El Hazard: Continuations Chapter 3 It was the look he knew so well. To anyone else Diva would have appeared regally calm, but Jinnai knew better. The fine hands, clenched on the armrests of her throne, and the strength of her golden stare were a dead giveaway. "This is a day for celebration, Lord Jinnai. Our daughter has told me of the victory over the Dorylae." "Inari made it back all right, then? Anybody with her?" Jinnai looked a little worried himself. "Only the Bugrom escort Groucho sent. She's resting in her room now. But she did tell me about the battle." Jinnai preened. "She was brilliant, of course. But what else could she be, when I've trained her to follow in my footsteps? As a team, we're unbeatable! The Dorylae didn't stand a chance." Diva's brows lowered. "Then is their Queen dead?" "No, your Majesty," Groucho interjected. "She's buried, but not dead. And she has a clutch of new eggs. If she can muster the strength, she'll eventually dig them out." "She's okonomiyaki*(Japanese Omelette), Groucho!" Jinnai snapped. "We roasted her and her eggs with her, and then the roof caved in! Even if she were still alive, she'd starve! What's she going to eat?" "The eggs." Jinnai started at Diva's level voice. "She would have laid thousands. Well--"she sighed. "At least we've won breathing space, and proven ourselves to the Roshtarians...to some of them, anyway." "Some of them? I don't understand, Diva. What do you mean, some of them? We just saved their worthless butts from being the Dorylae's main menu! What more do they want?" "There have been incidents, Lord Jinnai. Acts of vandalism against both sides, spoken threats, isolated fights between our people and theirs. So far no one has been seriously hurt, but Roshtaria is no longer as safe for us as it was." "Oh, terrific! That's just great! I knew we shouldn't have trusted them!" Jinnai slammed his fist into his palm. "We risk our necks for them and this is the thanks we get! If Makoto Mizuhara weren't on Earth I'd swear he was behind this!" "Makoto is not interested in stirring up enmity..." Diva began. "Well, funny how good he is at it! Revolutions are his stock-in-trade! But like I said, Mizuhara isn't here, so this must be the Roshtarians' doing. They've treated you Bugrom like dirt for centuries! Why should you think they'd change overnight, Diva?" Diva had no answer. She reached for the tray beside her and handed Jinnai an ornate scroll with the Great Seal of Roshtaria. "Perhaps you can find the answer here, Lord Jinnai. Your language is still difficult for me." "Huh? What's this?" Jinnai took the scroll and read it, Groucho looming over his shoulder. "A summit meeting? With Fujisawa and Nanami as translators? Oh, they've got to be kidding!" "But we need to voice our concerns to Lune Venus. And we need to know where Roshtaria stands!" "All we're going to find out is where Nanami stands. She's about as impartial as a Tokyo Giants fan in Tokyo Dome! There's no way around it. I'll have to go along and translate for our side." Groucho's antennae wilted. He looked pleadingly at Diva, who was ready with her answer this time. "My lord, I believe our daughter should attend as interpreter. She should be learning diplomacy as well as warfare." Jinnai looked up. "You have some objection to me as translator?" He meant it to sting. Diva was unphased. "I do not. But the Roshtarians probably would. Our daughter would be a more...diplomatic choice." Jinnai was rolling up the scroll so tightly he could have used it as a kendo stick. He gripped it for a moment, then gave in. "You have a point, Diva. And it could do Inari good to learn some diplomatic strategy. Always useful to know how to use words and smiles as weapons..." He looked up suddenly. "Wait a minute. There won't be any Roshtarian soldiers there, will there?" The Queen blinked. "I-I expect there will be. Why?" "If you'd seen Inari carrying on with the soldiers during the Dorylae campaign, you wouldn't have to ask. Diva, you've got to do something with your daughter." "Oh, she's my daughter now, is she?" Her mother smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I've already spoken to her on the subject. I have told her she is to wait before she hatches her own clutch." "And did she listen? Bugrom reproductive instinct isn't exactly switched off like a light, you know." (Boy, he thought, do I know.) "She is...very determined. But she is not to blame for the way she is. We must simply...keep an eye on her." Diva had caught something in his tone. "Lord Jinnai, do you regret...what happened between us?" The honesty of the question caught him off guard. It took him a moment to reply. "I--I regret how fast it all happened, Diva. I still haven't caught up with it all. But I do know that Inari's the best thing I ever made, and...I made her with you." He looked away. "I'll go and tell her now, about the meeting." He turned quickly, and nearly crashed into Groucho. "Groucho, get out of the way, will you? Do you always have to be standing where other people are going?" He stalked out, as Groucho and Diva watched, wide-eyed and silent. ********************************** Yassir was testing his arm. His muscles did not even quiver as he pulled back on the string, arcing the supple Roshtarian wood. Yes, he would be able to do it: and this would be the most important shot of his life. The signal would be a pennant, flung from the high palace window. That would mean his friend, a scullion in the Royal Kitchens, had fulfilled his task, and their salvation was at hand. Relaxing the string, Yassir looked over at the bottle and frowned. It was so small, so plain, and yet the stranger had fondled it like a statue of gold. "I have had this for many years," the stranger had said, "but this is the first chance I have had to use it." "But why at the summit meeting? And how can you even be sure this meeting will take place? "The earther, Nanami Jinnai. In her tavern she spoke of it with the other earther, Fujisawa." "You heard this?" The stranger had paused. "No. It would never do for her to see me. But you may be sure the meeting will take place. Now go, and remember your friends in that spider's web!" Yassir shuddered. He lifted the stopper from the bottle and took a sniff. Nothing. At least that was reassuring. A strong smell would be difficult to disguise. Wrapping the bottle in sheepskin and himself, his quiver and bow in a long, dark cloak, Yassir slipped out and made for his cousin's home. ******************************** Science. One of Makoto's favorite subjects. It was no surprise that he would be in the University's Science Club. He wasn't surprised that Akira Kanzaki, one of the new students at the University was recently elected the Vice-president in the same society. Handsome, charismatic and intelligent; he was popular and had been elected to the committees of various organizations. "...Makoto...." "Huh?" Makoto Mizuhara turned around to see Akira calling him in the corridor after class. "Meet me at the Ancient History Museum near Shinonome High today at 3 o'clock." "Hmmm?" "You like science, right? I have made an interesting discovery that will excite you for sure. I'll see you then." Saying that, Akira dashed off. "Hey wait, I...." Makoto shook his head. *I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to see him this afternoon. What would one of the most popular people on campus be up to on an afternoon like this?* ************************************ Makoto Mizuhara. Likeable guy with a steady girlfriend called Ifurita(whom not too many people know too much about her background). Can't seem to do anything wrong; be it science(his favorite subject) or the arts. In fact recently, he seemed to be expressing an interest in painting and music. Seems to have a brotherly interest in Palnus and Alielle. This was the profile that would be used by most people when describing Makoto Mizuhara. To Akira(G'ran if you preferred), Makoto Mizuhara was more than that. This was the person with a noble heart who believed in others even when no one else would do so. This was the person who saved Ifurita from that madman,Katsuhiko Jinnai. This was the person too who had a very INTERESTING talent for activating ancient El Hazardian devices. A talent which he intended to use. Not for evil or anything like that no, no, no. But because it was there. It was just like asking someone why they wanted to go to the moon or climb the highest mountain. BECAUSE IT WAS THERE. "...Makoto, meet me at the Ancient History Museum at 3 o'clock...interesting scientific discovery that will excite you..." Makoto had seemed bewildered when Akira had said all of that. But he believed in Makoto. He knew Makoto to be a trustworthy and reliable guy. And he knew Makoto believed in everyone. Akira Kanzaki was in the Museum of Ancient History looking at some ancient artifacts. He knew that this particular hour of the day often had few visitors and he was right again today. He glanced at his watch. He had been here for 10 minutes now. *Makoto should be here any minute....* "Sorry, I'm late. So what did you want to show me?" ********************** Akira Kanzaki. Makoto didn't know too much about this mysterious character. It's not very clear where he came from. All Makoto knew is that he suddenly appeared on his campus one day as a transfer student. Smart, charismatic and charming; he soon became a very popular guy in Makoto's university. Makoto and Akira did share a common interest in science so when he invited Makoto to "check an interesting scientific discovery," of course Makoto jumped at the chance, even though he had no idea what Akira was up to. Before coming over, he had invited Ifurita to meet him at the Museum of Ancient History. Ifurita seemed slightly hesitant but agreed... "Sorry I'm late. So what did you want to show me?" Akira smiled when he saw Makoto. He did seem slightly downcast when he saw Ifurita with him. