Explanation: This fanfiction is a result of an El Hazard RPG(Some of the RPG players had requested that I compiled the story with some editing and this is the result) which I ran for half a year to speculate on what happened to the characters after the ending. It follows faithfully the ending of the 1st OAV where the credits clearly show what happens to the characters. I am following the story faithfully and writing as if Hayashi Hiroki had gone on to do a sequel after Makoto was reunited with Ifurita. (I believe in giving credit where due and I wish to stress that many of the ideas in the subsequent story were through my internet pals like Tundrawolf, madklown22,nightfall_19 Tokyorose_ca and chisatokenni. Disclaimer: El Hazard and its characters are the property of Pioneer, AIC and Hayashi Hiroki. El Hazard: The Magnificent Sequel Chapter One "Okay, see you tonight Ifurita. Remember we have a test to prepare for next week." Ifurita smiled at Makoto Mizuhara. The former demon goddess was wearing a yellow sweater and brown skirt as she looked up from her books. Her thoughts drifted to Makoto. Before she had met him, she had nothing. No one cared for her and she had no one to love in return. She had been used again and again as a weapon of mass destruction, single-handledly responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Makoto had broken down her chains of obedience to Katsuhiko Jinnai, that megalomaniac and had shown her what it was like to love someone and be loved in return. She had made the ultimate sacrifice for him, throwing herself into the Eye of God where she had been floating through time and space for 10,000 years. Makoto had miraculously crossed time and dimension after being in El Hazard for 1001 days and nights and now they were reunited happily on Earth. The first few weeks were tough at first but because of her superior technology which allowed her to memorize things easily, she had been accepted into Tokyo University where she was now a full scholarship student where she could be together with Makoto who was also now studying there. She rented a nice apartment not very far from there and she supplemented her income by giving private tuition to the high school students of Shinonome High, Makoto's alma mater. ************************************** (Back in El Hazard) Nahato was very ambitious. After the death of Galus at the hands of Ifurita, the administrative affairs of the Phantom Tribe was run by a Supreme Council mostly consisting of elderly men. Nahato often refered to them behind their backs as 'those senile old men." By careful and skillful political maneuvering, Nahato had actually made himself the one wielding power in the Phantom Tribe where he directly or indirectly influenced all decision-making in the Phantom Tribe. Nahato often spent days trying to think of ways to make their Roshtarian or Bugrom foes pay. He especially wondered how he could destroy the four Earthlings(actually there were now only three since Makoto had returned to Earth). Katsuhiko Jinnai was another manipulative and ambitious character. His dream was to have everyone in El Hazard acknowledge him as their lord and be slaves to him. His latest scheme actually seemed like it might work. Through the scientific expertise of some unlikely sources, he and a few Bugrom were now stationed on top of the Eye of God and he was threatening to destroy the capital, Florestica unless all the Roshtarians acknowledged him as their supreme ruler. **************************************** Groucho was anxiously trying to find out what he had seen before. He figured that he had discovered one of the Eye's higher-level functions, but the interruption of Jinnai made Groucho lose access to it. His antennae was waving erratically but he paid no notice. His senses were constantly reminding him that something was nearby and that something wasn't Katsuhiko's arrogant attitude. A beeping noise indicated that his search was over. The purple insect tried out a few directives. The whole ground beneath him rumbled as if the Eye might unseal any minute. *That's odd,* he thought *I could have sworn that I had sealed it before. Then what was that?* Another interruption suddenly forced itself into Groucho's thoughts. Confused, Groucho looked around him and saw Jinnai. "Groucho! What are you doing spinning your head around like an idiot?!? Get back to work??" He went back to his controls. The directives he typed in earlier were still running. Something was going on. He could hear machinery humming from the center of the Eye. He wondered what mess he had gotten himself into..... (Author's note:After some careful thought, I have decided to refer to the Bugrom by their dubbed names rather than their subbed names as they are more popular and easier to remember. Hence 'Groucho' instead of 'Katsuo'. I had often wondered what would happen if the Bugrom in the story had more character or in this case scientific expertise....) ************************************ At the border of Roshtaria, a village had been overrun and destroyed. Flames were licking the village and bodies were everywhere. The land was scorched dry. A village elder wailed, "It was never this bad in the past Roshtarian-Bugrom Wars." Giant insects were attacking the village mercilessly in their unending advance to the Roshtarian capital. But they were not the Bugrom. *********************************** At one of the libraries in the palace of Florestica Dr. Schetallabaugh and Afura Mann were busy looking at some old textbooks. "So why haven't we heard of the Doralye?" "Afura, the reason why we haven't heard from them is they only existed as urban legends. There is some vague documentation in ancient El-Hazardian history but over the years they have become accepted as myth. The truth is, they have been hibernating for over a thousand years and they have been awakened now. Heaven help us now." ************************************* The Bugrom throne was in shambles as the Bugrom prepared to evacuate their palace. They were under heavy siege by the Doralye insects. The Bugrom had lost a great battle and many had died in the battlefield. "Hush, my dear." Queen Diva spoke. "We may have lost the battle but we have not lost the war. Inari, you will be the new hope eventually to