Disclaimer: El Hazard is the copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 12: Royal Palace Shayla was running blindly, trying to find some place where she could be alone. She found a small corner in some forgotten room to sit in and began cursing Rhyna, Hiashi, and herself over what happened. Rhyna for taking him, Hiashi for going, and herself for not trying harder to keep him. Shayla wished she hadn't lost her bearings, otherwise she'd head straight for the wine cellar and drown her sorrows in alcohol. The thought was entertained for a moment then dismissed as Fujisawa's brief encounter with Hiashi's father was recalled. The realization hit her, nothing can be solved by just getting drunk. She had to find some way to fix her problems for the better. But she didn't know how. She burning her face in her hands, drew her knees against her chest and began sobbing in confusion. At least she was confronting the problem. It was a start. Outside Rhyna's lesson reminded Hiashi of one of his school classes where the subject was insultingly simple, but the sensei found it fascinating enough to go into depth about each and every aspect. When it came right down to it, wind was basically movement. Pressure and currents were key aspects, true, but it was still just moving air. Rhyna's attempts to impress him seemed nothing more than parlor tricks. Each power just a variation on a theme. Though he had to admit, using the wind to carry a verbal message was a neat trick, but to someone who grew up with radio, television, and e-mail it was still just a trick. His mind wandered to other uses. Even without watching the real Afura in battle, he had conceived the concept of her Badger's Slash and was contemplating its reverse, the wind forcing itself into a small area confined by a rigid container. The container would expand and then explode from the pressure like a balloon left on the helium tank too long. Of course he also realized it was another use for the wind's main theme of psychokinesis, save here the force radiated from a central point and expanded outwards. Then he wondered whether water would work better. It resisted being compacted far better than air. By the same token fire would be better too? The thought of a fireball exploding inside a target sounded cool. Hiashi wondered if Shayla ever tried it. Rhyna was shouting for him to pay attention again. What now? Oh joy, the wind can also exploit the natural fissures in a rock to cause it to shatter. Either Rhyna was completely in awe about all the obvious things wind can do, or she thought he was stupid enough to need teaching in every area. Neither thought was very comforting. Suddenly the question popped in his mind. Where did it come from? It was clear to him that the wind came from the Lamp which moved the air molecules, but did it actually create the air? Probably not, but what about water? When Miz used her powers, was water created or brought in from another source? The former violated everything he was taught about science, but the latter raised the issue about where it came from. Perhaps in addition to controlling its element, it also opened a portal to a place where its element was common to provide the basic materials for the wielder's powers. Maybe it wasn't a place in El-Hazard. Instead it could be another plane like the fabled elemental planes of Earth. Was his power the ability to duplicate the Lamp's ability to move and manipulate these meta-elemental forces? Not exactly. If it were, why the range limitation? Then it dawned on him. Afura was right, he did steal their powers. Instead of controlling the elements, he had the ability to use whatever mechanism the Lamps used to summon the elements and redirect it to his will. He remembered all the times he used his power. Never to manipulate existing elements, only things doable by summoning fresh ones and controlling them. If that were the case, the Lamps must be more powerful than he suspected, if the had enough juice to power multiple portals then maybe his arrival was a matter of destiny like Makoto. Probably not. Hiashi's ego wasn't so big as to think these ancient powers were designed with someone from the far future taken into account. He toyed with the wind, making a ball of swirling wind as he tried to analyze how it felt and further contemplated. Yes, he could sense the wind coming from an invisible portal. He could trace two silvery cords from his hands to Rhyna's Lamp. One must have been for his flight, the other for the wind ball. "Hey Hiashi, keep watching. A well trained priestess can do up to six powers at once. Watch!" Rhyna shouted in pleasure of showing off, counting the individual aspects, "One, flight. Two, shield. Three whirlwind. Four, psychokinesis, Five, detect wind currents. Six...six...Dammit, I said SIX!!" Hiashi briefly wondered why Rhyna had problems. She wasn't one to boast about something she couldn't do easily. Working on his theory that he stole some of the available power from a Lamp, its ability to make multiple portals, he dispelled his own mini-tornado he created. Rhyna was still trying, focusing on Hiashi, watching for even a hint of laughter or disapproval. He must have been making her nervous. She had to do it. She had to show him how powerful she was, but the energy for the last power wasn't there. When Hiashi's expression changed when he realized his power might be blocking her's, she took it to mean the very thing she hated, that he felt she failed as he