Disclaimer: El Hazard is the copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 13: Tomb of Izeria Before they could leave, Fujisawa and Londs reviewed the reports of Bugrom sightings in that area. They suspected Jinnai was also after the lamp. Londs had already sent scouts into the area. So far all have returned with no news. Meanwhile Hiashi and Shayla were trying to sort out something between them. "... All you need is three: flight, shield, and attack. There's no need for you to take the majority when you can borrow Miz's powers too." Shayla argued. "Oh and how often will she be with us? I don't want to presume too much, but if we're in this for the long haul, we're going to have to sort this out. I'm restricted to your Lamp's seven summonings. You can use those plus its other abilities. Look, it's your Lamp. You earned the right to use it. If you're dead set on allowing me three, I'll accept that. All I ask is a fourth for those times I get creative or in case of emergencies." Hiashi countered. Shayla was impressed with how they acted. Their first real argument and neither of them showed one iota of anger. "Maybe it really was meant to be." Shayla thought. They already agreed if the other knows how many summonings were available, they could take what they need. The only question now was how many one could use without the consent or knowledge of the other. Thus how many powers they can they assume to be able to channel. Initially, Shayla saw nothing wrong with the bare necessities. But Hiashi's reasons reminded her of how quickly he has adapted to his new powers. He's used them in ways she's never considered. He was right, a fourth portal would give him the raw materials for almost anything specular he could dream up. Shayla didn't like losing any less than she liked admitting she was wrong. Sharing her powers would take some getting use to, but considering how much more she might wind up sharing (especially if Fujisawa and Miz were any indication), it seemed like a good start. "Oh all right, four. But don't even think about taking anymore without my permission." she said, trying to make sure she had the last word. "Oooo Sister Shayla, there you are." came Alliele's voice from the darkness. She leaped out to give Shayla a big hug. Hiashi looked at the situation with amusement. Fujisawa told him what he knew about her after he got Riho. Later when talking with Makoto and Nanami, to catch up on events, he learned a bit more about her and Fatora. At first he suspected something, but as he listened to his friends he reconsidered. Nanami really didn't care for Alliele's ... affectionate ways towards other women. Knowing Shayla felt the same way kept him from feeling any jealously now. Besides, Alliele knew the others weren't "that way" so he thought that someone just needed to grow up a bit. But Fatora, he didn't like her at all. She was arrogant, rude, bossy, and used to having her way. Hiashi felt that how a person treats animals is a good indication of how they treated people. Considering how she treated Riho, well right now he really hoped this was an exception. Shayla tried pushing Alliele away, but the young girl's protests sounded a bit more desperate than before. Some of Alliele's comments made Hiashi blush. Shayla had enough and told Hiashi to help her. He took her by the shoulder and gently pulled. Alliele winced and tried to squirm away. As a reflex, Hiashi tightened his grip getting a fist full of her dress. Alliele struggled harder causing the dress to tear. She gasped and let go trying to cover up her shoulder and back which was now exposed. It was only visible for a second, but more than long enough for Hiashi to see what it hid. Bruises, black and ugly along with a multitude of small cuts and red skin which looked like it was either ground into by a stiff brush or hit with the other side, and probably both. Shayla didn't see, "Little imp. