El Hazard: Continuations Chapter 7 Deep in the caverns, deep in the underground tunnels of Roshtaria; far away from the eyes of most Roshtarians lived a civilization. A civilization so entrenched with hatred and vengeance that it plotted for the destruction of everything Roshtaria and the Bugrom stood for. Nahato inspected the million-strong army also standing at attention to him. He was no longer the quiet young boy whom Lord Galus had taken under his wings (and maybe more...) several years ago but a teenager on the brink of adulthood. His eyes betrayed a maturity that was way beyond his age but more frighteningly, they betrayed a look of murderous hatred and vengeance. A crooked smile of satisfaction crossed his face as he inspected the troops. All this time of hiding was worth it. They had spent all the time hiding by strenghtening and training what was probably the largest army the Phantom Tribe would soon unlease on the world of El Hazard. Through word of mouth passed on by those Roshtarians returning from Japan, he had learnt about the death of his capable general Lagus. That didn't matter now. The Phantom Tribe was always skilled at trickery and deception and through his deception and trickery, they had managed to destroy the fragile Roshtarian-Bugrom alliance. He had nothing to do with Abzahai but the gods must have been smiling at him because he had managed to weaken the Roshtarian army. Through his spies he had found out that only Makoto and an injured Ifurita had returned from the tragic expedition. *Demon goddesses down, only the priestesses and a weakened army: that should be easy.* The Bugrom Queen was dying; they would be next. But first Roshtaria..... In a few days. Just a few more days. *************************** It had all happened so fast... Inari, the Bugrom and Nanami had reached the desert, and a dark, carbonized mound...the remains of the last fiery battle with the Dorylae. Cautiously, they had approached and scouted the mound, on guard for any sign of living Dorylae. But there was nothing. Nothing had stirred here in months. Nanami would not venture onto the mound for worlds, and at last, when the Bugrom had scouted every inch, Inari had leapt swiftly to the centre of the mound, to be assured for herself. She was the straw that broke the camel's back, as the bottom suddenly fell out of the world. Before Nanami's astonished eyes, the top of the huge mound suddenly dropped out of sight with a great whoosh, and seconds later the outer rim followed, sliding in billowing clouds of dust down the steep sides of a giant pit. "It's caving in!" Nanami screamed. "Get out!" She might as well have tried to shout over a tornado. Ash, sand, debris and struggling Bugrom hurtled down the incline in a pitiless avalanche towards the pit's widening bottom. Coughing as she looked over the brink, Nanami saw below that the bottom was suddenly writhing in black shapes, bursting from the earth itself. They were pouring from the earth, black carapaces gleaming and long arms waving. They swarmed over the first Bugrom that reached them, surrounding the smaller invaders and using their bodies as stepping stones as they fought upwards. "Oh my God!" Nanami cried. "The Dorylae!" Inari was still rolling down the slope, buffeted by the bodies of her own warriors as they fell around her. She could hear their screams, and hear the familiar hiss of the Dorylae army. As she tried to grab something, anything, to stop her fall, she became aware of her own voice screaming, "Papa! Papa!" In the pit, all was chaos and terror. The Dorylae's long legs and wide feet skimmed over the sand while the heavy bodied Bugrom floundered helplessly on the sandy slopes. Full-sized and ravenous, the Dorylae hatchlings's mandibles ripped through their enemies' armour like wet cardboard. With no one to lead them, the Bugrom were panicking. Blinded by the dirt, some fled down instead of up, right into the enemies' path. Others struck at their own comrades, or trampled them as they sought to escape. The Dorylae moved swiftly, their jaws, stinging tails and powerful limbs literally ripping the Bugrom to pieces. Inari gasped as her stomach struck what seemed to be a branch of a tree. It stopped her fall, and she looked up down to see that it was a dark red Bugrom's arm. The Chico Bugrom hoisted her up on his back. "Princess!" he gasped. "Get to safety!" "To me!" Inari cried, and those Bugrom who could still listen fought their way to her side and formed a circle around her and the Chico. She saw the carnage below, and shouted her instructions to her warriors. "Form circles! Fight back to back! On the right flank - form a ladder of your bodies and start climbing out of here!" She could see her warriors struggling to obey, but they were vastly outnumbered and demoralized. She heard her father's words