El Hazard and it's characters are owned by AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 13: Hiashi's house They heard the phone ringing when they were about to open the door. Hiashi wasn't looking forward to returning, but the phone brought him inside before the memories could return. Shayla heard bits of the conversation, "Afura too? Just one? Wow. Mr.Fujisawa hurt his hand juggling a pair? Like a burn and a bruise the doctor said. Well he is tougher. We got two of them in the park. Uh yeah, vanished too. Yeah, that's what I figured. Tomorrow morning then. Bye." "Well?" "The others encountered some Bugrom too. Mr.Fujisawa hurt his hand when one phazed in around it. Told you so. They appear to be random encounters. In any case, looking for them is more trouble than its worth. Most will self-destruct without our help." "At least until more of them start appearing." "Now who's got their head stuck in reality?" Hiashi joked. Then he looked around. The house hasn't changed since he left a lifetime ago. Lights were still on. Father's beer from that morning was warm, flat, and smelled worse than Shayla's morning breath after a night at the bars. The belt was still on the floor. "This place is a pig sty. How could you live here?" "As little as possible. When I wasn't at the library or school, I was in my room." he answered then remembered, "I need to take down that poster or she'll torch the place. Hey wait, that's not such a bad idea." "Isn't this house your's now? I mean as the sole heir." "Yeah, passed down from father to son for centuries. Never moving unless it was to make room for the next generation. I'm a land owner now. Whoppie." Hiashi sounded less than thrilled. "Well maybe we should start by cleaning up YOUR house." Shayla suggested. Neither of them were homemakers. Fortunately there wasn't much to do apart from throwing trash away and vacuuming. Hiashi's mother cleaned the morning she killed. Shayla needed to use the bathroom and Hiashi went to one of the back rooms to dispose of the garbage. The reality that he owned the house and its possessions now was slowly sinking in. He took great satisfaction in throwing most of his fathers things away. Still, he couldn't get the feeling Father was looking over him, glowering. He wouldn't be surprised if the ghost of his father was right then taking ineffective swings at him from the spirit plane. "Forget it. I'm free of you." he said out loud. "Priest Hiashi Shayla! Get yourself in here!" he heard Shayla yell. "She found it." he thought. His first instinct was to run, but that was both stupid and futile. "Yes dear?" he said when he entered his room. His tone was that of a false hope that she didn't find it. She didn't speak. Just point at the poster on the wall. Even though his father was a sadistic bastard, he did pretty much let Hiashi have his privacy in his room and let him decorate it to his tastes, within the limits of Father's twisted reason that is. It was pretty spartan. Most noticeable was his desk and a bookshelf. Both had school books and English sci-fi novels. Father never looked closely. Saying that they were for school was enough. Plus there were the few childhood toys that survived Father's rampages. But to placate him, Hiashi had to try to make his room more like "normal, under-class, unsophisticated" teenager's, what in American would be called "white trash". The poster of his wife's attention for instance. It was a near life size poster of a very attractive naked woman with arms and legs strategically positioned to keep it legal. She had the expected smile and look. In other words, a poster almost every other teenage boy has in his room. Or at least one of many. "You want me to take it down?" "Burn it." Shayla said in a low monotone voice. Her body language clearly stated that she'd do it herself with gusto if he didn't. Riho sat at her feet trying to match her expression. "Now Shayla, don't you think you're overreacting? It's just a picture I got at a store before I knew you." he said as he started to take it down. "Don't care. Burn it." "Would it help if I said, Father made me get it?" "Yeah right. At the least you were willing. If not you shouldn't mind. Burn it." "You know. This photo brightened more than a few dreary days for me." he said in a final attempt to save the poster. "I know. That's why I want you to burn it." "Burn it." Riho echoed. He held it up and took one last look. His eyes went back and forth between the two-dimensional picture and his three-dimensional wife. "Well, might as well make the best of it and score some points." he said to himself and surrendered to the inevitable. He crumpled the poster as best he could into a ball, tossed it up, and incinerated it with a fraction of the power contained in his headband's fire jewel. "Even when you're mad, you're prettier than her." he said. "That should satisfy her anger." he thought. He was right. In an instant Shayla was happy again, the poster forgotten. She then went on to nose around his personal belongings. He let her. He came to El-Hazard with only the clothes on his back. Even most of those became too worn or torn to wear by now. So most of 'his' stuff was actually 'hers'. She had provided nearly all of the material possessions in their life, from the fire shrine where they lived to paying for the clothes he wore. For that Shayla now felt justified in what she was doing now and Hiashi couldn't bring himself to stop