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not interested?" Alliele started crying. Shayla, thinking it was her fault, felt a little guilty. "I'm not trying to be mean. It's just that ... oh well I meant was that ..." "Shayla, maybe you'd better see how preparations are going." Hiashi said in an even tone. Shayla reluctantly left. "You saw didn't you?" Alliele said sadly. "Yes. Fatora?" "It was my fault. I try to do what she wants. But I can't seem to make her happy. Maybe I deserved it." she said sitting in the shadows. "Never say that. No one deserves to be treated like that. I know it hurts more than anything now, but if you let it go on, it will only get worse." "No! She'll get better. I know it! She only does this when she's really mad. It's only for a while." Alliele said more to convince herself than anyone. Hiashi took her hand gently. "No it won't. Believe me." Alliele pulled away, slightly indignant, "How would you know?" Hiashi took a deep breath. He was hard for him to do this, but he couldn't stand by and let another suffer like he did. "My father beat me for years, as long as I can remember. He did it for any reason he could think of, I wasn't showing the proper respect, I couldn't work as hard as he wanted, I was smarter than him, I wasn't as strong or as tough as he felt I should be, he thought I was talking about him behind his back. He wanted someone he could bully. I kept hoping it would 'get better' too. Wishful thinking, that's all it was. The day before I came to El-Hazard he murdered my mother because we were going to do what he should have done long ago and leave him. If I didn't catch that portal, he probably would have killed me too." "So Fatora's going to kill me too if I leave?" Alliele said terrified moving next to Hiashi. He tried to comfort her, "I can't lie to you, Alliele. She might try. The only way you can help yourself is to have the courage to tell others. You've done that. You're not alone, Alliele. I'll do what I can to protect you, and I'm sure the others will help." "Hiashi, I'll do anything you want. Just don't let her hurt me again." she said in desperation and obvious meaning. Hiashi knew just how far her fear of Fatora had driven her by how much she was willing to do for comfort or the hope of protection. There had been times he felt as desperate as her. If someone knew his secret, he might have said those same words. But unlike her, he gave up on his tormentor long ago. By falling into another world, he felt free of him forever. But poor Alliele, she still loved Fatora. Where could she go which would be out of a Princess's reach? He pitied her and felt his rage building against Fatora until it rivaled his anger towards Rhyna. He could deal with someone who nearly killed him due to carelessness, but this ... this! He looked straight into her eyes and said, "You don't have to do anything for me. I know what you're going through and I'll help you." "Thank you!" she cried into his chest. He let her continue for a moment, giving her the time to realize that it's over, that someone is helping her. "We have to tell Rune. She's the only one who can do anything permanently." he said gently. "No, I'm not ready. I can't face her just yet. What if she doesn't believe me?" "It has to be soon. In a few days those bruises will vanish. The only way to convince her is to show her the injuries." he heard Shayla call him, they were ready to go, "Come with us. Fujisawa Sensei can help you like he tried to help me. We'll just tell him and no one else until you're ready. Deal? Just lay off Shayla, OK?" Alliele seemed happy. She knew she could trust Fujisawa, that he would have helped her long ago if she hadn't avoided him. The future seemed brighter now. She found a friend who knew what she was going through and would help, a friend which helped her see that she had other friends who'd help just as much. "Thank you." she said again. Fujisawa reacted the way they expected. He was furious Fatora would do that, and mad at himself for not noticing. He had hoped such things didn't happen here, that this problem was just on Earth. He saw the injuries and agreed Rune was the only one who could do anything. "Who rules the rulers?" was the question he was asking himself. Unwilling to leave her at the palace alone, he brought Alliele along as a guide. Shayla, who still didn't know why she was here, began grumbling. She didn't want Alliele groping her again, but she wanted to walk with Hiashi. Problem was Alliele was walking with him, holding his hand for dear life. Shayla knew Alliele couldn't be turned that quickly, she also saw Alliele didn't look at him the same way she did. So if it wasn't romance, then what was it? Hiashi's and Shayla's eyes met and he waved her next to him. During a break, she caught him alone. "Hiashi, I'm trying not to be jealous, but what is up with you and Alliele? You know I'm not to fond of her. I don't understand." He took her hand his and kissed her cheek. "I pray you never do. She's promised to behave, so please walk with us. She needs all the friends she can get right now." Shayla was concerned about his first sentence, what was he trying to protect her from? What