come back to her... "Never lose your head in battle. Never let your emotions cloud your judgement..." Fighting her own terror, she grasped her spear and thrust at the enemy. At the centre of the pit, a figure was slowly rising, its armour badly cracked and dented from previous battles. As the creature stood straight, the brittle armour shattered and fell about it, revealing its true shape. Inari saw it, and gasped. Even in all the earlier battles, no one on the Roshatarian/Bugrom side had ever seen the Queen of the Dorylae. Queen Diva had not lied. All the Bugrom Queens were made in the image of human woman. But surely only a madman could have created a woman like this. She stood eight feet tall, her long, dark green mane lashing about her like angry serpents. Her skin, a lighter shade of green, was as rough and glistening as that of a toad. She was muscled like a bull, and the talons on her great hands curved like an eagle's. When she threw back her head and hissed, her fangs gleamed wickedly. But worst of all were her eyes. They were monstrous, white, compound like a fly's, and blind. She hunted by scent alone. The scent of battle, and of food, was good. But suddenly she caught another scent - that of another Bugrom Queen. The Dorylae Queen turned towards Inari, snarling, and began to fight her way towards her. "Papa!" Inari prayed. "Papa! Where are you?" The desert sun blazed like a furnace. Shading her sweat-stung eyes, Diva stared at the vast mesa that spread below her warriors. The surface ground was baked too hard for footprints, but her antennae could still take in scent. She sat up, trembling. "Inari is ahead, and my Lord Jinnai, and..." and a faint scent like fruit gone rotten... "Forward!" Diva screamed, and the bearers took off at a dead run. Something clamped onto Inari's upper arm and she swung to repel it. She made to strike at her attacker's head - but it had none. Inari found herself staring at a jagged stump attached to a six-legged thorax. The head, she suddenly saw, was still clamped to the Chico's arm with furious jaws. The antennae were still twitching. And the legs of the headless torso were scrabbling against her, clawed feet struggling to take hold. Inari shrieked. "No!" She spitted the horror on her spear and flung it away, shivering in disgust. She pried at the head's jaws with her spearhead, but they clung on in grim death. "They live a few hours like that," the Chico told her. "It was like that when we battled them before." Inari remembered now; that was why the allied army had eventually used fire to destroy the Dorlyae. And even that, it seemed, had not been enough. "I can think like the Dorylae Queen," she had bragged to her mother. But without her father, in the horror and surprise of this battle, she found she could hardly think at all. And the cries of her warriors...her brothers...were all around her... "Beware, Princess!" she heard the Chico yell, and had a vision of the steel-sharp stinger of a scorpion Dorylae arrowing straight for her heart. But the Chico lurched backwards, throwing her from his shoulders. Seconds later she slammed into a heap of debris with enough force to knock the breath and sense from her. Bright pinlights danced in the darkness before her eyes. "Chico! Chico!" Inari struggled against the shooting pain in her head. She tried to stand, but a broken ankle gave way under her. Blinking to clear her eyes, she saw the great red Chico Bugrom lying before her, shattered like a fallen melon in the marketplace. The scorpion, huge stinger still buried in the Chico's chest, lay twitching feebly in the great red arms. The Chico raised his head to look at her, whispering, "It missed you...thank God!" Inari shook, then burst into a low, keening wail. "It...hit my heart, Chico! I can feel it breaking!" "Hush, Princess. We live and die to serve you. Our hearts will only break...if you forget..." The Bugrom sighed, lowered his great head, and died. "Wasurenai," the princess whispered in her father's language. "keshite...yakusoku..." I will not forget. Never. I promise. A nearby scent like fruit gone rotten told her the battle was not over. She pivoted painfully, sinking with the broken ankle. "I don't pray to live," she whispered. "Only not to fail..." ******************************** The long march had been hard on his soldiers Jinnai new, but he had to catch up to Inari. Over the horizon he could see a huge battle taking place. "Oh s--- that stupid daughter of mine got herself ambushed." Before Jinnai could issue an order to form up to attack Diva came rushing up in her litter with the rear guard of their army practically running. "Hold it right there Diva....Damnit I said HOLD IT!!!" Startled by Jinnai's plea Diva stopped and looked at him. "Look Diva, I know you're worried about Inari, but we can't go rushing in