expected. Well too bad. She'll do it just go prove him wrong. No one does that to her! "SIX, POWER BLAST!!" Rhyna cried out in frustration and determination. The sixth power manifested itself suddenly, the instant Hiashi dropped the ball. Since it was Hiashi who she was focusing on, it was Hiashi who was the target. The blue-white bolt shot from her body straight into Hiashi's chest. The first time he was struck with raw elemental power it was when he was injured and needed the energy for healing. This time it was like overcharging a battery. Power crackled around him as he unleashed an almost inhuman scream as he fell from the sky. They were already some fifty in the air above an empty courtyard. Maybe Rhyna was feeling too satisfied that she was finally able to do it. Or maybe her anger at the though of Hiashi laughing at her difficulties clouded her vision. But in any case she didn't notice what happened until it was too late. Hiashi was thrown into a wall then crumpled down into the shrubbery below. The thunder of his impact caught Rhyna's attention, and that of Londs who was watching the whole thing. "Dear gods, what have you done woman?!" he shouted as he raced to Hiashi. "Me? It wasn't my fault. Wasn't my fault." she whimpered, trying to deny what happened. Failing that she began to convince herself that it really wasn't her fault, that something about his powers that caused this. Hiashi's breathing was shallow and labored. He was lucky, if you could call it that, that he landed face up and spread eagle, minimizing the dangers of moving him. Londs did a quick check then gave a hard look at Rhyna, "Well don't just float there, get help! This boy is dying thanks to your carelessness!" Meanwhile still in that forgotten corner Shayla was trying to pull herself together. She still couldn't say, even to herself, how she felt about Hiashi no matter how clear it was to her. Couldn't he see how she felt? Didn't he feel the same way? She had to ask him these questions, but only after she could come to terms with her feelings. She noticed something nudging her let. Lifting her tear- streaked face, she saw Riho trying to comfort her. "Hey there boy, come to see me?" she whispered reaching out to scratch his head. Riho accepted the gesture and asked for more. "Where's your master?" she asked. She had to do it. To tell him everything. She couldn't torture herself with this uncharacteristic doubt anymore. "With wind lady." he said and her spirits sank, "He bored. Want to leave. Riho no like her either." Shayla's spirits rose again. "Well then, we'll just have to get him." she said standing. She found a pool of water used as a reservoir for the outside fountains and wiped her face free of tears. As she was headed up the stairs to the outside she heard the impact. Part of her knew what it was and she ran as fast as she could outside. By the time she reached him, the healers were already there, preparing him to be moved to a stretcher. "How is he? What happened?" she asked Londs. "He's been badly injured. The healers should be able to tell us more soon. Rhyna was showing off and struck him with an energy attack by accident when her latest stunt backfired. I thought his power would absorb it..." Londs trailed off as the healers moved him to a more comfortable place. Shayla went with them, watching Hiashi's chest as it slowly moved up and down in time to his ragged breaths. She suspected the answer to Londs' question. His absorption power must only work when he's hurt. She wanted to use her own power to help him now, but worried that his absorption, already overwhelmed, would not be able to handle it. She tried to comfort him, holding his hand, telling him it would be all right. Hoarsely and with great effort and pain he whispered her name. "That's it. Come on Hiashi, you're going to make it." Shayla said, hoping her words were true. Makoto announced they were finished when they got the news. Rhyna was nowhere to be found. She left after Londs told her to get help. Miz was furious. Rhyna was a disgrace to the Sisterhood. Whatever test the Grand Priestess meant for this to be, Rhyna failed miserably. Now someone else might die because of that. The prognoses was not good. Hiashi had quite a few broken bones, many more were fractured. His whole body showed signs of burns and electrical shock from the overloading of his absorption ability. Plus he had massive internal bleeding. "The critical point is coming soon. We have done all we can considering his allergy. I'm glad he had warned after the first time we treated him. But I doubt if it will do much good. If he can survive the next few minutes, then I'd say he's got, at most, a very slim chance." the lead healer told everyone outside his room. Shayla couldn't take anymore. She forced her way into the room screaming. "Nooooo! Don't die." she threw herself on his chest, tears flowed freely again. She didn't care if everyone saw her, she had to say it, "Please don't die. Hiashi, I ... I love you." she finished in a whisper. Her Lamp began to glow softly with energy. Miz saw it and realized what was happening. She closed the door so Shayla could say what she had to say in private. Shayla didn't notice as she continued, "I'm sorry I couldn't say it before. Maybe if I did, none of this would have happened. I wanted to tell you last night, but everything got screwed up. Thank God Riho helped convince me to go to the courtyard in time for me to tell you. Heh, it seems so easy now. I love you." The