dark secret did they share? She accepted the rest of it and reluctantly agreed. True to her word, Alliele didn't try anything and she seemed a bit more happy and secure even though they knew Jinnai and his bugs could attack at any moment. The tomb was where Hiashi suspected, where he landed in El-Hazard. It turned out to be near where Makoto and Fujisawa landed too. Makoto was holding the map looking for a cave entrance. "Legend says the Tomb was lined with crystals from the Crystal Caves I don't suppose anyone can detect them?" "No, those crystals are not only for defense, but they are also proof against our scrying abilities." Miz said. "All the more reason to hope it has what we're looking for." Fuji encouraged. Then that purple penguin/killer-whale animal with the orange mohawk hobbled out across the clearing then bounded back into the brush. Riho started chasing it vanishing into the tall grass. Hiashi, Shayla, and Alliele started chasing after him. "Come on Riho. We don't have time for this!" Shayla-Shayla called out. She heard his yowl, but there was an echo and it sounded distant. "Heh, what's this?" "Help Riho. Riho trapped with glowing rocks." his voice came from a hole in the ground. "Sounds like he found the crystals. Sensei, a hand please!" Hiashi called. Fujisawa grabbed a shovel and began digging like a madman. He knew what happens when you go for a walk in the Crystal Caves. Fortunately since this wasn't the real cave, Riho was in no danger. In a matter of moments everyone was inside the underground corridor. "Woah, I think we're the first ones to see this in centuries." Makoto said. Fujisawa whistled and compared it to the early gothic cathedrals of Europe. "As if things weren't already spooky enough." Makoto commented. "What's the matter, don't like gargoyles and those vivid carvings of hell and divine punishment?" Fuji teased to lighten the mood. Makoto took a nervous step away, "Well, no not really." he stammered, "This reminds me of the time Nanami made me go down this dark path in some woods then tried to scare me with a mask." "How successful was she?" Hiashi asked. "Errr I think the tomb is down this way." Makoto said marching down into the darkness. Ifurita quickly caught up with him using the Power Key Staff for light. Shayla created her own light source and the rest followed. "Ms.Shayla, Mr.Hiashi, this place is really spooky." Alliele said holding their hands tighter. "It's all right. Nothing's down here but us." Hiashi said. "Oh I'm a bit more than nothing!" came Jinnai's voice from behind. "Oh great. I was wondering when that bastard would show up." Shayla grumbled. A look and a nod to Hiashi and they both turned around at the same time. Jinnai stood there in his new armor with some of his friends behind him. Hiashi noticed everyone else's attention was focused on Jinnai. While he would admit they've dealt with him longer, Hiashi doubted Jinnai would just stand there and let himself be a target. The light was very faint, but he could just make out the edge of the hole the Bugrom dug in the floor. Testing the hall floor he thought it felt a bit weak, as if he was standing in a second story room of an old house instead of solid stone. "Get back it's a trap!" he warned. His warning came just in time. Everyone managed to get back as the floor weakened and gave way to a pair of the larger Bugrom. Shayla was about to fireball them when Makoto warned about this being an enclosed are, "Stop! You'll fry us all!" he shouted. "Shit, well we'll just have to do it the hard way." she said doing a flying kick to send one of the Bugrom back into the hole. Unfortunately the hole wasn't that deep so they were able to jump back into the fight quickly. Fujisawa knocked another into the first as it came back up. Shayla was engaged in fighting two of them. Hiashi tried to think of a way to help. Miz's water blast was too dangerous for similar reasons. Water could easily wear away the aged stones and walls and cause a cave in. What he needed was something finer, like a laser. Laser: light, heat, fire! If he could concentrate hard enough and control his own flame .... He started by forming a small ball, feeding it while maintaining its size. He willed the light to stay confined and the ball darkened. Focusing, the light collected inside the ball, moving in a straight path. Bright spots started to appear on the globe where the beam reflected on the inside. Suddenly one of the Bugrom jumped in front of him. He reacted by unleashing his attack. The Bugrom was thrown back, almost