El Hazard: Continuations Chapter 4 Makoto was the sort of person who made sure that his old friends stayed in touch constantly. Today, they were all gathered in Kalia's apartment. She had prepared a modest (modest?) meal of udon and tempura and he was really looking forward to her tasty cooking. He really, REALLY enjoyed spending time with this group of people: Alielle, Palnus, Ura, Kalia and of course Ifurita. No matter how many new friends he made in Japan, nothing could compare to spending time with this particular group of people. Everyone was talking and laughing while Palnus was stuffing a fried shrimp into his mouth. The television was on and the new mayor of Tokyo who had been elected a few months ago was seen on the screen surveying some development projects. It looked like the economy was booming and good times were rolling. "Seems like the new mayor has been doing an excellent job. Better than the old one, I guess." Makoto continued to watch the news. Alielle was not paying attention and as usual was thinking lasvicious thoughts. This time however, she was looking at Kalia who was busy serving food. *She's really cute.* Alielle slurped down her noodles, making an obnoxious slurping sound. *A pretty face, legs that go on forever, big round.....* Alielle slapped herself. *What the heck am I thinking about? The last Kalia almost broke Lady Fatora's arm. Oh well....she's not the only female in Japan.* "You know, we are not the only ones from El Hazard who should be here." "What are you talking about?" "I have been reading this book. Sure, the name of the author is different but anyone can use a pen name." Ifurita drew out a book. The glossy cover proudly proclaimed itself as a best-seller and told some story about a "Magnificent World." "...and here we have a description about a kingdom that is constantly at war with some insect tribe. Then, we have this Shadowy Tribe that wants to use some 'Ultimate Doomsday Weapon' to destroy everyone." She continued to turn the pages. "The heroine of the story is the Priestess of the Wind and together with the Priestesses of Fire and Water, they band together to fight evil. On the way of course, they encounter demon goddesses." (pauses to smile to herself) "Hmmm..." "Afura. Afura Mann." Palnus sat up looking sure of himself. "I guess that makes sense. She must somehow have been left in Japan." He continued. "Besides, she has always had an interest in books and I guess it was only a matter of time before she started writing books herself." Everyone looked surprised. "I guess we need to find her soon but anyway, there is something that you all should know." Makoto sat up and with everyone listening intently, he began to tell the story of how Akira Kanzaki invited him to a museum and up to the point when Abzahai left for Roshtaria. "G-ran." "?" "That was his real name." Kalia was sipping some juice and she continued. "He was a member of the Phantom Tribe and he came to Japan with Lagus." "I guess that explains everything now." Makoto looked a bit more certain. "Don't get the wrong idea though. I don't think he really is a bad person. When Diva was captured, he was the one who made sure that his men wouldn't harm her physically. If you ask me, I think he just wanted to take Abzahai home and study him." She looked as if she was merely talking about the daily news. "He was always interested in science and his interest was purely from the scientific perspective." "I think I should go back to El Hazard to warn the others about Abzahai." "I understand your concern but how are you going to do that?" "Ifurita, remember when you first transported me, Katsuhiko, Nanami and Fujisawa-sensei?" "Yes, but....20,000 years of floating through time and dimension have weakened my powers and..." "Aren't you forgetting something?" "Hmmmm?" Kalia was sitting back as she proceeded to explain. "I was transported to Earth through the Eye of God." She paused to finish some soup. "I am a demon goddess and if Ifurita can acquire the knowledge to transport people to El Hazard, so can I. Think of this: if I were to combine my powers with Ifurita, it might be possible for us both to send everyone including ourselves to El Hazard. ******************************* "Takuya sure seemed excited to hear from you." ".........." "You know Palnus, I think he's still in love with you. Ah..you're blushing. I knew it. You still have feelings for him." "Shut up Alielle. I can't hear you. LA-LA-LA-LA!" Makoto Mizuhara sighed. He was at the wheel of his car and he was on his way to look for Afura Mann. Ura was snoring at the passenger's seat. Ifurita couldn't come because she had classes and Kalia had to work on an afternoon shift. The Relrye siblings were at it again; fighting and teasing each other.