Disclaimer: El Hazard is the copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 14: Unknown The rooms were lit only with a few torches. It was part of an old, forgotten complex Kazusa found in his first search for his Lamp. Originally it was one of the libraries of the Elemental Church, carved from granite for protection. It was meant to save records from the ancient days for all time. Over the centuries it was built over then covered by landslides before its location was lost or considered destroyed. The books and scrolls along the walls were still perfectly preserved, waiting for someone to read them. The Grand Priestess was locked in one of the larger rooms, her Elemental Staff safely locked away on the other side of the complex. She still had enough of her powers to keep thirst and hunger at bay, for now anyway. In the hours since her capture and imprisonment she had begun researching the old laws, looking for any clues behind Kazusa's motive and exploring the Church's lost past. A small hovering device followed her as she moved through the rows of shelves. It was one of the ancient devices, a private reading light. "When this is over," she thought, "I must have the boy, Makoto, examine this. It's rather handy to have around." There was a short buzz over the barely working PA system. "I hope you are enjoying your stay, Grand Priestess. With luck it won't be long." Kazusa said. "You wish me to live? Then release me." she calmly responded. " Sorry, I can't do that. You see, you are here to provide motivation to Makoto and his bunch to return to me what is mine. If I let you go, they'd stop and I'd have to do it myself. Personally I'd rather spend time finalizing my own plans. Don't worry though, Afura has a high opinion of their capabilities and I've come to respect her intelligence and skill at observation. That's why you're here, to force them to do my bidding. Why let good talent go to waste?" he asked. "And if they give you the Lamp of Rock?" "Once I know there are no tricks, you will be freed. Provided you are still alive, of course. Believe it or not, I do have some respect for the Theocracy. It is a fine idea which, fortunately, was not implemented in my first life." "Then would you do a Grand Priestess the courtesy of explaining your purpose in doing all this so I may understand why I am here?" "Oh I get it. This is where the 'villain' reveals his plans so the 'good guys' can figure out a way to ruin them. With all due respect, Grand Priestess, that was old even in my own time. My plans shall remain private. But my motivation should be clear to you if you have been using your time wisely. I'm holding you in this room for a reason, you realize." The Grand Priestess smiled with slight amusement. She has indeed been using her time wisely, reading the ancient records from Kazusa's time. Back then the priests and priestesses of the Elemental Church did not have terms of service like today. Each year a council of the bishops of each element did a performance review of both the current and potential wielders to decide if the current wielder would retain that position or retire. The decision process weighed experience and behavior against the potential of new blood. Kazusa held his position for an unheard of 38 years, encompassing an multiple generations of Council of Rock members. For his first twelve years, Kazusa managed to keep his title, albeit by narrower margins with the past four. Then, as Bishops retired and replaced, his victories became greater until by year twenty it was unanimous. Since Kazusa did his job admirable, few complained. But in the last five years of service, he was getting sloppy. He started acting like he would hold position forever as if he owned it. Prominent clerics of his element turned up missing or suffered horrible accidents. He began developing uses for his Lamp which skirted with the limits of what the Church allowed. Rumors began circling about blackmail of the Council of Rock and worse. Since the members of the Council were effectively hermits, studying the ways of the Elements in private shrines and forbidding anyone from disturbing them, these rumors could not be confirmed or denied. Then, in his last year, a young girl who was recently accepted into the School of Rock made a shocking discovery. In an effort to get the jump on her classmates, she broke Church rules and visited one of the Bishops. She never meant to disturb him, only spend time with him to learn the ways of Rock. When she sat next to him, she sensed something in her trainer's lamp. At first she dismissed it since she just got the lamp. But when she noticed the Bishop was sitting too still, she reconsidered. The Bishop never blinked or breathed. The veins and arteries in his neck did not pulse in time to his heartbeat that wasn't there. She discovered he was a statue. Rock is strong, unveiling, unmovable, the physical manifestation of eternity, but when it is severely disturbed, it comes crashing down with such magnitude that all pause and take notice. News that Kazusa has been animating statues of Bishops to secure his power brought an instant reaction from the other Elements. Kazusa raged a one-man civil war against the Church. He used abilities previously unknown or forbidden to the Church. But thanks to the actions of groups like Izeria's heroes, he