colliding with Jinnai as it crackled with energy. Hiashi was already forming another ball. Ifurita got the idea and began using low-powered blasts to drive the Bugrom back as the rest retreated away from the tomb. "Shit, we're headed in the wrong direction." Fuji declared. "Any suggestions Royal Champion?" returned Shayla. "How about this, hit them hard and hit them fast." Miz said using focused waves of water to send the Bugrom back into their hole then flush them away. "Effective." Fuji complimented. "Now the floor might be too weak to support us." Makoto said. "Oops." "Shayla, Hiashi, Ifurita, you can fly. Stop Jinnai." Makoto said. The three nodded and left as the others tried to figure out how to cross the hole and follow them without falling through into a bunch of angry wet Bugrom. Meanwhile Jinnai was carried into the tomb by his followers. It was a good sized room using crystals from the caves as floor, ceiling, and walls. They give off an eerie glow which was barely enough to illuminate the tomb. Passages along the walls led to other rooms detailing their adventures and displaying the many trophies they've earned. Seven shrines, six for the heroes and one for the group and patron goddess Izeria, were decorated with treasures and items too celebrate their heroics. "Humph, bunch of worthless trinkets. Let's just find my Lamp and get out of here." Jinnai said jumping from his platform. Jinnai started looking at some of the graves trying to figure out which one would have the Lamp of Rock. Of course it would have helped if he knew what it looked like. His first glance revealed nothing. The primary decoration of each shrine was the hero's weapon. Age had not dulled the blades of the swords, axes, and daggers. Nor had it tarnished the decorated armor, weapons, and other treasures. Jinnai noticed one of the swords looked strangely like an ancient Egyptian khopesh. He dismissed it as coincidence. Then he started checking for unusual accessories. The Lamp of Fire and Wind stuck out like a sore thumb on Shayla and Afura, so too could the Lamp of Rock. He started tossing objects around carelessly figuring the Lamp of Rock would make itself be known once he touched it. As he moved from shrine to shrine without success, an unnatural breeze started blowing. Between the third and fourth shrine, he began to notice. "Hey Groucho, find that draft and plug it!" he shouted. Then he saw the faces forming in the mist. Their features were indistinct and flowed in and out of existence as they spoke as one, "What evil dares penetrate the Tomb of Izeria's Heroes and disturbs our rest? Tremble before us skellum and explain your actions!" Jinnai acted indignant and stood defiantly, "It'll take a lot more than you shifting specters to scare me! I am looking for the Lamp of Rock which is destined to be mine. So you spooks better tell me where it is or else." "Or else what Jinnai?" Hiashi asked from the door. The spirits looked at Hiashi as if they somehow recognized him before dissipating. Jinnai looked back and forth between Hiashi and where the spirits used to be. "Well I see you decided to change sides. I knew you'd come around. Busting those ghosts was merely your way of saying sorry for getting me impeached. Well you'll have to do a bit more than that for my forgiveness. But it's a good start." Hiashi rolled his eyes, "I don't know where you get your delusions. I mean what made you think that such a powerful item will just by lying around protected only by ghosts? No trials of worthiness or feats of courage. Were you really under the impression that you could just get Larry, Moe, and Curly to dig you a tunnel so you could just take it?" Jinnai's expression revealed that's just what he thought. Stuttering for a moment he followed with, "Well I'm not the one who challenged me alone." "He's not alone, loser!" Shayla cried torching a few bugs as she jumped from one of the passages. Jinnai panicked and tried running down another passage, only to fly out a second later courtesy of Ifurita's fist. His stooges came to his aid, "Goop them! Goop them all!" Hiashi was the first hit, having no real combat skills, and was knocked down into a corner. Fortunately, it had no effect as he returned fire. "Harpo, Groucho! Go after Shayla. The rest of you switch to secondary ammunition." Jinnai commanded. "Secondary ammunition?" Shayla wondered using a shrine for cover. "Shayla watch out! If that goop hits you, we're both cooked." Hiashi called as he tried to get up. The problem was while the goop didn't prevent him from