El Hazard: Continuations Chapter 9 (Conclusion) Days had passed since peace reigned again in the Kingdom of Roshtaria. And there was even greater joy for it was the wedding of Makoto and Ifurita, two important people who had played an important role in the recent development. Having decided on a traditional Roshtarian wedding, Makoto was dressed in a simple if somewhat formal-looking Roshtarian clothes. Ifurita on the other hand was beyond exquisite. Decked in the most elaborate and ornate wedding costume, she looked like a goddess of beauty. The list of guests there was enormous. While understandably Katsuhiko Jinnai had chosen to absent himself, Queen Diva was there. Dressed rather royally, she was accompanied by her daughter Inari and a small entourage of Bugrom. She nodded with a slight smile when her eyes met with that of the Roshtarian monarch. Ura was also there and had a beautiful sash tired around her. Fatora and Alielle were busy going around chasing some of the girls working there. Palnus and Afura were seen talking together and mingling with everyone but spending the most time talking to each other. With some bandages still wrapped around some of his wounds, Londs had also shown up and was chatting with Dr. Schtallabaugh. Even Fatora had shown up and she seemed to be in a benovelent mood today. Before the actual wedding ceremony, it was of course customary for both the bride and the groom to be seperated first. Fujisawa and Miz had dropped by to see Makoto in his dressing room. "Way to go, kid. You make your sensei proud." Looking around to make sure Miz wasn't looking, he whispered ,"In a marriage, remember not to let your wife have the upper hand. You got to show her who's boss." "I heard that!" Fujisawa's face turned red as Miz marched and pulled him out by his ear. "Time for us to go." Smiling, she turned to Makoto and spoke,"Remember to treat your wife with love and affection. After all, where would you men be without us wonderful women?" In Ifurita's dressing room, it was a different story. Kalia was sitting by the radiant bride and helping her with her make-up. "Take good care of Makoto, okay? Or else..." "Or else what?" "I'll steal him away from you." "Oh, you..." Ifurita gave Kalia a playful nudge on the ribs. There was a knock on the door. Kalia went to door. She opened it and was surprised to see Shayla Shayla, Nanami and Kauru Taurus. Shayla was the first to speak. "We..umm..eh...just..uh...w-wanted to congratulate you." "Yes, we're happy for you." Kauru chorused back. Nanami leaned over to whisper to Ifurita's ear. "If you ever have any problem with Makoto, you can be sure to talk to me. After all, I've known him for such a long..." Looking over with a kind look, Ifurita leaned over to answer back to Nanami,"You sure you're okay with this? After all, you and Makoto..in high school...." Nanami gently placed her finger on Ifurita's lips. "Hush. Now is not the time to talk about such things. Be a good girl and may you be blessed with a happy marriage." ************************** They had pulled the seats out of the balconey of the Great Hall so that the Bugrom delegation would have room to stand. Only Diva and Inari were seated, on elaborately carved oaken chairs just overlooking the parapet. Behind them the Bugrom preened proudly, festooned with ropes of flowers that the children of Roshtaria had made for them. Diva and Inari held gift bouquets tied with cloth of gold. "I'll never understand how you did it, Mama!" Inari whispered. "How did you get Papa to let us come? When you first suggested it, I thought he was going to go through the hive!" "Your father is very protective of us both, Inari. Considering what's happened to us over the last while, can you blame him?" Diva turned at a munching sound behind her. "My children, stop eating the flowers! Lord Jinnai's strict orders were that no one should eat or drink anything!" The Bugrom dropped them guiltily, while Inari looked nervously at her bouquet. "Mama, you don't think they're--" "Of course not, my love. But we did promise to obey your father, didn't we?" "Yes, Mama. You're right." Inari peered over the parapet. "Oh, look at all the handsome men! And there' s that nice Mr. Fujisawa! Mr. Fujisawa!" Inari called out, waving cheerfully. Mr. Fujisawa (and quite a few other people) looked up at her. Fujisawa scratched his head and smiled until his scowling wife took him by the arm and spun him 'round to face front. Inari frowned. "She's not very nice. She doesn't look too willing to share him, does she, Mama?" "I told you about human women and their possessiveness, Inari. Besides, you don't need to be worrying about Mr. Fujisawa or any other men for some time. No babies for you until you're truly old enough - promise me?" Inari