there without some sort of plan. The Dorylae's weakness is fire however we havn't really prepared a plan on how we can use this to our advantage." "Our daughter is down there. Lord Jinnai you just want us to wait to.." "Hold on a second Diva, I'm way ahead of you. I propose we shoot a round of fire arrows into the battle and then charge them with torches in hand. Hopefully this will scare them into making a temporary retreat. We might hit some of our own soldiers with the round of arrows, but thats a risk I'm willing to take." Before Diva or anyone else could approve or reject this plan Jinnai started barking orders. "Hurry up now form up. Fire those arrows on my mark. Groucho I want you to lead the attack on the Dorylae, rescue my daughter." Groucho saluted and took off to the front of the army to issues the orders to light up some torches. "Ok men fire arrows on my mark. MARK!!!!" A couple hundred arrows were loosed from their shafts and veered down onto the Dorylae and Bugrom below causing a panic. "Alright charge men charge. Death to all that oppose us AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" After he finished laughing Jinnai realized that almost all his troops had already left him. "Hey wait for me you dolts WAIT!!!" Taking off as fast as he could Jinnai ran down the hill after his men. ************************** The Dorylae Queen's antennae, long as her own body, twitched and slithered in the smokey air. She could smell the smoke, the blood, even the fear of the creatures fleeing around her. She could smell the other Bugrom Queen. But as her antennae swung higher, she suddenly caught a faint scent that froze her where she stood. The scent of a man. Desperately her antennae licked the air. She had laid her last egg clutch months ago. Greater than her need to eat, or even to kill, was her need to mate. The battle and the other queen vanished like phantoms. She had to find him. aahhh...he was over to the right about half a mile away, moving down the incline. She wheeled and sprang towards him over the flames, like a huge black widow spider. As she leapt, a large bulb at the base of her brain began to pulse with hidden power. Vaguely she remembered her last mate, and his wild cries as he'd gripped her in his arms. "My God, you're beautiful! More beautiful than any dream of beauty I've ever known!" And then afterwards...when her hypnotic waves had ceased, his very different cries and struggles to escape. He could have injured her. She would not make that mistake again. She would use stronger waves this time, and keep up the illusion until it was all over. Then she would be able to feast in peace. Followed by his battalion, Groucho charged forwards, slashing with his torch at the Dorylae warriors. Instinctively terrified, they scattered like leaves. Fallen warriors lay in their wake like a grim harvest--and at any moment, Groucho feared he'd spot a human form among them. "Please, be alive, Princess! How can I face Lord Jinnai and my Queen if..." Suddenly he heard a voice calling his name. He spun 'round, and could have wept for joy. Kneeling amid the holocaust, she was ragged, filthy and pale as a corpse, her long hair hanging in blood-streaked, matted ropes. But she was alive. "Little sister!" He swept Inari up into his embrace, but at her cry of pain he gasped and relaxed his hold. "Princess, did I hurt you? Forgive me!" She shook her head, smiling weakly. Her broken ankle would have caused a human to faint, but she was not human. "Oh, Groucho! You came! You came!" "Dearheart, you must have known we would!" "I didn't know anything, Groucho. Only that I was about to fight that monster...did you see her, Groucho? She ran away soon after your fire arrows landed...but I have to find her. We still need her blood, for Mama." Inari dragged her dirty sleeve across her eyes, exhausted. "Where is Papa, Groucho? He must be here somewhere. Where is he?" Groucho pointed. "Coming down behind the rear guard, over there. We run faster than he does." He stopped as he saw Inari staring off in that direction, her eyes widening with horror. "What is it, Princess?" "That way...oh, my God...the Dorylae Queen! She scented something..." Inari leaped onto Groucho's back, stifling a cry of pain at her wounded ankle. Her voice rose in hysteria. "She's trying to get to Papa! Go after her, Groucho! Go after her!" "What the heck is Katsuhiko trying to prove? That he's just as suicidal as my niece?" Breathless, Nanami skidded to a halt beside Diva's litter. The bearers had all left their queen to join the battle; Diva, meanwhile, had pulled one of the shafts free and stood leaning on it as she stared down into the chaos. Suddenly the queen grimaced in pain and clutched at her heart, almost dropping the shaft. Nanami grabbed her arm as the taller woman stumbled forward. "Queen