El Hazard: Continuations Chapter 8 Makoto paced up and down the palace grounds. Nanami had been gone for days. Kauru mentioned something about her going to see Inari. He only hoped that she was alright. He wasn't so worried about Ifurita anymore. She had been resting for the past few days since their return from that fateful trip and the best doctors in Florestica had been attending to her. It seemed like she would recover in a matter of time but she needed to rest for now. Of course after returning from the trip, he and Ifurita were now heroes for saving Roshtaria. He was especially happy that perhaps now, people wouldn't be so prejudiced against her. But everything had been at a heavy price. "Makoto?" Makoto turned around to see Dr. Schtallabaugh standing behind him, looking as if he had something to say. "I have news to inform you." "......" "You see Ifurita is....that is...she is...." Makoto's heart pumped faster at the mention of Ifurita's name. "I know this sounds strange but Ifurita..." "Go on." "She's pregnant." Makoto's heart seemed to miss a beat for a split second. "What did you say?" "I know it seems impossible but my best doctors were examining her when we detected a slight irregularity. After close examination, we came to the conclusion that she must be pregnant." *Pregnant? Hmmm....there was that incident half a month ago.* Dr. Schtallabaugh eyed Makoto suspiciously. "Young man, is there something that you're not telling us?" "......" He sighed. "Whatever. There seems to be something that Ifurita's not telling us too. Perhaps she would like to share that information with you. Perhaps it would be a good idea to see her sometime later today." **************************** She was lying on the bed. Looking like a goddess of beauty, Ifurita was resting in a nightgown. Her eyes fluttered when she saw Makoto walk slowly in the room. It seemed like a glow of joy was in her as Makoto came up to her. "I presume Dr. Schatallabaugh told you?" "Uh-huh." Silence. Makoto gently brushed Ifurita's flowing hair. "I'm just kind of surprised, that's all." "It took me a while but now I finally understand everything. Even Kalia knew." "She knew?" Ifurita sat upright, resting her back against the bedpost and began telling her story. "I finally understood the meaning of the message we found in the cave. You see, being human is not just a matter of having a human body but a human soul." She paused for a while before continuing. "Before I met you, I was like a shell without a soul; merely an empty husk. You know, being human means experiencing the joys and sorrows of being human. You taught me to love and to care. Throwing myself into the Eye of God for 10,000 years is not something a machine would do but a woman in love. Then there was Kalia. She taught me the meaning of friendship. Together, the two of you taught me all about being human." She reflected on her thoughts for a second; looking up at the ceiling. Then, she looked Makoto in the eyes and spoke. "My creator knew what he was doing. Tell me Makoto, do you believe in reincarnation?" Without waiting for an answer, she continued,"I remember this movie we saw when we were in Japan. It was about these two souls where no matter how many times they died, they were fated to keep meeting life after life. As you already know, I had lived another life before I died and was recreated into a Demon Goddess. Technically, even though I was created using human organisms; without a a heart and soul, I could never been a true 'human'. After I landed in Japan after my 10,000 years floating through time and space, that was actually my second rebirth even though technically, I never 'died.'It was the birth of a human soul within me. You look surprised, Makoto. Actually, it's not something that happened overnight but something that metamorphosized gradually over the months I have been with you and my pregnancy would be proof that I can be considered human." "And your powers?" "Shayla Shayla and Kauru have their powers. They are still human. So nothing has changed. I still have my powers and probably I don't need any more winding but I would get my daily energy from food the same way you do." Makoto's hands were shaking as he slowly took out a small colorful case out of his pocket. "Ifurita...." "Yes?" "Will you....will I....I mean...will we..." Ifurita opened the case and saw the shiny object nested inside. A ring. She understood and tears started to flow. "Of course I will! Forever and ever!" She wrapped her arms tightly around Makoto. They embraced for a long time and neither wanted this moment to end. "Makoto, I have a question to ask?" "Hmmmm?" "We both still have the ability to access each others' thoughts. I went through some memories of yours a long time ago and I am aware that when you were in High School, you often dreamed of marrying Nanami someday. I am merely curious as to whether you are sure of what you really want." Looking Ifurita deep in the eyes, Makoto spoke,"Ifurita. In life, sometimes people go through a lot of love and heartache before they find the right person. Nanami has and always will be one of my best friends. But I know for certain that the person I want to spend the rest of my life with...is you." Looking reassured, Ifurita wept softly for a second and continued. "I suggest that we plan to have our wedding after the current crisis is over. I would really like to invite all our old friends and I think it would be nice to have Queen Diva and some of our Bugrom friends also at the ceremony." Ifurita suddenly remembered an old Roshtarians saying that went like so: "When two hearts are joined as one, The holy contract shall be sealed." The two sat up talking all night while things stirred outside the city of Florestica..... #Beyond the moon, like a searchlight One after another Suddenly alighted an angel So who are you?