*Oh well...at least they still care for each other in spite of their fighting. At least, they're not like Katsuhiko and Nanami.* ************************** Knock! Knock! "Who is it?" A very familiar-sounding voice called. It was always pleasant to hear a voice like that. *At least the El Hazardians are not all alone in Japan.* The door opened cautiously as if the opener was hesitant of being mugged and then...."Afura!""Sister Afura! I'm so happy to see you!"Afura Mann was still dressed in her favorite green. Her eyes lit up momentarily when she saw us and then she didn't seem too pleased.The reason was obvious.The Relrye siblings had each head buried in each of her breasts. If Makoto didn't know better, he would have said that they looked like two babies trying to breastfeed from their mom. Afura politely but forcefully pushed the Relrye siblings to a respectable distance away and then invited everyone in. "Nyaa! Ura happy to see Afura." "I'm also happy to see you too, Ura." Afura gently picked up Ura and started to stroke her fur while she purred contentedly. Everyone then made their way into the living room to sit while Afura served them some cups of tea. "So, how have all of you been doing?" "Wah! So now you're a famous writer, eh?" "Shhh, Palnus. Let Makoto explain to Afura." Makoto Mizuhara began by explaining how everyone had been doing. Afura leaned forward, looking interested. As he continued explaining to the part about Abzahai, he noticed a change of reaction in her eyes but she quickly hid her expressions. *So typical of Afura. She cares for everyone but is always trying to put on a bold front by hiding her true feelings.* Makoto finally reached the end of his lenghtly summary by explaining the need to return to El Hazard to set things right and extending his invitation to Afura to join them. Everyone was sitting in suspence for a few seconds as they waited for an answer.... Silence. Waiting. Anticipation. "I'm sorry." "Huh?" "What do you mean?" "I can't come. You will all have to go by yourselves." Palnus looked rather agitated as he started to throw his arms around Afura. Makoto thought he detected a look of hurt in her eyes but dismissed that as part of his imagination. "Didn't the time we spent together mean anything to you? I guess all the fame and fortune has gone to your head now, huh? I was wrong to think that I cared...." "Palnus, let's go. I guess her books are more important than us." Alielle looked disappointed as she dragged an upset-looking Palnus to the door. Makoto hurriedly said his goodbye while Afura wished them luck in a cold voice.Everyone left and the door closed with a slam. Afura slowly leaned with her back to the door and then gently slided down and rested on the floor.A teardrop rolled down her cheek.In her entire life, the number of times she had ever remembered herself crying were probably less than the number of fingers on her right hand. And now she covered her face as more tears started to roll down her cheeks.*I'm sorry everyone.* They didn't understand. *Of course they didn't. why would they* *They're just disapointed,they don't know what I'm going through.* *Why do things have to be like this?* Afura stood up and wiped her tears and went back to her bedroom. Opening the windows brought a soft gust of wind that brought with it the smell of crisp clean air. she inhaled deeply and tried to think. Life has been difficult since the publishing of the book. *A career and lots of money or friends: which is more important?* She sat in silence. *How could I just throw away my responsibility? How could I just forget about people who care so much about me?* *I should have gone with them.*Afura thought, the wind tousling her hair.*I should have gone with them* ********************* Makoto, Alielle, and Palnus drove back to the apartment in silence. They were still so upset over Afura's decision to not return home with them that none of them really felt like talking. After a moment, Alielle looked up at Makoto, who was in the driver's seat. "Makoto, why would Afura do something like that? Is her career more important than her duties as a Muldoon Priestess? Is it more important to her than...us?" Makoto sighed. "I wish I knew, Alielle." He looked thoughtful for a moment, then added, "I'm not so sure that it's her career that's making her stay on earth like this. Right before we left her place, Afura really did look sad for a moment. I don't think it was an easy decision for her to make. Maybe there's someone else in her life that she doesn't want to leave behind, like a boyfr--" Makoto caught himself in mid-sentence, and looked at Palnus nervously, expecting him to explode angrily at the thought of Afura having a boyfriend. Fortunately, though, he didn't, and he continued to look outside the car window. Palnus had been very upset at Afura's decision at first, but he was able to calm down, and for the rest of the ride back he seemed deep in thought. Palnus looked up and took a deep breath, then began to speak. "It doesn't really matter what the real reason for Afura staying behind is. She's made her decision, and I doubt there's anything we can do to change her mind. We'll all miss Afura, but all we can do now is support her and respect the choice that she's made." Makoto and Alielle looked suprised at Palnus for a second, but as soon as they realized Palnus was serious, they nodded their heads in agreement. "You're absolutely right, Palnus," Makoto replied. "Afura has the right to decide how she wants to lead her life. I'm glad you were the one to point that out." "Yeah, I think that's one of the most sensible things that's ever come out of your mouth, Palnus," Alielle agreed. ****************** The next morning lead to the same routines. Press conference, book signing, meetings. Afura just repeated the same dull lines as reporters waved their hands like eager children in a classroom, desperate to rephrase a question that had already been asked. The book was a best seller in every language it had been translated into. Joy. After the meeting with her publisher, Takuya took her out to lunch. Apparently he had a surprise of some sort. Afura's mind just floated as he jabbered excitedly in her ear about something. Her mind was in the clouds, in the wind, no it was at El Hazard. *I belonged there didn't I? What was I thinking, What am I doing in this foreign place...* "...So my friend introduced me to Ryoe Tsukimura yesterday, he's really excited about your novel and wants to talk about doing a screenplay for an anime of it!!!!! Isn't that great!!!!" "Oh" "Oh? OH? I just tell you your novel might become an anime and you say...OH? AFURA !! What's the matter with you?" "I'm sorry..I just.." "So what do you think Afura? This is great! Are you going to meet him or what?" "I don't know, you decide" "Huh? Why would I decide, you're the writer, it's your book.." "....." Afura just stared at her bowl.Then something in Takuya seemed to snap. "How on earth did you ever become a writer? Did you just publish the book because I told you to? What would you being doing with your life if I hadn't made you publish that book? Did it ever occur to you?" There was such a big leap in logic between that first statement and the next. she thought that they were like two people standing apart on seperate mountain peaks,recklessly leaning foward trying to throw stones at one another without really being aware of the chasm beneath. "Takuya,I'm sorry, I just..." "Oh quite wimpering! What the hell's happened to you Afura. You're not the person I remember.Grow a backbone!" "OH! You're one to talk about growing a backbone! you become a sniveling little girl everyime you talk to Palnus!!!" "Palnus has nothing to...." And quite suddenly they realized that every person in the restaraunt had their eyes on them. *This is ridiculous.."And Afura started to laugh. "This is pretty ridiculous"Takuya stated watching Afura giggle. "That's exactly what I was thinking." The two of them began to laugh. After awhile they stopped and calmned down. "I'm sorry Afura, you've had a long day, I have to get up to my dad's store, so I'll call you about that meeting okay?" Afura nodded and Takuya got up and left. "Hey!!! You're the writer of my son's favorite book!!!I know this is silly, but could I get your autograph?" Afura smiled gently. "Of course" ********************** "You didn't really have to bring so much stuff, you know." "Well, there's my manga collection. Then there's this T-shirt. Then, my toothbrush. Oh yeah, and my porno...err...educational books." Alielle was berating her brother Palnus who was carrying a heavy suitcase. They had arrived at the promised meeting place 5 minutes late. Makoto, Ifurita, Kalia and Ura were already waiting but strangely, no one looked impatient. "Dimensional travel can only take place through excess energy and perfect timing," Makoto announced as if he were making a scientific discovery. Alielle noticed that Kalia kept glancing at Makoto through the corner of her eye. "Ready?" "Ready." "Yeah, I'm ready." "Mmm...hmmm." "Nyaa." "Ready." "I'm sorry I'm late, I...." Palnus Relrye turned his head not wanting to believe his ears. Could it be.... "Afura? I...." Yes, it was her and she was dressed in her favorite green lugging along a small suitcase. Palnus stood there standing speechless for a moment and thenAfura and Palnus hugged for a while without a word being exchanged. It seemed like that moment would last forever. "But how did you..." "Hush Palnus. It doesn't matter. Let's all get ready." Makoto spoke reassuringly to the two who probably had a lot to say but didn't quite know how to say. Ifurita put her two hands together and sparks of light started to ignite between them. Kalia did the same but her glow was even brighter. The energy became more intense and the two demon goddesses started to combine their energies as the energy waves became stronger. Makoto felt his head spinning and he thought he was floating through empty space. Empty space? Felt more like colors and patterns were whirling all around him as he saw his friends flying about him. He clutched frantically in the air and felt the comforting tug of Ifurita's hand. Then that was it. ************************** Makoto Mizuhara opened his eyes. "Oohh...my head. Are we there?" He felt a little giddy but proceeded to stand up. Sights. Sounds. Colors. Smells. No doubt about it. This felt like good ol' El Hazard. He looked around and saw all his friends slowly beginning to open their eyes. He realized that he was still holding on to Ifurita's hand. He turned around and realized that Kalia had been tugging on to his shirt as they drifted through dimensions. To his amusement, he realized that Ura's foot was in Palnus' nose and they were just getting out of their slumber. "Yes. No doubt about it. We're in Roshtaria all right. I suppose our next destination will be Florestica but that's going to be at least a day's walk from here unless I am mistaken," Alielle wisely proclaimed as she stood up surveying the surroundings as if she was a tour guide. Afura was rubbing her eyes and looking around. ******************** The Phantom Tribe. Otherwise known as the Shadow Tribe. They lived in the shadows of El Hazard, often in an intricate system of underground caverns and tunnels and rarely showing their faces except in Roshtarian disguise. The textbooks of Roshtaria had barely a mention of them except to say that they were originally from another dimension. The textbooks of course never mentioned about the progress or advancement of their civilization. It was such a member that peeped out from his hiding place as Makoto Mizuhara carefully examined the device he brought along as his fellow travellers slowly opened their eyes. "The key. The Ancient Key. Makoto Mizuhara, the sworn enemy of our tribe has the key and he's back in El Hazard. And he has two demon goddesses at his biding. Nahato would be very interested to hear this." Makoto Mizuhara of course did not notice the sly little figure that had disappeared to where he came from, almost like a worm disappearing into a worm-hole. His attention had now shifted to his friends. "Wake up, sleeping beauty." "Mmmm..hmmm. Let me go back to sleep." "We're there." He slowly caressed Ifurita's cheek as she gradually stirred. He watched in comical amusement as Ura and Palnus stirred and were now struggling with one another; Ura with her feet stuck up Palnus' nose and Palnus with his mouth nibbling Ura's ear. "The sights, the smells...Ah...nothing like El Hazard." Alielle was breathing in the view of the surroundings. "But what about food? I..." "I'm glad I saved these while I was in Japan." Makoto showed her some pieces of metal. Roshtarian currency! Of course! Palnus who had finished struggling with Ura proudly brandished some pieces of glinting metal. *Looks like my brother has brains* Alielle proudly thought to herself. "That should be able to last us until we err...'borrow' some from Rune Venus again," Makoto self-assuredly proclaimed as his fellow travellers proceeded to continue their journey. Afura seemed to be deep in thought as she surveyed the surroundings. ********************** "A table for six, please." Makoto Mizuhara was really hungry. He had been travelling with his friends for 3 straight hours and his stomach was beginning to growl. He looked around and he was sure that his company felt the same. After being on the dusty road, he had come to this restaurant by the side of a small village. While he prefered Japanese tempura or teriyaki anytime, Roshtarian food was also okay, at least for now. The restaurant owner eyed him suspiciously. Takrif Hussein. While he was generally tolerant of most Roshtarians, he viewed people who were 'different' from him with disdain. While he shared a common ideology with his distant cousin Yasser ibn Hasan who also disliked the Bugrom, his xenophobia bordered on paranoia. *Those two women? Weren't they...what you call 'demon goddesses'?* Wrinkles started to appear on his forehead as he stared at them with contempt. He deeply blamed them for the ceaseless wars over the years which had resulted in him losing his best friend years ago. "I can offer you a table for you and some of your friends but we don't serve demon goddesses." He startled gesturing wildly at Kalia."Roshtaria would be better off without a wench like her. They're nothing but trouble for this country. Should have been consigned to a trash heap years ago." Makoto was shaking with fury. He grabbed Takrif by his shirt collar. "If you don't take back what you said about her, I will give you a pummeling that you will never forget." "That's quite alright Makoto. Let's go somewhere else." Kalia was gently tugging at Makoto's sleeve, beckoning him to go. Makoto released his grip and beckoned his friends to leave the place. He slammed the door behind him, VERY LOUDLY. He was obviously upset. Kalia was looking carefully at Makoto from the corner of her eye. Though she was quite shaken and upset at the incident, she felt an even more powerful emotion in her heart. She felt warm all inside.... ********************** It had been a few hours after the incident at the restaurant, and Makoto, Palnus, and the others were still hiking single file along the forest trail that lead to the outskirsts of Floristica. All of them looked exhausted and more than a little hungry. "God, I'm starving! I don't think I can walk another step without something to eat!" Alielle complained. "Stop your whining, Alielle. You're not the only one who's suffering, y'know. I'm so weak from hunger I'm beginning to lose feeling in my legs," Palnus replied moodily. "I'm sure we'll find something to eat soon," Afura muttered. Palnus glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He didn't really know what to say to her but he was really glad that she was back. Kalia, who had remained silent for most of the hike, suddenly spoke up. "I'm so sorry, everyone. This is all my fault. If it hadn't been for me, you all could have gotten into that restaurant and you wouldn't be so hungry now." Kalia looked away from the others, ashamed of herself. Ifurita put a reassuring hand on Kalia's shoulder. "Don't talk like that, Kalia. I'm partly to blame anyways." "Yeah, it's all that stupid restaurant owner's fault, not yours!" Alielle chipped in. "That lousy, no good, bigoted pile of--" Ifurita cut Alielle off before she could continue any further. "Let's just try and forget it, okay everyone? We're not that far from Floristica, and once we get there, we'll order all the food we can eat, I promise." "Sounds good to me! In the meantime, though, I found a few snacks for us to munch on." Palnus reached into his pocket and pulled out several small green leaves. He grinned, obviously pleased with himself. "Ta-dah!" Alielle blinked. "Leaves? You brought us leaves? What good are they going to do?" "Oh, just hush up for once in your life and listen, will ya? Look, chewing on something will take your mind off how hungry you are. It works, I've done it before." Palnus shoved one of the leaves into his mouth and began to chew. After a moment, he turned to Alielle. "Want one?" "Ugh. No thanks." Palnus shrugged. "Suit yourself. Just don't beg me for one later. How about you, Kalia?" Kalia plucked one of the leaves out of Palnus' hand and began to study it. "Palnus, you are aware that these leaves are poisonous, right?" "They're poisonous?? Uh, I mean--yeah, of course I knew that. I was just testing to make sure YOU knew." Palnus' skin started to turn to a sickly greenish-yellow color. "Anyways, you passed the test. Now, uh, excuse me for a moment." With that, Palnus covered his mouth with his hands and dashed behind a group of trees. Kalia did her best to ignore the gagging noises coming from behind the trees. Afura merely smiled to herself. *Just like Palnus to bring a smile to everyone's face.