using his powers, it was rather slippery. He tried moving away from the approaching pair of Bugrom, but just wound up making a bigger mess. What few laser shots he could manage were pitiably aimed, only knocking more of Izeria's Heroes' artifacts from their places. The Bugrom fired at point blank range covering him in a blue sticky mess. He struggled, but it only made things worse. The best he managed to do was keep half his face uncovered. He felt like he was trapped in a freshly chewed wad of gum stuck under the seats of a movie theater. Shayla screamed his name and threw a flying kick to the two Bugrom, sending them into the hallway. During that moment of distraction, she was struck in the back by Harpo and Groucho. Rendered powerless and stunned, the first two shoved Shayla into Hiashi's blob and reapplied their sticky liquid. Ifurita was not fairing much better. Her force shield protected her from the Bugrom attacks, but that was all. She was unable to learn from physical attacks like energy ones. Attempting to return a shot would mean dropping her shield and creating an opportunity. Her mind reached out to Makoto, hoping he might have a solution. "Try condensing your force field around your body, then attack physically." he mindspoke. The idea worked. The normally bubble-like shield retracted to more of an aura while maintaining effectiveness. When she destroyed their guns, the blue glue exploded, entrapping them. Desperate Jinnai grabbed a fallen glue gun and pointed it at Shayla and Hiashi. "Hey, Demon Bitch! Surrender now or I'll suffocate your friends." he threatened. Shayla and Hiashi were unaware of the threat. Both were concentrating on staying alive. Shayla was barely strong enough to move slightly, but dared not. Her head was almost fastened, looking at Hiashi's one uncovered nostril. She could feel his breath against her cheek as he tried to keep breathing. Only part of his left had remained unstuck. Above his head Shayla saw a large pool of glue, still uncongealed, threatening to cover his face at the slightest disturbance. "We should have stayed in bed." she thought. Ifurita was forced to stop her fighting. The remaining Bugrom surrounded her. "You know," Jinnai said, "It just occurred to me that you might know which one of these trinkets the Lamp of Rock is." "Forget it. Even if I knew, I would never tell you." Ifurita returned. She sent a mental message to Makoto to hurry. Contracting her forcefield and the fighting were draining her powers faster than expected. Shortly she would have to turn it off. "Oh are you still mad I made you blow up a few cities? Well it's a drop in the bucket if you don't cooperate! Tell me!" "What you seek is not here." the ghostly voices spoke. This time their features were more distinct. Each of the Heroes looked at Jinnai with angry eyes. The Bugrom left Ifurita alone to cower around their leader. Jinnai tried to grab the khopesh but protective sparks forced his hand back. The voices continued, "You have brought evil and destruction to our final resting place. We, who have served El-Hazard for years, are angered by your presence." One of the Heroes separated from the others. It was the one who protected the khopesh. Jinnai noticed the hawkish nose and other facial features reminding him of ... "My God, you you're from Earth too." he stammered. The Hero smiled slightly, only slightly. "Yes, I am ashamed to admit we are from the same heavenly orb. Don't look so surprised Evil One, you have the stench of Earth all around you. Tell me, have our people matured in the thousands of years since I have left?" Another Hero spoke, "Old friend, do you mean that you and this one hail from the same land?" "I fear so, but our place and time of origin are separated by almost as many miles as years. His land is as alien to me as El-Hazard was when I first arrived on its sun-blessed shores." "And the others? I sense the trapped woman carries the Lamp of Fire, but it had been changed. I can tell almost nothing of the other woman except she is stuck halfway between machine and flesh." The Hero from Earth floated to the blue mass. "Yeah yeah, he's from Earth too. Damn fool deposed me." Jinnai said equally relieved and insulted the Heroes' focus had been taken away from him. "Old friend, I know you are loathe to admit it, you are from the same world as these two. You have the clearest vision into their souls. The intent of this one is clear even to the blind. What of the other?" a third Hero spoke. "I sense a past filled with pain and a present of hope. He has