her. Fortunately, not much of it held her interest for long. He did have to correct her on the difference between a doll and an action figure. She didn't buy it. Hiashi went to the bookshelf and let his fingers run across the spines. Each title brought back memories of reading the book. When he read, he imagined himself as a character. Sometimes following the story, more often dreaming up fanciful 'what ifs' about how he would have done things right. Which books would he keep and bring back to El-Hazard? Each one was special. How could he give any of them up? Suddenly he heard the light switch flick and the room was filled with darkness. "Shayla, that's the light switch. Turn them back on." he said a little annoyed. But they stayed off. He was about to ask her again when she hugged him from behind. Putting her lips to his ear she whispered, "You've been working too hard, and neglecting your duties as a husband. What do you say we get out these bed rolls of your's and ..." The last part was whispered so softly and was so private only he could hear it. He turned red when she spoke. She could feel the surge of heat. Shayla laughed to herself and hugged him harder. He blushed easily and she learned he had a shade of red for almost every situation from "minor embarrassment" to "nearly uncontrolled rage". This one was one of her favorites, "I can't believe you said that. Let's do it!" He turned around and was about to kiss her when he unexpectedly stopped and let go. Shayla was too surprised to do anything as he left the room. When he was out the door she found her voice, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" These past few days brought them both long hours they've had no time to be alone without being too tired to do anything. Now Shayla was getting frustrated. He didn't answer. Instead he went closer to the front door. Car headlights pulled into the drive way. Then another set. A third and forth. "Great. Visitors. He must have sensed them coming. Just my luck they ruin the mood." Shayla thought. She decided to hang back in the room until she found out who dared to interrupt them. There was a knock the second before Hiashi reached the door. He was greeted by a mass of people who said his name and hugged him. Hiashi could barely understand their voiced sympathies due to the sheer number of people who let themselves inside. His relatives, from both sides of his family, came to help. But how did they know he was back? "Aunt, how did you know I was here?" he asked the stocky woman currently giving him a bear hug and crying a fountain of tears. "Your principal called us and said you've been found. We all came as soon as we could. Of course we had to wait for 'them'." she said the last word sarcastically gesturing to the group of people who were his mother's family. "Well if you told us instead of wasting time trying to hide it, we would have been here sooner." another woman said. Another aunt. His mother's sister. Both groups of relatives were small even though Hiashi's extended family was larger than most. He wasn't surprised. It wasn't because they didn't care. Well it might have been that. But mostly because of distance. Most of his father's relatives moved away the first chance they got. Being the eldest, he got to stay in Shininobe. On his mother's side, well Mother came here as a runaway. That was about all Hiashi knew. The details of his parent's meeting were never learned. What he did know, he kept to himself. Not even his wife knew. He strongly suspected she was suffering from low self-esteem and was desperate for some stability when she met Father. Hiashi was under no illusions his parents had a loveless marriage of convenience. The only thing that surprised him was how he managed to turn out as well as he did. He knew how, teachers, the family of his friends, his mother's love, advice columns, and the drive NOT to be like his father. Makoto's parents, however, were a big positive influence when he was young. They showed him how a family should act. It was a pity they drifted apart when Father discovered his son was friends with someone 'above his station'. Over a dozen people forced their way inside the small traditional house. They were weeping over the tragedy and offering their homes to him. Some offered to move in to keep the 'ancestral homestead' in use. In a matter of seconds, an argument broke out between the two families. Hiashi was never asked his opinions or wishes. They didn't even ask him where he was or if he was OK. Shayla watched from the doorway, crouched down to stay out of sight. She watched as her husband's face turned redder and redder with anger and frustration. She wanted to intervene but couldn't. This was his family - her family through marriage and she had no idea how to do it. Also this is about the maddest she has ever seen Hiashi and she wanted to see how he would act. It may seem a little sadistic to let him stand there like that, but he's been worried about what would happen if he lost his temper. She never saw him do it before and she wanted to see it for herself. Shayla was confident he wouldn't do anything violent, but this way she could point to this whenever he doubted himself in the future. Then one of his father's sister-in-laws noticed her and walked over. "Are you a friend of Hiashi's?" she asked tuning out the debate. "Yes." Shayla said embarrassed as she stood. For a second she considered telling her she was