was eventually defeated. The record of his final battle reported that in his last words he vowed revenge and that he would regain his power and complete his work. But his notes were destroyed or hidden, the ultimate goal unknown. The following years were known as the First Reformation. The Church underwent massive change and reorganization. A unifying Theocracy was founded along with the position of Grand Priestess. Each wielder of a Lamp of Power had a fixed term which varied under only very unusual circumstances. Further records the Grand Priestess only skimmed because she was already familiar with that part of history. She did notice the role of men since Kazusa's demise sharply diminished. Some chose to retire early, fewer and fewer were elected to any positions of importance, until the last man left under ridicule feeling the final sting of Kazusa's actions. The Church history generally taught started with the First Reformation by renaming it The Beginning. Kazusa was effectively wiped from history and the Lamp of Rock was but a legend. The complete truth was known only to the Theocracy and the Grand Priestess. She sighed inwardly. In the past few years there was some talk within the Theocracy of letting men back into the Church, a proposal she supported. But there was heavy resistance. Those against did not want to break with a tradition established thousands of years ago. But even the firmest opponent conceded the initial expelling of men was unjustified. She finished by promising support if a man were to redeem his gender both in the eyes of the Church and the Eye of God. "Yes," she said after a pause, "I know why you're doing this. You want to regain your full power to complete whatever mad scheme you started all those centuries ago." "Mad? Why I'd hardly call ... you almost got me. Baiting me won't work. I told you my plans are private. So do not try to trick me into revealing them. There are other things I must do now. Do stay strong." he finished, shutting off the PA with a loud click. Kazusa left the Grand Priestess further examine his new base. It was tough, but he decided it would be best if he temporarily abandoned his Shrine. It was exposed now and it would only be a matter of time before it was discovered. His statue of himself stood proud near at the edge of the complex were the foundation was exposed. Each time Kazusa passed it, he made a quick inspection to insure it was exactly as he wanted it, an exact replica of himself when he was young and handsome. With each examination he found another thing which needed improvement, muscles enhanced, nose improved, an extra bit of height until it was more of an idealized version of himself than a true representation. Satisfied, for now, with his statue he proceeded up a staircase to the 'new' addition. Decades after his death the seeds for the Great Holy War was planted. This laboratory was used to create the basis for the Eye of God. After it was completed and the Eye used, the area was buried in a landslide caused by the destruction of a mountain range. Afura's knowledge of the Eye was limited. Kazusa briefly wished she possessed Shayla-Shayla instead. He examined some of the workstations and discovered they were still active, maintaining a link to the Eye. Originally it was meant to control the Eye, but during an enemy raid in the moments before the landslide it was abandoned. Its loss required the construction to the Stairway to the Sky. In the confusion generated by the raid, no one thought to turn everything off. The log file showing how and when the Eye was used was still on one screen. "So, that his how Hiashi came to El-Hazard. That boy can use the power of the Lamps. I cannot allow that to happen. I am the only one who may use the powers of the Lamp of Rock. It is mine." he muttered to himself accenting his thoughts by a single pound on the workstation. The ancient computers beeped for a moment and the menu detailing the last use of the Eye appeared. The three options under "Travelers" were Makoto, Ifurita, and Hiashi. Curious Kazusa selected Hiashi. Hiashi's profile and base statics such as height, weight appeared. Kazusa smiled as he read about Hiashi's range limitation. There was a reason behind his power, but Kazusa was unable to access it. Frustrated he instead chose "Recent, pre-Eye history" and the Eye looked out over time and space and relayed what it saw to Kazusa. Kazusa saw Hiashi's house that last night and witnessed the final, brutal exchange between father and son. "This might be useful. I wonder if I can bring that lout here. He doesn't look like he'd be that tough to control." Kazusa used the power of the Eye to track Hiashi's father, following him as he drove around and walked into the bar to meet with destiny. As he looked over the body and watch it get dragged away, Kazusa shook his head. "Now why did you have to go and do that? Not that I care, mind you. I do admit to a sense of poetic justice to your death." he said. Then inspiration hit. Hiashi might now be able to handle his father, especially with his new powers. But there were alternatives, other ways to get to him. He rolled the idea over in his mind growing more and more satisfied that it would do the job better than the real thing. A signal pulsed through his Lamp. It had arrived, a device he kept safe for thousands of