* Meanwhile, Alielle and Makoto looked off into the distance in an attempt to estimate how much farther they had to go before they reached Floristica. Alielle turned and smiled excitedly at Makoto. " I'd say we only have a short distance until we get to Floristica. If we hurry, we might be able to get there before the sun sets." *********************** Four women engrossed in a sport. Pettan. Some people call it a very challenging sport. Some people simply label it as a complete waste of time. Others even consider it evil when money was involved. Miz, Kauru, Shayla Shayla and Nanami didn't care what other people thought. They just wanted to have fun and forget about the current problems in Roshtaria. "Ha! I win again!" Shayla Shayla cried in joy. To her, Pettan was a relatively easy game to play. To play, you and your opponent have to put your cards on the ground. Then you throw your own card as hard as you can to the ground in the hope that the force(wind?) caused by it will turn your opponenent's card over. Being experienced at it, Shayla Shayla had won thrice in a row. "Hey! Not fair!" "What do ya mean? I won it through my own skill." "Anyway it's the fun that matters. It should take your mind off Tunis..." Shayla Shayla looked serious suddenly. She frowned. "I have never seen something so awful. Everyone you could smell charred flesh. Londs looked sick at the sight. Anyway, let's not talk about unpleasant business and continue with the game, okay?" "Miz. How's family life getting on?" Nanami earnestly asked. "Okay, I guess. Though I wish I could sometimes get my son to eat the healthy food I cook for him. He should know that mothers know best for their children...hey, what's so funny?" "Oh nothing." Nanami was smiling to herself thinking about what Fujisawa had said about his wife's cooking. "If only Makoto were here, I remember that he used to be good at Pettan too." "Shayla. You're getting that far-away look. Thinking about Makoto again? I bet you wish he were here." "Whatever. It's too late for me. His heart already belongs to someone. ******************************** "We were not created by the hand of God, Inari..." The dark sky was flushing into deep blue as dawn rose on the Holy River of God. In the forest on the Roshtarian side the Bugrom had camped for the night, but no one had slept. The whole camp was still rustling as the warriors dragged sheets of metal and mechanisms they had cannabalized from nearby villages to build the ships that would take them across the River, back to where they had come from. Inari sat by the riverbank, motionless as a Buddha. At Groucho's insistence, she had finally left the tent where her mother lay ill, and gone to get some air. Groucho's idea of providing Diva with a transfusion from Inari had seemed to help a little: it had given her intervals of strength and lucidity, but the effect was only temporary. Nothing seemed to be able to combat this insidious drug. It was the first enemy she had seen her father helpless to defeat. Although his speech to the warriors had steadied them enough to preserve order, Inari could feel fear rising from the camp like the mist from a swamp. Ironically, Jinnai had been likewise unable to reassure his own daughter. He had come and gone to the royal tent during the night, checking on the Queen, then tending to the sentries, the patrols, and the ship-builders. During his absence, Inari had cried innocently, "Oh, Mama, why do the Roshtarians hate us so?" The answer was spoken weakly and fitfully, punctuated with spells of feverish slumber and bouts of pain. Nevertheless, Diva's mind was crystal clear. Inari remembered every word. "We were not created by the hand of God, Inari. The Bugrom were...invented...by the ancients of El Hazard. They experimented with humans and insects in a quest to produce a creature large, strong and versatile, but most of all, mindlessly obedient. Our people, Inari, were bred to be a race of slaves. Each tribe of Bugrom was bred from a different insect, to be best suited to their Masters' wants. The Syntermians, who came from termites, harvested their forests. The Dorylae, who combined the cockroach, the scorpion, and the army ant, fought in their wars. And we, who came from bees, tended their crops and built their palaces. Like the great insects, the Bugrom reproduced through one fertile female, the queen, and our decadent Makers created the queens in the image of beautiful human women, so that they might father the slaves themselves. That was what proved their undoing. For though decadent, these men were very clever, and they passed on their own