before returning to El- Hazard, it could be their final form would be closer to human than demon. "It would explain why Ifurita's changes where more noticeable, she has further to go." Makoto thought. Two people, together for life, connected in a way that went beyond emotional. Many scientific principles are based on balance; action/reaction, equalizing pressure, even animal populations. If this happened here, he and Ifurita could be together as equals, two of a kind, not just one human, one demon. He and Ifurita smiled to themselves at the thought. It would mean so much for them. They could enjoy their lives without worrying about the hows, whys, and whens of their transformation. But was it right? One created human, the other machine. Was it right to change who and what they were? The obvious answer was 'oh yeah'. The process had already started. Returning to El-Hazard would slow it down adding decades to Ifurita's life. There was the tools needed to study and understand this transformation. On Earth, it was only a matter of days, even hours, before it was complete and in all likelihood, irreversible. Would others accept him? Would his family? His family on either world. Makoto wasn't sure at first. But one look from his parents told him he would always be their son regardless. "Let's hope so Dad. I think that would be best for everyone. I think it's time for sleep. Something big is going to happen tomorrow. I can feel it."