Disclaimer: El Hazard is the copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 10: Floristica Palace Grounds Almost no one spoke during the return trip. Rhyna tried to sit between Hiashi and Shayla and start a conversation, asking him about his home and school. The questions inadvertently brought up bad memories of Father. He answered in monotone phrases as short as possible. But she keep asking for more details, acting very interested in Hiashi's life. Shayla was at first angry and jealous, of course. But as she heard Hiashi's tone and saw his expression, she became more concerned than jealous. After a while it became clear Hiashi was just answering to be polite and Rhyna was not going to take the hint and shut up. Shayla interrupted, "Rhyna, what did the Grand Priestess have to say about Kazusa before you went to the Shrine?" "Oh," she said casually, "that he was a former priest who turned to evil long ago, stole the Lamp of Rock, and possessed Afura" "So if you know that Afura is possessed, then why do you keep saying they are working together? Possession in this sense meant that he took control by force of will." "You haven't been there in the School of Wind. She was obsessed with learning about control and power. Power for it's own sake. At night I'd watch her read over books. During the day she'd show off during the lessons, demonstrating just how much control over the wind she had." "And for that you think she allowed herself to become possessed." Shayla countered. "It's just an act. As soon as she learned all she can from him, she'll just cast him aside. She'd do anything for more power and this is the best way for her since she became the High Priestess!" Makoto whispered to Fuji, "Sounds like she's a bit jealous." Fuji nodded and said, "Makoto, do you know where that tomb is? Maybe we can go straight there." "I wish I did. But I'll have to go over some more records to be sure of its exact location. If we're lucky, we'll be ready well before nightfall." They weren't. Maps from centuries ago were very outdated. Forests, hills, streams, all natural landmarks had been changed one way for another. Structures fell. Cities died out, changed their name, or became absorbed into a larger neighbor, to make tracking names unreliable. Dr.Schtalubaugh and Fujisawa joining him when he realized just how big of a project this was. Even with their expertise, they would be working will into the night. Hiashi was spending the evening playing with Riho, trying to relive the good times on Earth or maybe creating happy memories in El-Hazard. Regardless, Riho loved the attention. It was part of his nature to protect his master, but Hiashi wanted more than that. He wanted Riho to stay with him because Riho wanted to, not because of duty or instinct. In the courtyard, luminated by a few lanterns and the setting sun Rhyna was pacing back and forth under Hiashi's tower window. The tower itself was originally dedicated to the Earth heroes, but had seen little use. Fuji stayed in it until he got married and moved to the official Royal Champion's quarters. Nanami was given a room, but barely used it in favor of her apartment above her restaurant. She surrendered it to Hiashi the night he arrived. More often than not, Makoto slept in the Eye of God or the Library (by accident) using his own quarters when half-dragged by Shayla or someone else for the sake of his own health. Now that Ifurita was back, he was getting reacquainted with his assigned floor. Hiashi was two floors above him (the intervening floor was for storage) and basically took over the rest of the tower. 'Took over' was a bit strong since he didn't yet have any possessions to put in the remaining three floors. Spare furniture from that and other towers took up most of the space. He had yet to look all of it over. Riho seemed to like it for the hour or so they played hide and seek. The extra space gave him comfort. The silence reminded him Father was gone from his life. Rhyna, meanwhile, was going over what she was going to say to Hiashi. The Grand Priestess told her about Hiashi's ability and limitation. There was something about the Earther she liked. He had power and control, but wasn't obsessed with it. He had the courage to risk his life her never implied a reward. Best of all, he was someone Afura didn't have. She entertained the thought of attacking Afura/Kazusa with Hiashi at her side. She provided the power, he the skill and Kazusa would be forced from Afura's body. Once free either she'd admit her plans or bow before Rhyna admitting she was the better priestess and abdicate her position. Finally she'd get the things she deserved, the promotion, the prestige, and the boyfriend. After all he was helpless without a