intelligence to the workers and their queens, until these slaves finally began to understand what they were. To understand meant to question and to challenge, and the queens, who were the most human of all, were the first to rebel. It was a queen of our own tribe who led the Great Rebellion. During the Great Wars, when our makers fought one another with the Eye of God and the Demon Gods and nearly destroyed one another, this queen was able to take advantage of the chaos and escape, leading the tribes to freedom. Our makers now saw us as monsters. They pumped poison into the land and the water, killing many of the tribes entirely, and making no place safe for us. At last our tribe's queen fled with a handful of her followers over the Holy River, into the Shadowlands, where our enemies dared not follow. There, she began to build a hive. When this was done, she sent a raiding party back to kidnap a man from a village near the river. The tribe increased soon after, but he was never seen again. No man ever mated with a Bugrom queen and lived. This helped to spread the fear of us, and keep our secret stronghold safe. The Bugrom stronghold in the Shadowlands grew for generations, growing stronger and stronger, until the queens knew they could at last begin to attack their enemies across the river in earnest. That was when the war with Roshtaria and her allies began. We were determined to live free in the sunlight, and never be slaves again." Inari had held her mother's hand in silence through the whole recounting. At times Diva had gripped her hand tightly, eyes feverish with emotion, and at times she had lain limp and simply whispered. Yet as desperately as she wanted her mother to rest, Inari could not resist the question, "And...Papa?" Diva had smiled weakly. "I knew you would come to that. That queen who led the great Rebellion dreamed of a messenger of God who would come to lead us. Little did I know he would come in my reign! Your father was the first man who ever walked willingly into Bugrom territory. He strode into my court, proud, passionate, fearless - everything my patient people were not, and needed to become. To my delight, he offered of his own free will to stay and be my partner and lead my people to victory. We enjoyed a power never known, under him, and I began to feel a longing no Bugrom queen had ever felt. Inari, now you know the history of the Bugrom, and our war with the kingdoms of men. But you will be the first Bugrom Queen to know both parents, the first to have a human perspective, as well as Bugrom. Use it, Inari. Learn how to understand humans, as well as defend against them. They have hated us for a long time, but if your father can see us as people, instead of monsters, then perhaps other humans will too. Remember this, Inari. You may be the Bugrom's last hope for peace." Inari could not bear those last words. She could not be the queen. She could not lose her mother. And most of all, she could never live in peace with the people who had done this. With her father's help, she would force the Roshtarians to undo their evil work, and then destroy them once and for all. She stood up, hands clenched at her sides. The first rays of the rising sun burned red in her eyes as she whispered the samurai's oath, "Yurusanai!" I will never forgive! Then she turned and strode to the tent, to tell her father her plan. *************************** "(Yawn. Groan.) Hey, Nanami. How 'bout two coffee & milks over here - second one easy on the coffee?" The early morning sun was pouring through the windows of Nanami's restaurant. Nanami looked up, bleary-eyed, to see an equally bleary-eyed Fujisawa stagger in, baby son in tow. Too tired to rise, she flicked a hand at one of the waitresses and pointed to the opposite seat of the booth where she was sitting. Fujisawa slid in, disentangling his son from the harness on his back. "Geez, you're gettin' heavy, slugger." He gratefully accepted a cup of coffee from the waitress, and popped a white bottle into his son's chubby hands. "Ahh, that's great coffee. You slept well last night, Nanami?" "Not a wink. Not that it's going to matter, with the whole town too beat for breakfast. I hink if I tried to hold to chopsticks, one would slip out of my hand." Her eyes roved to the toddler. "Where's Miz?" "Gone to Tunisha with Londs and Shayla-Shayla. Geez, whatever happened up there must be awful." "Hmm. And between the soldiersgoing north and the Bugrom pulling south, it's a wonder anybody slept!" "It's a wonder nobody got hurt. Londs & the soldiers