the nobility, courage, and motivation to strive for an imagined need for redemption. Such a need will move him to help others and improve himself. In fact he already has preformed good deeds and has continued to do so even though one act later nearly caused his death. This one has the potential to bring back what was lost. Others approach. You two, do not tell him any of what I have said. The best way to shatter his destiny is to let him become aware of it." the spirit said fading from view. The other Heroes followed suit finally vanishing as Fujisawa, Makoto, and Alliele charged in. "Where's Jinnai?" Makoto asked. Jinnai and his troop managed to slip out one of the side passages as the Earth Hero spoke. If the other Heroes were aware of his escape, they did not acknowledge it. He spotted Shayla and Hiashi trapped and started to run to help them, but Ifurita held him back. "If you try to free them, you'll only become stuck too." she warned. "How do we get them out?" asked Fuji. "I do not know. I have never encountered something like this before so my program cannot derive a way to undo it." Ifurita answered. "But we have to do something." "Yeah, and would you mind hurrying it up before this glop drowns us?" Shayla yelled. Suddenly Fuji took on the look of instant inspiration. He took the khopesh (Ifurita noted there were no protective wards this time) and used the point to cut away the glue. The ooze melted away at the touch of the ancient sword, forming a harmless puddle at Fujisawa's feet. Shayla was freed first as Miz entered. She had been busy flushing out the tunnels to prevent Jinnai's return and catching sediment to repair the damage to the Tomb. The melting glue took the power-neutralizing goop with it. Shayla recovered as Hiashi was also freed. He was barely conscious from lack of fresh air. But managed to ask Fujisawa what made him think of using the sword. "I don't know. I didn't even know it existed until I had that idea." "Perhaps that Earth ghost told you?" Ifurita suggested. "What Earth ghost?" everyone else asked in near unison. "Well he said he was from Earth long ago and a long way from ... Japan." Shayla tried to remember the word, "Apparently he was one of Izeria's Heroes." "Ancient Egypt, early Bronze age if these hieroglyphics are right." Fujisawa said taking a good look at the sword. "Can you translate?" Makoto asked. "Not even the Rosetta Stone can help. It's too old. I can't even guess at what they mean." "I thought I heard him speak, but I couldn't hear anything clearly. What did he say?" Hiashi asked. Shayla and Ifurita looked at the Earth Hero's shrine, then at each other. "Well he told Jinnai that he was from Earth too and that the Lamp of Rock was not here. He also said what we all know, that you're a great guy with a big heart." Shayla said finishing by swinging one arm around his shoulders and playfully grinding her fist into his side to change the subject. "So we still don't know where the Lamp is. Guess this trip was a washout." Alliele said hunched over in the corner. "There still might be a clue here." Makoto encouraged. "Well first we'd better clean up. If only out of professional courtesy. Right 'Royal Champion'?" Hiashi said. "Errrr yeah. I wasn't planning on keeping it." Fujisawa called out in case the Earth Hero was listening. The next hour was spent trying to put things back in order. These six heroes saved El-Hazard many times and deserved to be treated with respect. Surprisingly despite the mess Jinnai and the fight left, it was easy to return the items to their proper spot. Makoto suspected the ghosts were telepathically telling them which treasures went where. Considering their current problems with Kazusa, it was not a comforting thought. The looked over the job they did in a silent remembrance of the deeds done long ago. "I do not wish to disturb them any more than necessary, but we need to find where they hid the Lamp of Rock." Miz said breaking the silence. "I don't think they want to tell us. It was Kazusa they were hiding it from. Why, after all this time, would they want to let him get it back?" Makoto said. "But if we can't find it, the Grand Priestess is doomed." she said. A slight breeze blew across them to the center shrine. The images on its face looked like the were shifting, altering themselves. "It's a map." Makoto said. He immediately got down on one knee and began copying it but Ifurita put her hand on his shoulder. "There is no need for that. I recognize where the map leads. The Demon Isle, the place where I was entombed."