glow became brighter and a faint hum grew audible. Shayla-Shayla became aware of it and looked. Her red-blue elemental powers flowed from her Lamp into Hiashi's body like water. She could feel his ribs knit and adjust themselves into their proper place. His breathing became easier. The ugly red scorch marks and bruises on his skin faded away. Slowly his hand came up and stroked her scarlet tresses. His lips turned into a smile as his strength steadily returned. "Shayla...you mean it?" he said weakly. She took his hand in hers and moved up to whisper in his ear as she hugged him, "Of course I mean it, Dummy. I love you. Forever." He managed to return the embrace, literally drawing strength from it. "I love you too, Shayla." he said the second word as if it was for the first time in his life. The glow around Shayla's Lamp grew brighter as energy flowed freely from the Lamp, restoring Hiashi's health as his power returned the damaging energy from Rhyna's blast and even remnants of Afura's attempt at execution. Shayla and Hiashi weren't paying attention though. All they cared about was that they finally recognized what they had between each other. "Well looks like all he needed was some TLC." Fuji, who also recognized the glow, commented. "I don't get it, why would Shayla's Lamp work when Rhyna's overloaded that ability?" Makoto asked. "Makoto ...," Miz said, "just accept it." Fuji fidgeted for a moment. He was still thinking in terms of a sensei, nervous about one of his male students alone with a woman. Cautiously he knocked then slowly opened the door. He knew he was courting death. Shayla probably wouldn't like this interruption and if his wife was right, Hiashi would be back to normal. Fortunately they were ending their embrace knowing it wasn't the time or place for anything more. To break the silence, Fuji asked how he was doing. "Better than ever. I've figured out a few things about my powers." he answered. Everyone else came in as Hiashi explained his theory about using the Lamp's powers to create up to seven portals to their elemental plane. "Wait, if it's seven, they why did Rhyna stop on six and not five?" Londs asked. "Because number five used the other aspect of the Lamp, elemental manipulation, which I have no control over. She would have had problems with her fifth summoning regardless of what it was or in what order she did it." he explained. "So if you can monopolize Kazusa's summoning power, he'll be weaker." Fuji suggested. "Sorry, Sensei," Makoto said, "He seems to prefer to manipulate existing rock than summon more. He might not even notice." "Which reminds me, if the Lamps can create portals to draw out their element; can the also create a reverse portal to draw it back in?" The two remaining priestesses looked at each other in surprise. "I don't know. No one has ever tried. Who knows what the effects will be. Makoto does have a point. I did some of my own research last night with the books we brought back." Miz said, "Back in Kazusa's time, the Elemental church was not all that powerful. All the established techniques involved, as Makoto and Hiashi put it, elemental manipulation and not summoning. It wasn't until centuries after the Lamp of Rock was lost, with the construction of the Eye was the Priestesshood as it is today." "I take it there's a connection." Hiashi said. Miz nodded, "One passage states '... and the Fire Lamp was given the power of seven suns, the Wind of seven gales, and Water, seven tsunamis. Then the Elemental Staff,' the staff of the Grand Priestess, 'received the same blessing from the Eye of God. From then on, the keepers of the three Lamps shall be the only ones capable of opening the Eye.' The passage then goes on about the Shadow Nation as we already know. Interestingly enough, this passage was written shortly before the edict against outsiders using the Lamps was issued." "So he's right. The Eye and our Lamps do open portals to other dimensions." Shayla said. "Except for the Lamp of Rock. I have no power over that." Hiashi said sadly. "So he's after you for nothing?" Makoto said in shock. "But what about those times when you detected Kazusa?" Nanami asked. "I just detected the Wind Lamp underground. Nothing more. So what do we do now?" "You aren't doing anything. Do you think you can just court death again and again?" Fujisawa said. "Well isn't that your job?" Hiashi returned. "You're right, it is my job. Not yours." "With Rhyna thankfully gone, you're shorthanded. I'm going." "The only way I'm going is if he goes. I'm not letting him out of my sights again." Shayla stated, the second sentence was more of a whisper. "Machimichi, they're right. We'll need his powers." Miz said. "Well ya said you found the tomb. Where is it?" Nanami asked. "Wait one second child. You're staying here. The tomb is nearby. You have no business going." Fujisawa said, determined not to loose this argument. Nanami accepted his decision and left the room, head hung low. Riho nervously walked inside and jumped next to Hiashi. "Riho bad. Did not protect you again." he said ashamed. Hiashi scratched his head, "No you're not bad. Shayla told me how you helped her go to the courtyard in time. You protected what's more important than my life, my heart." Riho looked happy again and wrapped around Hiashi as he got up. Shayla was the last to leave. She looked out the window to the sky and asked silently, "Rhyna, where the hell are you now you bitch? I'm going to pay you back for what you did to him."