Diva, you're supposed to be sick! Why didn't my stupid brother make you stay behind?" The low, gutteral response was unintelligable. Oh, I wish we were still in Japan, Nanami thought. We could understand each other there! I wonder if she knows any Japanese? "I'll look," she ventured, and held up her binoculars to try to get a closer look at the battle. "What's going on down there? There's my idiot brother, bringing up the rear, and where...let's see...hey, there's Inari and Groucho!" Nanami turned to Diva, smiling. "Inari's OK," she told the anxious Queen, lending her shoulder for support as she passed over the binoculars. Diva scanned the pit. Suddenly she froze, antennae and wings quivering. Her fingers dug into Nanami's shoulder like pincers. "Diva! What's wrong?" Diva dropped the binoculars and stabbed a finger towards the pit. Her deep voice rasped in Japanese. "I go! There! Now!" She staggered forward, but bent nearly double as another spasm took her. Nanami rolled her eyes to heaven, then looped the determined Queen's arm 'round her shoulder. "We go," she announced firmly. Diva nodded, and they lurched forward together. Katsuhiko, thought Nanami grimly, if we make it, I'm going to get you for this... She had crouched behind a huge boulder as the Bugrom reinforcements charged by. Now the prey she hunted was approaching, alone. Through the pulsing lobe in her brain swam images and emotions from deep in her quarry's subconcious. The lobe transformed them into chemical codes that poured into her blood and steeped through the millions of tiny glands under her skin. An invisible cloud enveloped her, heady as incense, intoxicating as musk. His senses would reel at the first whiff. He would see, hear and feel only what he most desired. It was time. The Dorylae Queen stepped slowly out from behind the boulder. In front of her, she heard a soft gasp. Smiling, the fatal vision reached out her arms. ****************************** Running down the hill as fast as he could Jinnai found himself lagging somewhat behind his army, although some of his soldiers were keeping up with his pace to protect him. Usually Jinnai had his own personnal guard, but they were at the front line of the battle. "Strike quickly men find the queen!!!" Wiping his forehead Jinnai suddenly felt funny. Something was pulling him towards the center of the battlefield. "Wha..at is this? I..I have to find out." Peering ahead Jinnai saw something golden cutting his soldiers down one by one. Unexpectedly, Jinnai stumbled toward the Dorylae queen. "What is that power? I must have it!" Jinnai stumbled nearer and nearer the Dorylae Queen. She had chosen the perfect form to lure him: a dazzling golden demon goddess, radiating power. "I have come to help you conquer the world, Master," she intoned, without truly understanding what she said. At the sound of his laugh, she knew she had him. "Are you out of your mind, Katsuhiko? She's about to spring! Eat this, you bitch from hell!" Suddenly something sprayed the Dorylae Queen full in the face. Thick, liquid and salty, it splashed over her skin, blocking her sense of smell. She vomited violently at its taste, breaking her hypnotic concentration. The illusion vanished. Again she was a half-human, half-insect, wholly monstrous parody of a woman. She heard Jinnai's cry of horror. Then something stuck her in the back and hung on, sending her staggering. Over her own shriek of rage she heard a new voice crying, "Papa! I'll hold her back! Run!" ******************** Inari had sprung from Groucho onto the Dorylae Queen's back just after Nanami had sprayed the Queen with soy sauce. The Bugrom Princess wedged her arm under her enemy's jaw in an effort to break her neck, but the Queen's bones were like steel bands. Might as well try to break the bars of a portcullis. The monster reached back, sinking claws like meathooks into Inari's shoulders and hurling her head-over-heels into the armoured bodies that lay strewn about them. Dazed, Inari tried to roll to safety. But the Queen moved with terrifying speed, planting a clawed foot in her spine and catching up a handfull of Inari's long, black hair. Pushing down with her foot, the Dorylae Queen yanked Inari's hair backwards with awesome strength. Inari twisted and struggled as her throat bent back like a bow and the bones ridged under her skin. Her hands tore uselessly at the thick coils of hair in her attacker's iron grip. She heard her father shouting at Groucho, who launched himself at the monster. With a single blow, the Dorylae Queen sent the big bugrom spinning like a child's toy. Her grip on Inari did not slacken by a hair. She continued to haul backwards as Inari's lips went purple and horrid gagging sounds sputtered from her throat. She managed to choke out two words: "Papa! Run!" before she shuddered, and went