Disclaimer: El Hazard is the copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing. Chapter 6: The Holy Library The morning found them racing across a desert. Shayla squinted her eyes hoping to catch a glimpse of Regia Hot Springs. "There!" she shouted pointing, "That's where the Priesthood takes their vacation once a year." Hiashi squinted and tried to see it. There was a fuzzy patch of blue-green, but he was willing to consider it a mirage. Afura said, "No Shayla, it's in the other direction. Honestly I don't know why you're bothering to show him the sights." Hiashi gave the wind priestess an angry look. "I'm not dead yet. So kindly stop with the doom and gloom." "He's right Afura. Even if the law is against him, sentence can only be passed by the Theocracy. He will have the chance to defend himself. Our laws are not inflexible. I'm sure at most they will forbid him from approaching any elemental priestesses." Miz interjected from the shade of the sail. "So why don't we just go straight to them? Hiashi's special ability warrants it. He can steal our sacred powers! Doesn't that bother you?" Afura said turning to Miz. "Don't speak to me as if I'm not here!" Hiashi said, a little angrier. "And I don't steal your powers, I only copy them using my own energy. I don't know or care about your fancy secrets or ancient knowledge. Quite frankly, I don't see why you're so bent on killing me! So what if I can use your abilities? Am I the kind of person your law wants killed?" Afura shot Hiashi a deadly look, "That remains to be seen." Saying nothing more she activated her powers and flew off the boat at top speed. "Give me an answer!" Hiashi screamed and tried to take off after her. When he jumped off the front of the boat, he fell straight into the sand. He was still moaning as the boat flew over him. "Wha wha happened?" he sputtered as Fuji picked him up. "Can we consciously stop your powers?" Shayla asked. "Let's try it." Shayla powered up, "OK I'm denying you power, denying you power, denying you power..." Hiashi activated his fire wings, "As easy as before. Maybe Afura was out of range?" Shayla gave a quick nod and flew off, pausing every ten feet. At one hundred feet, Hiashi's fire shield vanished. "So we now know I have a limitation." "Don't feel bad, kid. I have one too. I have to stay sober." "How did you survive this long?" "Humph. Well at the worst they can do is put a restraining order to stay away from elemental magic users. That's not so bad right?" "Right..." Hiashi said unconvinced. The library was in ruins. Books blown about, attendants nursing bruises and other minor injuries. "My God, what happened here?" Miz asked as the went inside. "It was Afura Mann." a librarian answered, "She was looking for one of the old law books then suddenly she went crazy, using her wind powers to try to destroy the library." "Where is she now?" Fujisawa asked. "She flew off to the northern mountains." "What book was she looking for?" Makoto asked. "We weren't watching her. She comes in so often we didn't pay attention." "I know what she was looking at." came a voice from the shadows. She stepped out revealing who she was. Dressed in a long, brightly colored hood and cape. It covered her entire body save for her hands and feet. Wrinkled, but strong, hands held a staff decorated with the elements of the Priesthood, fire, air, water, and rock. The two remaining priestesses gasped and kneeled. Miz tugged at her husband's sleeve and he kneeled also. Makoto and the rest hesitated but followed suit. "Grand Priestess, what are you doing here?" Miz asked. "One of my priestesses is in grave danger. So finally I meet the great heroes of Earth, the legendary Demon Goddess, and the man who can use the powers of the Elemental Priestesses. I should be honored to be in such company." she said simply. "Grand Priestess, it is us who are honored by your presence. But how did you know of our trouble?" Shayla asked. "You have traveled far and have many questions. Come I will explain over lunch." she said turning around and leading them deeper into the library. As Nanami and Makoto carried in the boxes she asked, "Hey I thought you weren't suppose to eat in a library." "If the Grand Priestess says it's OK, we can use the old scrolls as napkins." Shayla answered. The meal started silently with only polite conversation appearing later. Finally Hiashi spoke, "Grand Priestess, we came here to research--" She silenced him with a gesture, "You are wondering if you are to be executed. Afura Mann has committed great crimes in the past day. Anyone accused of using our powers in defiance of our ancient laws are to be brought to me, not summarily executed. You needn't have worried. That law was not to monopolize elemental magic nor to protect our secrets, but to warn others of the danger of our Lamps. The holy objects used to harness our powers require years of training and discipline. Without it, the Lamps will be uncontrollable, lashing out wildly like nature herself. The user will not be able to survive. Afura discovered this and was enraged. "As of late, we have kept the secrets of elemental magic to ourselves. Not only to prevent the knowledge from being lost, but to keep it away from evil minds. Anyone is welcome to learn our magic, but only the Great Priestesses are allowed to use the talismans. Everyone else merely becomes subject to our code of conduct. Use them well and you will be an honored hero to the Theocracy, Hiashi. Use them poorly and suffer our wrath." Hiashi was relieved and assured the Grand Priestess he would do his best. "Now that that's out of the way, what about Afura?" Shayla-Shayla asked. "While seeking lore about our lost Lamp of Rock, I fear she has become possessed by the ghost of its thief, Kazusa. Eons ago, while the Eye of God was far from completed, even before the Demon God was created, Kazusa was the High Priest of Rock. He was one of the few men to ever earn the right to be a High Priest. But something happened. He looked into the forces which power Lamp and tried to go beyond the established limits. Some say the power corrupted him. Others maintain he was always evil and achieved his position in a time the rules were more permissive. But the result was the same. When it came time for him to pass the Lamp of Rock to his successor, he fled. The priesthood used all our resources and searched all of El-Hazard for him, but without success. Finally a troop of Elemental mages confronted him in a deep cavern. The sole survivor said Kazusa flung the Lamp far away where none save he would find it. Many adventurers spent their entire lives searching for the Lamp, none succeeded. Since then, no man has ever become a High Priest. While this might have been unfair, the betrayal of Kazusa was remembered for centuries. By the time most had forgotten, all of El-Hazard accepted the fact the Priesthood was for women only. "Nearly three weeks ago, Afura came upon Kazusa's last stand while on patrol for the Bugrom. It was there his ghost latched onto her body. But his powers were weak after so long. Slowly he was asserting himself over her will, his control growing by the day. He plans on using Afura's body to recover the Lamp of Rock and continue whatever mad scheme he started way back when." Everyone was amazed at the story. Hiashi commented that now he knew why Kazusa wanted him dead. "So what do we do now? Kazusa is the only one who knows where the Lamp is." Fujisawa asked. "Fujisawa, when you throw a boulder with all of your strength, do you know exactly where it will land?" the Grand Priestess asked. "Errrrr not exactly." "Then you see my point. Kazusa was under a spell of confusion when he threw the Lamp. It could literally be anywhere in El-Hazard. He only thinks he knows where it went. Unfortunately for us the survivor had a very poor sense of direction and wasn't sure which way it was thrown. My ancient predessor tried to take him back to the battleground, but cave-ins blocked the way." On the ceiling, hidden from view was a group of seven bugs. Six smaller ones were held together by a central one, making the group resemble a six-pointed star. Each one was a different color. They buzzed quietly amongst themselves before taking flight. Later the bugs, still in their formation, landed into Jinnai's hidden throne room. Jinnai was burning his school uniform. In its place he wore Bugrom-like red armor. They waited patiently for him to finish. Each smaller bug took a role in reciting the conversation in the library. Jinnai looked intently at his spies, a smile growing on his lips. "So that is the background of my treasure. Those priestesses thought they were smart in looking for their lost little lamp. Too bad they never thought to ask the Bugrom right Deva?" he asked finishing with his trademark laugh. "Jinnai, haven't you learned anything from Ifurita? The ancient powers were not meant to be uncovered." "Nonsense, Ifurita wanted to be an individual. The Lamp has no such desire. Once it is in my possession, El-Hazard itself will bow to my will!" "But the warnings...the training to use a Lamp?" "If that hot-head Shayla-Shayla and that traitor Hiashi can use elemental magic, how hard can it be? I will be the one wielding the power." "And what of Afura and the ghost which possesses her?" "Don't worry, I've already took that into account." Jinnai finished breaking into maniacal laughter. Outside the library, everyone was preparing to return to Floristica to plan their next move. "Grand Priestess, will you be returning with us?" Miz asked. "No, I must return to my temple where I can conduct my own search and attempt to free Afura from the evil which controls her. I will contact you when the time is right. In the meantime, you and Shayla-Shayla are to train Hiashi in the use of his powers. When you return to Floristica, you will find another ally." with that final note, her staff glowed for a moment and she vanished in a spectacular display of light and color. "Not bad..." Fujisawa said shielding his eyes. "Just 'not bad'? 'Michi, that was one of the most powerful and reclusive people in all El- Hazard. I think 'not bad' doesn't begin to cover it." Miz complained. "How about 'cool'?" Nanami commented. "Errrrr are all you Earthers so hard to impress? Makoto, Hiashi, you appreciate the honor we had?" Shayla-Shayla pleaded. "We ... had lunch with your boss?" Makoto suggested. Shayla threw up her hands in disgust. Hiashi remained silent, thinking to himself. Shayla grabbed his arm and said "You're the last one to redeem your people." He chose his words carefully, "One of the wisest and influential people in the world spared me, gave us a mission, and brought me into her religion." Shayla and Miz were let down by the Earthers' lack of awe of the Grand Priestess. Shayla tried to understand Hiashi was a bit more concerned with finding about his execution to properly appreciate what happened. But at least he tried. As everyone was loading the boat for the return trip, Miz nudged Shayla. "You know there's not much water here. Maybe you should take him back yourself." "Him who?" "Don't play dumb with me Shayla. You fall for every Earther who saves your life. Better get him before some demon goddess does." she finished with a wink. Shayla grumbled a bit. Who was she to give advice about men? But she recovered when Hiashi came around. He and the others where helping the librarians clean up the mess. He didn't even notice her as he carried an arm load of books into the boat. "Yo ahhh Dude. What are ya carrying?" "Afura blew a hole through the ceiling and they say the rainy season is coming. The library needs a safe place to store these books." "Let Fuji handle it. He likes to show off his strength." she activated her powers, "We're going back to Floristica in style. You can...consider it part of your training." Hiashi added the books to a growing pile and took to the sky. Miz watched them go. Fuji walked up behind her carrying the rest of the books. "So you just let them go?" "They both needed it. Shayla's now that last active Great Priestess. And Hiashi, well he looks like it's been too long since he's really been happy." "Still, they should have a chaperone." "Royal Champion Masamichi Fujisawa, you get back in there and make sure you've got everything." Miz said pushing her reluctant husband back inside.