Disclaimer: El Hazard is the copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 7: Shrine of Rock Miles to the north Afura searched the rubble. She had been looking for hours, using her powers to cast aside rubble from the Eye of God and rockslides centuries ago. But it was without any success. She spoke with Kazusa's voice, "Where is it? It has to be around here somewhere!" He used her wind power to blow away the rubble of thousands of years. "Yes, yes yes....there it is! My temple!" Stray rocks were widely scattered about the site, but that barely detracted from what he had uncovered. A solid-grey temple out of Greek myth stood partially buried in the mountain. Where there was once statues, now only their damaged bases stood. He looked down and picked up a remnant of one of the statues. It was a forearm, elegantly carved with the skill of experts. He took a closer look to admire the detail. The knuckles, veins, even a small scar from a long forgotten scratch were there. "Afura, I made this when I first became Priest. It took over a month, I became one with the stone. I spent hours getting this statue to be absolute perfection. Then I realized I was destined for great things. This statue was to stand for all time for people to admire." he thought. "And like your body, it is gone, forgotten and righteously so." she returned. "Now now my puppet. Resist me and you will never be free. Obey me and you might one day be free. Otherwise ...." He controlled Afura's own hand, forcing her to squeeze her own breast. "You disgusting pervert! Let go of me!" "I believe there is a military outpost near by ... one full of lonely old men." he said as an obvious threat. Afura stayed silent. "I thought so. Now, I wish to return to my home." Kazusa said as he walked up the steps. "So you like controlling a woman's body? How pathetic of you." Jinnai yelled from above. "Impudent whelp! Leave me to my task." "Sorry, but you threw away your treasure so it's mine now. I plan to get it without your interference. Now my followers!" On cue, dozens of Bugrom leaped from their hiding places and formed a tight circle around Afura/Kazusa. Each one carried a makeshift wooden cross which they held in front of them. Margaret crossed itself and began chanting in Latin, at least as close as it could, while holding a book. "Time for your daily exorcize routine." Jinnai taunted, laughing. As one would expect, nothing happened. Margaret was a far cry from a priest despite its outfit and any religious symbols are useless without belief. Afura/Kazusa looked around them unimpressed. Ever since he possessed her body, she had fought him constantly. But now, the Bugrom's 'attack' made them agree for a moment. Kazusa used that moment to strengthen his old on her, to further control her mind as well as her body. He let Afura just enough independence to wipe out the Bugrom's pitiful attempt to exorcize him. Jinnai panicked when he started seeing his loyal followers being tossed around like leaves in a hurricane. He really thought the exorcism would work like in the movie. "Shit, next time I try Shinto." Just then Afura floated up above him. She looked down with glowing eyes laughing softly. "I probably should thank you Jinnai. You're little assault put Afura and myself on the same side. In that moment of agreement, I stole complete control over her mind, body, and soul. Unfortunately for you, I do not believe in showing my gratitude." Jinnai's armor protected him somewhat against Kazusa wind blast. But he was still blown back over a hundred feet. "Retreat! Retreat!" he called out climbing on Zemo. "I can't believe these insects gave you so much trouble Afura." Kazusa said returning to the steps of his temple. Afura could do, say, or think nothing to the contrary. His good mood was spoiled when he entered. There, where he thought he cast his Lamp or Rock was merely its stand. Was it stolen? Or in some inconceivable way did he miscalculate and his prize was elsewhere? "Fortunately this is only a minor setback. As wise man, I had prepared for such things." He walked into one of the back rooms, his quarters. Time and the natural forces reduced his furniture to brittle shells which crumbled at Afura's touch. Piles of notes and calculations were lost forever, distingrating in the slight breeze which was the only symbol of Afura's resistance. " It would appear that you indeed cannot go home again. I spent many nights here dreaming of what I could do with the Lamp if only I had more time to master it. You priestesses really do not have enough time to enjoy your powers. Fortunately I was smart enough not to put my notes on such fragile things like paper or books." A hidden panel and lever revealed the way to a hidden room. "Oh my dear, I fear I cannot let you read my tablets." he thought before throwing her mind so deep into her subconscious it was comparable to being tossed into a bottomless pit. Sitting at the center of the symbol of the Lamp of Rock Kazusa began his mediation, attuning his spirit to the elemental power. Over the next few hours he relearned his techniques, ways to shape and manipulate stone, to bend it to his will and call upon its voice to do his bidding. He could feel his power grow within his stolen body. For was not Rock the mightiest and most vital of the elements? It supported cities, provided them stone for buildings, allowed plants to grow in its soil, and was the basis for the world itself. He was secure in his hidden cave, surrounded by hard, unyielding stone. Untold hours later he stood and stretched his young muscles. Adjusting the Lamp of Wind around his waist he returned Afura to consciousness, or at least to being aware since she could do nothing without his direction. A breeze from Kazusa's hand opened a stone chest and retrieved the object inside. It was a silver armband, adorned with a mixture of gems and technological displays. "If you could think, you would wonder what this trinket was." he mindspoke, "This is like a trainer's Lamp, handed to potential priests and priestesses in ages past. However I created this one for myself as a way to keep my power if I ever became separated from the true Lamp. While it is not as powerful as the real thing, it is far mightier than anything like it in El-Hazard." The Lamp slide on his arm and contracted to a woman's smaller size. He admired it, taking confidence in feeling its weight. He had the knowledge while Afura provided the talent. As he arrogantly strode from his alcove, all it took was a thought to the Lamp to seal the door again. Outside he set about reforming his statue. The details of his original body etched in his mind. Fragments of the statue pulled themselves away from piles of rock and began to reassemble themselves, fusing piece to piece seamlessly. However there were many pieces ground to dust or worn away by erosion. After straining his returned powers to the limit, only 80% of the statue had returned. Not satisfied he shaped the missing parts from stray rocks. He levitated them, had them spin around the statue like electrons with Afura's power as the Lamp of Rock whittled away at them. One by one the gaps were filled until it was once again the most accurate statue of all time. He paused to examine his handiwork. Another command homogenized the mixture of stone. One would swear the statue was a person, frozen in time. It was a piece of art worthy of only the finest museums. A final command sent the statue into the stone where it would be protected until he was ready to take it as his real body. His trainer's lamp was powerful, but not enough to send his spirit into and animate pure stone. Only the real Lamp can do that. Returning to the temple, he stretched out with his senses searching the rock of El-Hazard for his Lamp. His mind looked out for thousands of miles for a secluded cave, undiscovered caverns, in the sands of deserts, any place where the Lamp might have landed. But he found nothing, not even a trace of it's power. He knew it could not have been destroyed. When he created his lesser Lamp, it was designed to be the successor if the true lamp was destroyed. He ended his search and watch glowing outline of the Lamp of Rock's symbol on the temple floor fade. Inspiration hit. He could only search his element like this from his temple. At the other temples, he could search the oceans, atmosphere, and molten core of El-Hazard. But that would require acquiring the other talismans perhaps even the priestesses themselves. Well he already had one of them within his firm grip. The others will come in due time. Wind began circling around his captured body lifting him above the ground, out the temple, and into the sky.