was about to protest, then sighed and smiled. "I promise, Mama. Not until I'm old enough." "In any case, you will have plenty of time to practice caring for babies in the next few months." "What do you mean?" Diva smiled. "Ifurita is not the only expectant mother here. We lost so many warriors in our recent battles that I felt the need to increase our numbers again. Our new hatchlings will arrive very soon." "Mama!" Inari's eyes flew wide. For a moment she was speechless with joy. "And Papa -- does he know?" "Of course he knows. That was why he let me come." She paused. "He was not in a position to stop me. I have found that it...takes him a few days to recover." Inari blinked, confused, but a fanfare of music prevented her reply. She looked down to see Ifurita and Makoto standing together before the altar. As they watched, a ray of sunlight shot down through one of the stained glass windows and bathed the couple in golden light. Groucho, wobbly-eyed, held a handkerchief to his antennae. "It's so beautiful! I wish the Bugrom had some ceremony like that! Mama, do you think Papa would ever-" "Hush, child." Diva's golden eyes were filled with love, and laughter. "One miracle at a time." ******************************** As the happy couple exchanged their vows later on, Shayla turned over to Nanami who was sitting next to her and spoke softly,"You sure are very good at hiding your true feelings, you know." Nanami merely nodded without saying a word while Shayla continued,"After this wedding, why don't we go and get ourselves plastered. A few drinks wouldn't hurt." "Sure. Me too," interrupted Kauru who was also sitting near the two girls. ******************* AFTERWORD (A year later) (From the pages of Makoto Mizuhara's diary) : My dear diary, A year has passed since I got married. Peace has returned to Roshtaria. The land sure looks beautiful now, doesn't it? What with trees blooming and happy faces smiling. Hard to believe that not very long ago, this land was on the verge of destruction. Fatora has become a more responsible member of the royalty. Every now and then, she will consult Londs about the affairs of the state. Diva is slowly rebuilding her Bugrom empire with the help of her daughter Inari and Katsuhiko Jinnai. Jinnai? Hmmm....this guy still refuses to speak to me. I guess that's his loss. Not that I'm complaining. Back to Diva. She and the Roshtarian monarch will often hold meetings on ways of improving the livelihoods of their respective people and ways of improving relations. I don't think she needs to worry too much. Ever since the Bugrom help defeat the Phantom Tribe, acts of antagonism towards them seem to have almost disappeared. Her daughter? She's showing signs of being a good leader someday. Somewhat immature in outlook as of now but she'll learn. That I am sure of. Ura is growing fat and lazy. Understandable as her species is suppose to be used for protecting others and she hasn't had much to do lately. Alielle? She's become more helpful lately, doing lots of charity work. Palnus and Afura are seen together nearly all the time. Some people have speculated that they may be more than friends and something is definitely going on between them. Others have just said that their relationship is probably like best friends or like siblings. I don't know. You'll have to ask them yourself. Oh yes! And in addition to her duties as a Wind Priestess, I heard that Afura has set up a publishing firm and also has been busy writing books. Interesting, hmmm... Also noteworthy is the fact that Nanami, Shayla and Kauru are now best of friends. They will occasionally hang out and just talk for hours. Sometimes, Kalia will join them and just have a girls' night out. Ah...Kalia, how is she now, you ask? Instead of people fearing her, she is now a highly revered figure in Roshtaria. She's like a godmother to..... Ah, this is brings us to me and my family. Well, I am now a proud father and husband. Little Ifurina looks like her mom. Somehow, I have this nagging feeling that my dear wife is going to instruct her how to use that power staff someday. Oh yes, little Taro Fujisawa came over yesterday with his parents. He commented on how cute Ifurina is and said that he will marry her one day when he grows up. Kids. Always so pure and innocent. It went without saying that his remark had his parents in an uproarious laughter. Little Ifurina just ignored him and went back to sleep. I must stop now. My missus is calling me. She's telling me that dinner is ready and she's planting an affectionate kiss on my left cheek while little Ifurina looks on. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Time to go. (End of diary entry) "You can't start a fire without a spark." - Bruce Springsteen THE END.......for now.