limp. The Dorylae Queen paused, snarling, and finally released her prey's head, which slumped to the ground. She had turned to seek her original prey when a second weight struck her back, and sank fangs deep into the base of her throat. Shrieking, the Dorylae Queen plunged her claws into this tormentor too, but it clung on, as if it would cling unto grim death. For Queen Diva, who thought she had just seen her daughter die, was determined to do just that. ********************** Inari moaned, feeling like her throat was on fire. She could hear her father's voice, knew she was lying in his arms. What was he saying? And why hadn't he run to safety? Then she heard him say her mother's name, and her heart turned to lead. Twisting 'round and looking up, she saw as in a nightmare Queen Diva clinging to the back of the raging Dorylae Queen, like a wasp trying to sting a tarantula. Green liquid dribbled from beneath Diva's fangs, sunk deep in her enemy's throat. Though the Dorylae Queen was spinning like a mad bull, Diva would not let go. But it was only a matter of time before the monster clawed her off, and then-- "Mama!" Inari screamed. Her father's hands were on her shoulders now. He was urging her to do something, shouting orders at both herself and Diva. She forced herself to concentrate on what he was saying. When he pushed the plastic bottle of soy sauce into her hands, she understood what she had to do. ********************** Diva had heard the order too. She released her hold on the Dorylae Queen and slumped to the ground. The monster turned to finish her off, but then heard Jinnai's voice calling to her, taunting her. With these interlopers beaten, her urge to mate returned. She hissed and lurched towards him, great clawed hands outflung. In those few moments of distraction, Inari staggered between them, darted under the Dorylae Queen's grip and rammed the mouth of the bottle into the creature's jaws. As the hands closed on her, Inari squeezed for all she was worth. Sauce gushed into the monster's mouth, gagging her as she swallowed helplessly. The Dorylae Queen reeled backwards, choking and sputtering. Then an extraordinary thing happened. She began to heave and wretch like someone who had swallowed carbolic acid. Her limbs jerked spasmodically, and foam frothed from her writhing lips. Crumpling to the ground, the Queen gradually curled up in a fetal position as her legs and arms shook. At last, with a final, terrible shudder, the great blind eyes glazed over, and she heaved a rasping breath, and was still. All across the pit Dorylae warriors froze, antennae helplessly searching the air for orders they could no longer hear. One by one, they buckled and collapsed like punctured weather balloons. Inari stared around herself in a daze. It was over. It was impossible. They had won. ********************** She was hardly aware of Groucho now behind her, helping her to stand. Nanami came up, pale as a sheet. "Of course," she whispered. "Killer salt! No soy sauce on El Hazard...nothing with that much salt. Even we have to watch how much take in, but to them...it's deadly poison!" Katsuhiko will take the credit, but it was my soy sauce, she thought with a hidden smile. "Remind me never to eat in your restaurant," Inari murmured incoherently. She still couldn't take everything in. "And remind me never to let you or your mother out of my sight again!" Inari turned and gave a cry of joy. There stood Katsuhiko Jinnai and by his side, a radiant Queen Diva. Inari flung herself into her mother's arms. "But how?" Inari gasped. "You were dying, Mama!" Diva pulled back, eyes shining, skin glowing. Demurely she wiped the last trace of green from her lips. "I can feel this blood racing through my veins, Inari, like a cool river! I feel stronger every second. It may be a little while before I reach my former strength, but the danger is gone." Her eyes softened. "You were magnificent, my love," she murmured. "I was a fool, Mama. I almost led us into a disaster. I promise, I'll never disobey you or Papa again!" "Hmmph. I believe that like I believe Mizuhara is my secret admirer!" Inari felt her father's hand on her shoulder, the tension in his fingers betraying how frightened he had been. But he smiled at her. "Nice job, kid." "Uh...I hate to interrupt this cozy reunion, but the battle isn't over yet." The threesome looked up to see Nanami standing with an ironic smile, arms crossed. "There's still the little matter of the Phantom Tribe, who poisoned Queen Diva in the first place. I hate to say it, but by the look of things when I left, they're probably attacking Roshtaria by now. Don't you owe the Phantom Tribe a little something, big brother?" This time he had to give her the credit. For the first time in her life, Nanami Jinnai heard her brother admit that she'd had a good idea.