priestess nearby. It was like how Makoto depended on Ifurita. Without her or his friends, that Jinnai character would have killed him by now. Hiashi would see the logic of sticking with a priestess and Rhyna was the perfect match. It was so good, the gods must be smiling on her. Just then a voice from the shadows said, "So who are you stalking tonight?" It was Shayla. She had been busy too. She spoke with the representative of the Elemental School about Rhyna. Normally a priestess's history at the school was classified. But since Shayla was the only active priestess and Rhyna would most likely be the next Wind Priestess she was able to look over Rhyna's file. She remembered her conversation with the representative. It didn't go smoothly and several times she nearly lost her temper. Then she remembered what Hiashi said about control and saw what constantly losing your temper does to others, especially the ones you're suppose to love. She took a breath and calmly explained that if Rhyna was going to be the next High Priestess, it would behoove Shayla that she know more about her. The file had been interesting reading. Contrary to Rhyna's claims, she did not loose becoming the High Priestess due to Afura's superior skills. Afura's abilities just made it easier to explain why she lost, it became an excuse for Rhyna. Rhyna had a natural affinity to wind and had more innate ability for wind magic than Afura. In fact when it came to raw power, Rhyna was better. She just lacked the self control needed to get ahead. When she read that part, Shayla felt a twinge of sympathy for her. While her personality fit that of the School of Fire, her natural ability was with wind. It was like how someone was skilled with a sword, but pathetic with a bow. Shayla also learned Rhyna had a bit of megalomania. When they were learning administrative skills for when they were at their own shrine or temple, Rhyna was noted for being a bit bossy. If she failed a test or made any kind of mistake, it was always someone else's fault. Even for the tiniest mix-up, she found some excuse. She only took responsibility when she felt it would make her look more mature and wiser to her instructors. Too bad she wasn't a better actress or she might have pulled it off. Shayla might have had a temper and blamed others when she really messed up, but that was only when it really happened and was done intentionally. Early in her training, she was the butt of several jokes because the others knew that she'd respond. Her instructors knew that. It might not have taken much to provoke her, but at least she admitted when she made a mistake. The last part of the file recommended putting her in a secondary position until she learns some responsibility. The Grand Priestess was hoping the current crisis would do the job. Shayla had doubts. Not that the Grand Priestess was wrong of course, but Shayla felt it would take more than Kazusa to teach Rhyna to grow up. "I'm not stalking. I'm courting. I just happen to like Hiashi and want to see if he feels the same way." Rhyna answered as if it was none of Shayla's business. "Hiashi's had a rough two days. He fell into El-Hazard, discovered his power, nearly got squashed by the Bugrom, was almost killed by Afura, was assimilated into the Priesthood as an Elemental Champion, and came this close to getting impaled while saving you. Don't you think he deserves a break?" "From what I've heard, you are responsible for part of it. What he needs is a bit of socializing with his new comrades in arms. He's going to be stuck with us for a while so he might as well get used to it." Shayla was embarrassed by the first part. What kept her anger down was the fact that she was also thinking the second part. Even without Rhyna's file, she didn't like her. Getting too close to Hiashi that quickly. How could he let her kiss him when he should have known how Shayla felt? Makoto was barely aware of her feelings, Miz practically had to drag Fuji to the altar, were all Earth men so thick skinned? "Don't get ahead of yourself. When this is over and they decide whether Afura stays or goes, they you might be able to ... court," she spit the word out, "Hiashi. Until then keep away!" "Why? Do you have designs on him yourself? What makes you so special?" "Listen, I'm a full-fledged High Priestess, you're just an acting one. I have seniority!" "You're also of a different school and have no authority over me. Really, what do you think he sees in a hot-head like you? I am much more refined." Where the hell did she get that idea? "What the hell are you talking about? At least I'm not power hungry. I know what you're up to. You just want to use him. String him along for your ends. Get him to help you usurp Afura. Then what? A