his wife, but that would be too much. Plus she was distracted since she was concentrating on the argument. The woman noticed the armband on Shayla's left arm and commented Hiashi had a matching one, "What are they?" "Oh," Shayla said absently, "they're contraception bands." Even though they were married, they were still part of the Elemental Church. Which meant they would have to answer the call whenever it happened. Pregnancy would put a priestess too much at risk. So in the old days both husband and wife wore the black arm bands. The chemical it contained was natural, had no long term side effects and were effective for only a short time after being removed. It has also been used by couples outside the Church who were not ready to become parents for ages. Even though only one was necessary, but often both wore it as a symbol of unity. "Contraception?!" the woman shouted. The debate stopped instantly. "Hiashi! Have you been having ... that with this ... this gajin?" "Gajin?!" Shayla thought. She knew the word, foreigner, barbarian; she's been insulted before but that was near the top. Only Bugrom grumbling at her was worse, but not by much. "What do you expect with the stupid father that he had?" someone from his mother's side of the family commented. The argument was back on, more heated than before with blame being tossed around like lottery balls. Father's drinking and poor job. Mother's lack of respect for tradition. Everything except Father's violence was given as an excuse for Hiashi's "deviance". Shayla heard a few reference to her, derogatory terms about her looks, apparent intelligence, even skin color. She was tempted to just turn on her Lamp, but unfortunately they were family and she couldn't just incinerate them and be done with it. Shocked as she was, she noticed Hiashi twitching. This was it. He was going to justify his fears or prove Shayla right. "Enough!!" he shouted. They only quieted down slightly. "I said enough!! I'm sick of this! My father was a monster! He was cruel, violent, and self-centered. He never amounted to anything and did what he could to try to force me to be less. My mother and I suffered for years until we finally had the courage to leave. But he killed her. Ran her down like she was nothing. You knew what he was like," he said pointing at his paternal relatives, "but you did nothing! You were still scared of him weren't you!? You never saw fit to warn anyone! "And you!" now pointing at the other side of the room, "Never did you come down to visit us. You never bothered to check in on your sister or nephew. It was too inconvenient to travel 60 kilometers even though we asked. You might have noticed what he was doing. I think you knew but didn't care. Neither of you cared about me or my mother. You're only here now to use me as a pawn. Don't act so shocked. I know how high real estate values are around here. Get custody of me, sell the house, kick me out after a year when I become a legal adult. I knew what you wanted the instant you came through my door. "The day we were going to leave this was the day he murdered her. Then he tried to kill me. I was literally driven off the face of the Earth. I found a portal to another world and I dived into it. I didn't care if it opened up in the tenth level of Hell and do you know why? Because even though I blame you! And you!" he gestured to the two families, "I blame myself the most. I blame myself for not speaking up earlier. For letting this go on in silence like it did. The only one who doesn't deserve blame is her." he spoke softer as he pointed to his wife, "She's the only one here who truly loves me and cares about me. I met her in the world where I landed, El-Hazard. In the first hour I was there, she's helped me more than the rest of you did combined for over 15 years! She supported me emotionally when my world was turned upside-down and inside out. Even after I knew Father was dead, I could still feel the pain of what he did and my wife has been with me every step of the way. Time between this world and that is twisted. I've been there 9 long happy months and I intend to keep it that way. I admit, she's not perfect. She has an appetite that would close any all-you-can-eat buffet, snores like a freight train, and her shopping habits are a major factor in the local economy. But that love of life is one of the reasons why I love her and I plan on staying with her for as long as I live. "I'm only here on business. Once that's done I'm going back there happily and hopefully forever. Then you can squabble over the property all you want. But until I leave -- get out!" From the back of the room, Shayla smiled. It wasn't because Hiashi was kicking these so-called relatives out for insulting her. It was because he was doing it without resorting to violence, threats, or swearing. He was mad. Who wouldn't be? The maddest Shayla has ever seen him. Yet never did he act as if he was going to strike them or even activate his Lamp. His voice, though angry, hadn't crossed over to rage but had stayed even and stern. Best of all, he wasn't watching himself. He wasn't intentionally controlling his emotions. When he and Shayla argued, he always tried to end it quickly, even when he was right. She knew it was because he feared losing control over himself. Now 15 years of frustration, pain, and anger were being freely released and without even a hint of him turning into his Father. Shayla was proud of