# -(Taken from 'Escaflowne') "I can heal you so you can go into battle." Alielle was sitting in Ifurita's room while she was resting. Beside her nice, clean bed were flowers everywhere, no doubt sent by well-wishers for her role in saving Roshtaria. Rune Venus and Makoto were also in the room. "That is not the point. I can't let Ifurita go into battle because she's having a b..." Rune Venus began but was stopped by Ifurita who placed a finger on her lips. Ifurita turned to Alielle and spoke. "I am aware of your powers but I am also aware that your power is limited. and can only use it once a day." Speaking a little louder, Ifurita continued,"Wounded civilians and soldiers are pouring into the capital. These people need your power more than me. Be proud of the fact that you are doing something useful to society." Hearing this, Alielle nodded gently and walked quietly out of the room. Ifurita turned to Rune Venus and spoke,"Not many people know of the matter. I for one, would not like Shayla, Kauru or Nanami for the matter know something like this as I would like them to concentrate on defending this nation." "You know...." Makoto began. "I already know. I overheard Dr. Schtallabaugh talking to Makoto the other day." Makoto turned his head to the direction of the voice to see none other than the Fire Priestess, Shayla Shayla walk into the room. "Congrats." She casually shook Makoto's hands and took his surprise, she gave Ifurita a hug. As the two women were hugging, Ifurita whispered,"You mean you're...." "Hush...take good care of Makoto. I have an important job to do - defending the nation." Having said that Shayla Shayla walked out of the room. Makoto looked surprised as this was obviously not the reaction that he was expecting but it was Rune Venus who spoke first, "I believe this young lady has matured a lot. She will be a great Fire Priestess who will be remembered for years to come." Fujisawa stared for a long time into the El Hazardian telescopic gizmo as he gazed into the far-off distance. Beads of perspiration were dropping down his forehead as he studied all that he was watching carefully. He was on top of the highest floor of the Florestican palace and both Shayla Shayla and Kauru Taurus stood earnestly beside him waiting for him to say something. "Well?"(impatience) "Ummmm...." Fujisawa took his eyes away from the telescopic device and finally set his eyes on the two priestesses. "It looks bad. The Phantom Tribe's Army is approaching Florestica very quickly. Not only that, it seems like their weapons are more sophisticated. (sounding less than confident) Of course, you must remember that we lost a lot of our arsenal when Abzahai destroyed our armory up north not too long ago." Fujisawa paused, as if trying to think of what to say. "It looks like it's going to be me and the two of you. Roshtaria's future is depending on us." "What about Palnus? You have been training him, haven't you?" "That, of course is something which I will have to discuss with him. In the meantime, let's hope for the best." *************************** On the top balcony of the Florestican palace, Makoto Mizuhara continued to gaze through his binoculars. Smoke. Fire. No doubt the work of the Phantom Tribe. And they were fast approaching the capital of Roshtaria. "I hope my dear Masamichi's alright." Makoto and Ifurita gazed around to see that Miz had also walked up to the balcony and she was surveying the distance with her naked eye. "You know. He just had to be the one to be a hero defending Roshtaria even though it's not his birthplace." "I'm sure he will be okay," said Ifurita trying to reassure her. "The Bugrom," Makoto suddenly said. "......." "They're the ones who could probably save Roshtaria if only...." "What are you talking about? (Do you even know what you're suggesting?)" Miz sounded like Makoto just suggested that money grew on trees. "As you know, Katsuhiko...." "Katsuhiko Jinnai is not technically a Bugrom. He just happens to be with them and I'm aware that he's a lost cause as far as asking him for help is concerned. I'm talking about Diva and Inari." Makoto sounded like he was teaching a child how to count. "They are reasonable people and I know they will understand the importance of unity against a common enemy." Miz looked dumbfounded. Ifurita however smiled as she could see clearly now what Makoto was trying to say. "Doo-doo. La-di-la-la-la." Ifurita was singing gently to herself. It almost felt like she was singing to her unborn child. "That's a pretty song. It's unlike the Western Classical Music or Japanese pop music that I'm accustomed to. What is it, Ifurita?" "No idea, Makoto." Ifurita was patting her abdomen gently as she continued humming the tune softly. "But I think it might have been a tune I heard as a child - uh, I mean from my past life." *********************************** "They have arrived!" "The enemy? How? Where?" Londs was standing near the entrance of the Florestican palace. Looking older and wiser than he was when Makoto met him for the first time, he had been surprised to see one of the Roshtarian soldiers rushing to the gates. "Over there. Look." He didn't see it coming. While he gazed out for a moment, the soldier took something wooden and hit him hard on the head from behind. Londs crumpled to the ground, unconscious as a little blood trickled out. The soldier merely smiled as his features dissolved to that of a Phantom Tribesman. Carefully, he opened the gate and several more of his comrades joined him.... Lady Fatora. A member of the Roshtarian royal household who unfortunately for most of her life prefered to spend her time on frivolous things than important matters of national concern. It was just one of thos days and as usual today, she was scampering around the palace looking for some palace maidens whom she could have "fun" with. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a familiar figure lying in the grass near the entrance. Cautiously, she knelt down and tried to see what she could do. *Londs?* To her shock, she saw a little blood trickling down his head. Trying her best not to panic, she tried to see if he was still conscious. "Are you okay? Please say something." The figure opened his eyes with great difficulty. He opened his mouth as he struggled to say something. "The....Phantom Tribe. They've arrived." He fell unconscious again. ***************************** *I'll get these little sons of.....* Shayla Shayla was looking around the destroyed homes where a battalion of Phantom Tribe soldiers were reportedly deployed. She felt a slight sorrow at seeing some destroyed homes and even greater anguish at the fact some innocent Roshtarians had to suffer. She turned briefly and saw them coming at her. "HYAAA!" Shayla released her trademark fireball attack at some Phantom Tribe soldiers. While they hesitated for a while, Shayla suddenly realized with horror that none of them were hurt by the flames. *They're wearing flame-retardant clothes? Is this some of the new technology the Phantom Tribe's scientists have been working in secret while in hiding for so long?* WOOOSSHH! A jet stream of water from behind knocked the soldiers cold saving Shayla Shayla just in time. The Fire Priestess turned and was never more relieved to see Kauru Taurus, who had just saved her life. Afura Mann soon showed up and the three priestesses fought hand in hand to defend their beloved nation. ***************************** Palnus was lying down on the palace balcony, idly sunning himself while listening to the sounds of running water from a nearby fountain. Mr. Fujisawa had decided to give Palnus the day off today as a reward, since he had been working so hard on his training for the last couple of weeks. Palnus had spent the day doing what he was best at--which included goofing around and slacking off, with a little bit of skirt-chasing thrown in for good measure. Now, it was late in the afternoon, and Palnus decided to take a quick nap. It wasn't long after he dozed off when he heard alarmed cries rising from inside the palace. "Quickly, we're under attack--" "Organize the troops, we musn't let them--" "Have every man able to fight stand by--" Slightly annoyed at having his nap disturbed, Palnus walked back inside and decided to see what was going on. Palnus opened the door that lead to the palace halls and peeked his head out. "Hey, what's all the commotion? You guys are loud enough to wake the dea--" Before Palnus could finish his sentence, a small group of soldiers ran past him, knocking him to the ground. Palnus got to his feet as he watched them run off. Palnus grumbled to himself as he wiped the dust off his clothes. "Big dumb oafs! Don't they know it's rude to trample someone to death?" Just then, he saw Fatora run up to him. She was as pale as a ghost, and she seemed to be one step away from panicking. "Fatora, what's wrong? Just what's going on around here?" he demanded. Fatora's response made Palnus' whole body go cold. "...They...they got Londs! The Phantom Tribe! They're here!" ******************** An ominous wind blew. Across the barren landscape, there wasn't any sign of life. The sounds of animals of the land did not reverbrate here and all was still. The silence was only occasionally relieved by the sound of small insects buzzing. Movement. Something moved. Like a phoenix rising up from the ashes of the dead, something moved momentarily. It stopped again and was still. Then it got up. The figure arose. Hesitating for a moment, it looked around and glanced at the remains of its opponent lying beside it. Standing erect, the figure took in the breeze that was blowing in its face. It was hard to tell from the expression on its face as to what the figure was thinking about. Happy? Sad? No one knew? She had been in a coma for who-knows-how-long. It was a testament to the prowess of her creators that her wounds had healed and she had simply regenerated her energy while lying unconscious all this while. You might even say that her recovery was nothing short of a miracle. The air. It was in the air. The cries of anguish. The pleas of despair. People she cared for; people she loved were in danger. She had to go. ********************* The commotion in the gardens had caught the attention of the people in Florestican Palace. Miz and Dr. Schtallabaugh were bending over (looking concerned) and looking over at Londs. Lady Fatora and some of her courtiers were also standing by the side, looking rather worried. No one seemed to know what to do. It was Makoto who first spotted the figures standing on the palace balcony. Everyone turned their heads in horror towards the direction of his upraised finger. The Queen of Roshtaria, Rune Venus was standing there, looking pale. But she was not alone. Beside her stood a man and several of his followers, obviously from the opposing forces. There was a knife pointed menacingly at her throat and strong arms grabbed her from behind making it almost impossible for her to move. "I have to do something," Ifurita began to whisper into Makoto's