kept everybody from rushing the Bugrom...and I gotta say, your brother kept the Bugrom under control too. Just funnelled 'em out like sand from an hour glass." "My brother's not stupid, sensei. Not about war, anyway. He won't start a fight when he's surrounded. Whatever he does, he does to get ahead, not behind." "Yeah. Guess so." The teacher scratched his chin, stared into his coffee for a moment, then began. "You know, Nanami, some people are saying--" "That my brother was the one who poisoned Diva?" Nanami met his eyes squarely. "I wondered about that myself. What do people say he did it for?" "Well - " he rubbed his eyes wearily, "Londs thinks he did it because he wants war, and Diva's standing in his way. With her gone, he could rule the Bugrom through his daughter. And he had Diva poisoned at the meeting with Lune Venus to throw the blame on the Roshtarians, and make the Bugrom fighting mad." "Mmmm." To Fujisawa's surprise, Nanami merely yawned. "I didn't think Londs was so eager for peace either." "What? You don't think Londs -" "No, no, of course not. He's an honourable man. And my brother isn't - but he's not a gambler, either. I've thought about it, and the whole thing just isn't Katsuhiko's style." "Oh? Whadda you mean?" "Well, in the first place, to create a substance poisonous to Bugrom. The Bugrom are the source of my brother's power here. Is he going to create a weapon that could destroy the Bugrom, but nobody else? Wouldn't he create a poison that worked the other way around?" The teacher's eyebrows rose. "Got a point there." "And Diva's the one who produces all the new warriors. Without her, he's got no new recruits." "There is Inari." "And my brother's dead set against her having kids. Katsuhiko's funny, sensei. He's as puritanical as a Victorian maiden aunt sometimes. I can't see him setting her up as a baby machine." "Maybe not - but he did warn her not to drink the wine. Kinda suspicious, don't you think?" "Not really. If he hadn't wanted her to drink it, he'd have come himself to make sure. That's the suspicious part, sensei. I can't see Katsuhiko putting a plan this risky into action without overseeing it himself. I mean, Inari's just as sneaky as he is. She doesn't obey him half the time, and I'm sure he knows it. He couldn't risk her drinking, or Diva not, and besides, it would have been the perfect chance for him to climb on his soapbox and rant about Roshtarian treachery. Nope, we'll have to look somewhere else for our poisoner." Fujisawa sighed and smiled sadly, thinking of Inari. "Too bad that archer got away. We mighta learned something. Well, I'd be glad for the girl's sake if your brother's innocent. Pretty awful to think he'd poison the mother of his own child." He chucked his son under the chin. "Though sometimes at dinner it seems like Mama's trying to do it to Papa, doesn't it, slugger?" Nanami smiled wanly at the boy. "I don't really know what Diva is to him, sensei. Maybe I really don't want to know. Yuck. But seriously, I would like to know who did this. And it'll take a better brain than mine to puzzle it out." "Yeah. Mine too." They both sat looking at the baby for a moment. Finally Nanami sighed. "Poison plots - burning villages - mass chaos - no customers...oh, I wish Makoto-chan were here." "So do I, honey. So do I." ********************* Smoke. Abzahai, followed it like a beacon through the blue morning sky. Veering slightly southeast, he soared swiftly and soundlessly, clenching his staff as he massed his strength for the attack. As he approached the thin, smoky columns, he began to trace a circle 'round them, sensors scanning the ground below. Fire - but old fire, dying embers, charred flesh. This was not a village below him, but a ruin, already destroyed. He registered the discovery without pity or disappointment, only passionless efficiency. He would conserve his energy for the real battles that lay ahead. Breaking out of the circle pattern, Abzahai trained his sensors forward again and swooped off. Far below the smouldering mound, the Dorylae Queen stirred. Shielded by the wreckage that buried her and her offspring, she had escaped the Demon God's notice. She had not even been aware of his presence. Food. The Queen, though blind, groped at the smell and clutched a wet, wriggling form. The grub, one of her own, struggled weakly. Its mother recognized the scent, but dragged it to her jaws with desperate energy. She had thousands of offspring; there would be enough left, once she had broken free, to swell her army's ranks once more.