him. He was cured. While the pain would never leave, the cycle of violence from parent to child ended with him. There would be no fear; he would never pass it onto his own children. Now all that lie ahead was tho make him realize that. A few acted insulted, like what they were doing was some grand charity and left without a word. Most of the rest hesitated, as if realizing what they had done, but left anyway. Only three stayed, one paternal relative, two maternal. Hiashi looked like he was unsure whether or not to repeat his demand when Shayla walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let them stay." she said. He didn't notice, but they were the only ones who said nothing during the whole exchange. "Hiashi, you may not remember me. Takao Nose. I married your aunt 3 years ago." "Yes. Father wouldn't let us go to her wedding. Or funeral. I'm sorry about what happened." Hiashi said. His aunt was killed when a cult leader released poison gas into the subway. "So am I. I can't speak for the rest of us, but I never knew what was happening here. She never talked much about you or your parents. If I had any idea, I would have rushed over and done something to help you. That's easy to say now though isn't it? Actually the only reason why I was asked here was to estimate how much the house was worth 'for tax purposes'. They didn't really keep in contact with me after she died and my own family are on the other side of the country so I jumped at the chance. I was going to offer you my place, but since it looks like you already have a home, I'd be willing to sell this house for you and donate the profit to a charity." Hiashi was stunned. This man wasn't even a blood relative yet he was willing to open up his home for him. Of course he learned that bloodlines do not a family make nine months ago. The two from his mother's side were cousins. Siblings, one in college the other about to. Both came of their own accord (without their parents) and both were never told about the horrors their aunt and cousin suffered through. They expressed similar feelings as his uncle. The same offer could not be made because the cousin already in college was a woman and lived in a women-only dorm. But both wanted to help and all of them wanted to get acquainted with this abandoned member of the family. Take-out was ordered and the five of them sat in the living room as Hiashi and Shayla told them what happened in El-Hazard. A few things were skimmed over or left out (like Shayla's first attempt to kiss him). Hiashi told most of it with Shayla explaining her actions when necessary. By the time they were done, the food was eaten and the visitors were trying to absorb these events. Shoko (his older cousin) said, "And you want to go back to that weird place?" in disbelief. "Yes he does!" Shayla said quickly before Hiashi could answer, "How can you call El-Hazard weird? Your world has these glowing screens and talking boxes but no magic whatsoever. And these cars, I get the creeps just looking at them. They smell awful and they're noisy." Shoko was a bit taken back. She didn't think about how Japan would look to someone from another world. It might seem a little weird, but Shininobe is pretty a normal town. Weird is not a word associated to it very often. "Like it's normal to have a doomsday weapon floating around." "Don't you? I remember being told about something called Intercontential Ballistic Missles. They don't float, but there's more of them." Shoko and Shayla stared at each other for a moment thinking the same thought, "She wants to take Hiashi away from me." Hiashi asked Takao about himself, what he did, hobbies, work, and the like. He learned Takao and Shoko were in the same town, but family differences prevented the two from meeting. Shoko and her brother were next. Without shared family experiences, bonding with them was difficult, but not impossible. There was a genuine desire to make up for lost time. Meanwhile Shayla felt left out. No one was speaking to her, at least not directly. She tried to figure out why each of them were doing that. With Hiashi, this was probably the first positive experience with his extended family. Being an orphan herself, she could see herself doing the same thing in his place. Plus, there were times when the situation was reversed. Not everyone in the Elemental Church was eager to accept men. More than once Shayla's old friends casually mentioned their opinion that Hiashi was the exception, and not the rule, when they knew he was in earshot. He said nothing about it. Shayla never brought it up, instead she changed the subject with her friends and gossiped for hours. Hiashi never joined in even if he was in the same room. He accepted the fact Shayla had her own cliche of friends and didn't want to intrude. This was the same case, but in a way, Takao and the rest were part of her family too. Weren't they? Takao had a different reason. He was part of the family the same way Shayla was, by marriage. He also understood Hiashi would be leaving and this was his only chance to learn about his nephew. When Shayla saw his eyes, she knew Takao had no ill will for her. But Shoko had. She deliberately kept Shayla out of the conversation. She talked about her college and the social activities there including its sci-fi club. Shoko was also careful to point out the number of single women there who she was willing to introduce to Hiashi. Shayla couldn't figure out why Shoko didn't like her. Well the feeling was mutual. Shoko's brother was worse. He spoke only when spoken to and spent the rest of the time ogling Shayla. He was two years younger than Hiashi and looked like he never dated because no one in their right mind would want to date him. He made Shayla very uncomfortable. To Shayla's relief, the hour was getting late. Shoko mentioned a hotel, but a quick phone call confirmed the rest of her family already checked out. Takao offered to drive them home. Shoko was reluctant, but didn't really have a choice. Not without the money for a room. She almost asked to stay there for the night, but that would mean spending more time around 'her' and she didn't care for it. She promised to come back tomorrow with more money and friends and have some fun. Hugs were exchanged. Shayla broke away from Shoko's brother when he almost grabbed her rear. After they left, Shayla tried to be in a good mood. "So...what did you think?" Hiashi asked nervously. "I like your uncle, but your cousins...." she answered, drifting off because she didn't want to hurt him. "I know. You handled yourself perfectly, Shayla, when he tried to ... you know. Better than me." "What are you talking about?" "When I lost it earlier." "Were you right? Did they act concerned about you for the money?" "Yeah, Father boasted about it more than once. About how this old house is worth millions yen. Neighborhood has been getting better with a 'higher class' of people. He talked about moving to some place more suited to his position in life. I wasn't too surprised when he was deciding whether or not to move, half the family offered advice. Course they ignored me and Mom. We weren't the ones with the money." "If you ask me, I think you let them off easy." "Huh?" "I haven't seen you that upset before. I would have at least formed a fireball to show them how pissed I was. But you controlled yourself. You weren't even aware of it. You told them what you really thought and how you felt. No threats. No violence. No insults. Think about it. The ones that it didn't apply to stayed. I'm proud of you." "Tha-thank you. I love you. I'm lucky you're in my life." Shayla put a finger on his nose, "Damn straight." she said. Then kissed him. Which led to another ... and another ... and .... A few hours later they were sleeping in the bed rolls. Well Hiashi slept anyway. Shayla faked it long enough for him to drift off. He always did that; making sure she was asleep before allowing himself to. Except for nights like this. She tried tossing and turning, but nothing was comfortable. Still slumbering, Hiashi tried to cuddle. He did that most nights too and always after sex. He was never aware of this habit. Shayla wanted to keep it her little secret. She savored his embrace and the floor wasn't that hard anymore. She remembered a dream she had almost a year ago. It was a month before she found Hiashi. She was watching Makoto when he was in the Eye of God. He had fallen asleep and Shayla was too tired to drag him out. She sat in the hallway and fell asleep. She dreamed she was in a black room totally alone. There wasn't anything else there except her. She turned and found herself. Her future self by at least 10 years. She was looking up and shaking her fist saying, "Damn you Hi--" she paused noticing her younger self, "Husband! This is the last time I go to the Eye with you!" Shayla was speechless. All she could to was stare at her future self and point at her stomach. She was pregnant. "Yep." her future self said, "We're going to be a mother. This is our third one." "Thi-third? With who?" "With the man I married of course. We not the type to let anyone else in our bed are we?" " Of course not. Makoto?" younger Shayla asked hopefully. Older Shayla thought for a moment, "You know. People aren't suppose to know much about their future. But I'll say this. He's intelligent, caring, and the best husband, lover, and father we could hope for." she grinned slyly, "And he's from Earth. Oh, you will have to fight for him. But I think you already know that." Intelligent? Caring? Earth? It HAD to be Makoto! Future Shayla smirked and faded away, back to her time. Shayla woke up. The dream, like so many others, were forgotten except for a few fuzzy details. When she gloated to Nanami, she filled in the blanks with her own wishes and assumptions. It wasn't until her wedding night did she remember the whole dream and realize who she was told about. She turned over and looked at him. A smile spread across her lips. "My husband" she thought, "Those words are so different, so special. It's not like my dress or my Lamp or even my friends. He won't wear out like a dress. I don't have to give him to the next Priestess like my Lamp. He's more than just a friend. "What are you? Are you a possession? No more than I'm your possession. What are we to each other? Lovers? Mates? Friends? You've grown too important to me since we've met. We've disagreed, we argued, but we're still together, closer than ever before." "I won't give you up without a fight. I want you with me forever." she whispered not realizing it. Hiashi stirred a little. With half-open eyes he muttered, "Again?" in response to an assumed, unspoken request. His tone was both tired and hopeful. "Well..." she thought evilly, "I wasn't going to ask, but if you insist." Shayla didn't answer verbally, but with a kiss and proceeded to enjoy one of the perks of marriage.