ear. "But...." "Trust me." Letting out a sigh, Makoto reluctantly nodded as he and Ifurita sneaked back into the palace while everyone's attention was focused on the scene unfolding upstairs. ***************************** Walking at the head and command of his troops, Nahato began the advance of his soldiers into the Roshtarian capital. As the glare of the sun shone against his youthful face, the blazing intensity in his eyes was frightful even to his own troops....... He was laughing to himself as he approached the gate of the Florestican Palace with his soldiers behind him and forced the gate open. While the main body of his army was busy distracting Fujisawa and the priestesses outside the capital, he and a select company of men had infiltrated the city, sometimes in disguise. For was it not true that the Phantom Tribe were masters of deception and illusion? Nahato smiled as four of his most capable men were now up in the palace balcony holding the Queen hostage. Soon...very soon, he would show the Roshtarians...... Makoto hesitantly opened the door to the balcony slowly as Ifurita stood beside him. His heart almost missed a beat when the door made a slight creaking noise. Luckily for him, the occupants of the balcony had their backs turned to him and Ifurita. They slowly walked. Closer. And closer. "Stay where you are!!!!" Makoto and Ifurita were speechless when one of the men turned towards him. "Move one step closer and your queen gets it." His dagger startled to caress Rune Venus' neck slowly while she just closed her eyes. She looked at Makoto and spoke in a soft but commanding voice,"My life is not as important as the people of Roshtaria. It's okay if I give up my life as long as the people are free and liberated. Do what you must!" "No, your highness! Roshtaria doesn't have anyone else capable of ruling. Without you, the kingdom will collapse and fall!" Makoto glanced over the balcony was surprised to hear that it was Lond's voice. Even though he was weak and he was still lying in the gardens downstairs in pain, his emotional-sounding voice was still strong enought to be heard upstairs. Makoto knew there was only one thing for him to do and he had to do it..... The next few seconds seem to move very slowly but they would forever be etched in Ifurita's memory. Throwing the power staff that he had been carrying all along to Ifurita, he ducked down. Ifurita grabbed her staff with sure deftness and as the Phantom Tribesman began to react, she was quicker. A red flower on the ground. Blurred voice yelling. People moving.> She fired a clear shot which passed through Rune Venus' cloak causing a small hole which missed her skin but hit the man holding her from the back at his abdomen. He let out a soft cry as he dropped the dagger and fell into a pool of his own blood. Like a world-class sprinter, Makoto picked the falling Rune Venus by his arms and deftly let out a swift kick at the shin of one of the men who reacted and sent him sprawling down in pain. Nahato who was watching all of this from downstairs was displeased. "It doesn't matter, men. Their soldiers are still in the battlefield fighting and the palace is sparsely defended. With this number of men and with our more sophisticated weapons, we can still take the throne. (and I will crown myself the ruler....) Advance......" Nahato never had a chance to see what hit him. A flash of light from above, like the lightning wrath of the heavens tore down and hit him in the chest. He was down and his corpse crumpled to the ground before he even knew what hit him. Nahato's men looked up in shock as they glanced upwards to the direction of the light. A young girl with short, white hair was standing in mid-air as she held her power staff upright while looking down at everyone.Pointing to the Phantom Tribe soldiers with a stern look, she started to open her mouth. "I am the Demon Goddess Kalia. Your leader is gone. I have no quarrel with you men so I suggest you all leave this place before I change my mind. Now, LEAVE!!!!!" Without even looking back, the soldiers exited the palace quietly. Without a strong leader to lead them, they knew that the war was over. Seizing this chance, Ifurita turned to the tribesmen still on the balcony and spoke to them in a loud voice,"The same goes for you people. Leave NOW!!!" Without arguing, they walked downstairs and slowly trudged out of the courtyard without a word. Kalia turned her gaze towards the direction of the palace balcony. Her frown slowly gave way to a widening smile. She turned her direction towards the balcony and flew there. Tears were streaming down Ifurita and Kalia's faces as they hugged first before Kalia also hugged Makoto. Makoto looked happy but a little puzzled. "I...I'm happy that...but I thought..." "Me? How I survived? My creators designed me well. It's a long story but I'm just happy to be together again with people I really care for." Rune Venus smiled at the scene as an emotional Kalia and Ifurita hugged each other once again. *If former enemies can be best of friends, then perhaps the land of El Hazard has hope for its future.* The reunion scene was interrupted by the cries of Makoto who was looking through his binoculars. "This is unbelievable." He was waving excitedly as he gestured frantically towards the horizon. Rune Venus only saw some faint figures in the distance but the rumbling noise far way seemed to be getting bigger. "The Bugrom. The Bugrom!!! They're attacking the remaining flanks of the Phantom Tribe Army from one end and our Roshtarian troops are attacking from the other end causing the enemy to be trapped in the middle!!!"