lead the Bugrom back to glory. If only your father was here this moment." She was cradling a baby girl. She looked almost human except she had the same insect-like features that her mother had. ****************************** Masamichi Fujisawa had walked into the library carrying a bottle of wine. He was now much older than he was when he first arrived in El Hazard but he still looked like he was in great shape. He was now a proud father of a two year-old boy, which he and Miz Mishtal adored dearly. He still loved to drink but he had cut down on his cigarette-smoking due to Miz's persistent nagging. Fujisawa walked over. "Say Dr., care to join me for some drinks?" "Sure, but what is your wife going to say....." They were interrupted by a commotion in the courtroom. "It's Diva!" One of the guards breathlessly rushed in. It appeared that Diva had somehow crashed in while escaping from her throne which was being ravaged. She was cradling a baby girl. Diva looked tired and had promptly collapsed. ************************************* A mystery hooded figure was arguing with Nahato about strategies. He was accompanied by a young-looking girl with short white hair. The figure argued that Nahato's strategies were too soft. After it became apparent that he was not getting anywhere with his arguement, he stormed out in the direction of the Florestica palace as the young girl followed him. ******************************************* Diva opened her eyes. She looked around and realized that she was in one of the bedrooms of the Florestican palace. Her baby was not with her. She started to panic. Then she realized that someone was besides her and doing more than just lying there. She snarled and bared her fangs and was about to sink them into Fatora's throat when Miz came in cradling her child. She pushed Fatora out of the way and grabbed the baby. She pointed out of the window in the direction of the Eye of God and started speaking. No one seemed to understand her and they were all babling incoherently. Diva realized suddenly that they didn't understand the Bugrom tongue and she didn't understand the Roshtarian language. To make matters worse, Londs had now entered the room with some palace guards and he looked rather menacing. Diva did the best thing she could think of. She opened the window and ran out into the garden. One of the Roshtarian flying machines were there. She operated it and started to fly in the direction of the Eye of God. 'I must show Lord Jinnai his child,' she thought. There was a commotion in the courtyard as several of the flying vehicles took off in the direction of Diva's vehicle. One of them contained Afura Mann, Shayla Shayla and Kauru Taurus; the three priestesses of Mount Muldoon. Fujisawa and his wife had also followed out of curiousity, leaving their son back in the palace in the care of a babysitter. In another vehicle, Nanami Jinnai, Alielle Relrye and her brother Palnus. Ura had also followed them out of curiousity. Rune Venus watched them from her window, wondering what was going to happen next. Outside the palace gates, a mysterious hooded figure watched the events unfolding before his eyes with keen interest. The young female with him merely looked around. Several members of the Phantom Tribe were with them and he beckoned them to get into a vehicle to transport them towards the Eye of God..... ***************************************** Diva had landed on the Eye of God and she was now approaching Katsuhiko Jinnai who had come out to meet her. Diva was a Queen but after everything that had happened, it was hard not to keep from crying. The words came tumbling out as she clutched his arm. "They swarmed the hive! Thousands of them! There was nothing we could do!" Diva gulped for breathe, then struggled on. "We thought them legend....the Doralye, the tribe that wakes every thousand years and devours everything! You were our only hope! I fled to find you but was captured by the Roshtarians, but I managed to escape! The gods have watched over us-over me and our daughter, Princess Inari-and brought us safe to you at last." The blanket fell back as she spoke, revealing an infant girl. Only the delicate antennae that hung from her head like long, teased hairs gave any indication of her mother's race; like Diva, she appeared to all intents and purposes human. The child regarded Katsuhiko Jinnai with dark, solemn eyes. And she could not know that her eyes, her high cheekbones, and her black, wavy hair...were all his... ********************************************** *It's amazing how swiftly events move once set into motion* Afura contemplated to herself as the ship roared into the sky in chase of Diva. *Diva, what a strange being you are. I wish I had a chance to talk to you. From a scholar's standpoint we really know nothing about your people....or bugs. i wonder what kind of secrets you could have told us....assuming that you would have cooperated of course* Afura reminded himself. *What kind of history do the Bugrom have, and what do they eat? Do they dance and have festivals, are there boy and girl bugrom?* Afura looked around. Shayla Shayla was pacing...a lot. back and forth and forth and back *This is driving me CRAZY! When on earth did it take so long to get to this damned eye of god* People. noises. bugrom. sound. color. *Something has been set into motion, and whatever it is, I've got to be prepared* Afura grimaced. *otherwise people will keep going ahead without me...yeesh always in a hurry* Afura then ran to catch up with the other priestesses who had already gotten off the ship. ***************************** Chaos. Confusion. When the Roshtarian vessels arrived on the Eye of God, Jinnai had immediately given an order to start attacking. The three priestesses counterattacked and Fujisawa started to get in the thick of things; kicking and punching in the air and sending Bugrom flying everywhere. Nobody seemed to notice another vessel landing as some Phantom Tribesmen got off. A mysterious hooded figure gestured to the female beside him...... It was Shayla Shayla who first noticed her. "Kalia? But I thought we destroyed......" Without thinking, she pushed her friends aside to avoid a ray of light coming from her. A sonic blast hit the controls that Groucho was working on.....