years. It was the key to his plan. Built by the ancient El-Hazardians and later modified by Kazusa, it was an energy transference array. His modifications altered the kind of energy it moved. Originally meant for consolidating large battery cells of different types, it was now capable of transferring his soul and the power of his Lamp into one solid form. Without the limitations of a biological body or those imposed on the Lamp, his power would be unstoppable. He needed the true Lamp of Rock not only to prevent anyone from having more power than himself, but once an Elemental Lamp is rendered powerless, the training and any other lesser Lamps follow suit. When his plans succeed, no one at all will ever again control his element. But until then, the Earthers Hiashi and Makoto were a threat. Makoto was harmless unless he discovered Kazusa's machine. All he could do is control how it worked. He could not alter its function. Kazusa had already hardwired the device to his plans. It would be easier to keep to deceive than to destroy him. Hiashi was another matter. He could conceivably control or drain his Lamp, or anyone's Lamp. This potential ability to merge the effects of the other three Lamps made him far more dangerous than anyone else, he was the only rival to his power. Hours were spent testing, repairing, and improving his device with the technology which would later make the Eye of God. Testing proved to me more difficult than originally thought. He had no spare souls to use. Afura and the Grand Priestess were still needed, not that it mattered. A soul could only be transferred willingly. That half of the equation would have to go through a trial by fire. Testing the ability to transfer power from the Lamp of Wind and the lesser Lamp of Rock proved to be equally difficult, but for a different reason. There was no way to confirm the results without also sending a soul along. The instruments told him, the process worked perfectly. But those readings were only as good as the instruments. Kazusa has done all he could. A warning light flashed on one of the consoles. It was part of the security system. Someone was inside the Eye of God. He checked the screen. It was Rhyna. What was she doing here. Kazusa flicked on a microphone and spoke into it, "Well now Wind Priestess, are you here looking for answers?" "Afura ... Kazusa? Where are you? What are you doing here?" " That's my line. I'm not the one intruding in forbidden zones. What made you break your vow to the Theocracy?" "The Theocracy is filled with fools!" she shouted, "They don't know real talent when they see it. All they want are those who'll give them blind obedience and follow their stupid edicts." Kazusa grinned to himself. Maybe there was a way to test his device after all. "And what made you realize what I knew for centuries?" "They knew I was getting to powerful for them to handle. So they sent that stupid Hiashi to try and seduce me back under their control. They said to watch over him. What they really wanted was someone they could use to help maintain their power. But I saw through their deception and they sent that bitch Shayla to take him away. So I blasted him." "He's dead?" "Yes! He was already their pawn. When he learned how to use MY power, he was willing to cast me aside. No one does that to me! No one!" Rhyna said with a conviction only possible through self-deception and an inflated sense of self-importance. Kazusa knew it when he saw it. So Rhyna killed the greatest threat to his power by accident or out of jealousy and is now probably seeking protection by hiding in the Eye. Kazusa mused silently to himself, plotting on how to turn this to his own advantage. "We have both been unfairly punished by the Elemental Church. They feared our power, what we could do if allowed enough time to learn. Even Afura was intimidated by your superior skill and was able to surpass you only through sabotage. It is time for us to put aside our past misunderstandings and join forces. Come to me and together we will crush the Theocracy, then conquer El-Hazard itself!" "Crush the ...? How? I mean why?" "It is the only way. They seek to impede our growth, the way they slow down anyone who might be more powerful than themselves. We have the power given to us by destiny. A power the Theocracy was unable to use as well as us. They are jealous at our skill. We must strike first. Join me and I will give you the true Lamp of Wind as fate wanted you to have." That was all which needed to be said. Rhyna's eyes lit up and the possibility, no certainty, of gaining the power she's dreamed of for years. Kazusa directed her to a telephone-like device she could take as he told her how to get to their new base. The flight skirted past the shore where she saw two boats. "Kazusa." she said, still unsure if the device worked, "I think Makoto and his minions are going to the Isle of the Demon God. That must be where your Lamp is." Kazusa dug into Afura's memories to learn about the Demon Isle. It was called something else in his time. A remote island which weather and hidden rocks made a danger for regular ships to approach. If someone purposely hid his Lamp anywhere in El-Hazard, that would be a prime area. Yes, it was indeed useful to have an assistant, for now anyway. "Follow them from a safe distance. I will be with you shortly."