seat on the Elemental Council? Grand Priestess maybe? Well you don't have what it takes." "Shayla? Is that you? Come on up. It's a beautiful sunset tonight." Hiashi called from above. Shayla smirked and flipped Rhyna the bird as she flew up while Rhyna could only stew in anger. "I thought that was you yelling down there. What was happening?" Hiashi asked. "Oh Rhyna...she still thinks Afura is going along with Kazusa willingly." "You know her better than I do. First time I saw her she wanted to kill me. That doesn't inspire me with confidence and friendship towards her. Did Kazusa change her that much?" "Well Afura was always a bit anal retentive about the rules. I think Kazusa used that to his advantage, misinterpreting that old law to get you out of the way. Of course God knows how much control he had over her then." Hiashi turned his back to the window. The sun had just vanished behind the horizon. "How do you think this will turn out? What's going to happen to Afura if you're right and she was just an innocent victim?" " If I know her, she'll be harder on herself than anyone. I just hope we won't be stuck with Rhyna." Shayla just realized what she said and hoped he wouldn't detect the jealousy in her voice. "I don't know about her. During the ride back, I got the impression she was a bit self centered. I don't think she noticed how her perpetual questions made me feel. But still..." he blushed and touched the spot where she kissed him. "Ahh forget about her. Let's watch the stars." Shayla coaxed Hiashi to the top of the tower and out onto the roof. Hiashi seemed surer of himself out here in the wide open spaces watching the stars twinkle into existence. "I wonder what's out there." he whispered to himself. "What do you mean? The stars are where the fates watch over us. Each one in turn pass over El-Hazard to view how content we are. The stars remind us that beauty is eternal as are they." Hiashi resisted the temptation to roll his eyes. This was a different world. Stars may not be the cosmic atomic furnaces they were back home. Heck, that crystal sphere idea dreamed up in the ancient Greece might be true here. He pondered it for a moment. Probably not. In any case, why ruin the moment with science? He'll just ask Makoto tomorrow. Stretching out on the roof he asked about constellations as he began looking for any obvious ones himself. "Nope, the gods and objects our ancient constellations represented were destroyed long ago. They're just symbols, home to no El-Hazardian, god or mortal." she answered. Then she noticed something in the shadows. The shape darted into the light to a better position closer to the tower. It was Rhyna and she was watching them. Shayla knew that if she wanted to eliminate Rhyna as a rival, she had to show her something convincing. Hiashi was still watching the stars half-asleep, unaware of Rhyna. Shayla looked at him. He lay there prone, blind to the world, eyelids closing as he was lost in thought, mouth barely open. Shayla had an idea. It made her nervous as hell. Summoning her courage she leaned over and half-fell on Hiashi kissing him on the lips. Hiashi was taken totally by surprised. He tried to get up, but couldn't. Looking through the corner of her eye, Shayla saw Rhyna turn away and leave. Suddenly she got up. Both their faces were red. Shayla spoke first, "What do you think you were ... I mean how could you ... I mean ahh forget it." "What are you talking about? You kissed me." "Well I had to. Rhyna--" "What does she have to do with this?" "She has designs on you, Dummy. She was going to use you for her own ends. I wanted...I wanted to keep her away from you." Shayla said, at first she was indignant, feeling totally justified, but as she finished she realized she was about to express how she really felt. And she wasn't ready for that. Hiashi hesitated before answering, "So you were trying to protect me. You're pretending you like me to foil Rhyna's plans. Ever thought about how I might feel? I liked you. I was starting to hope it might be more..." Now it was Shayla turn to pause. She stared blankly at him, "B-but I do... I mean...I just want...Rhyna doesn't care about you." "And you do?" "Well ..." Shayla trailed off. She wanted to tell him, she really did. But nothing was coming out right. "Just go." Hiashi said turning his back to her. She began to reach out for him, but changed her mind. Instead she turned away and flew off to her own quarters. Hiashi sighed as he felt her power move away, waiting until she was past his limit to detect before going back inside. Riho was waiting for him. He saw everything and his eyes were filled with sympathy. "Shayla no pretend." he said following Hiashi down the steps. "I hope so, Riho. I hope so."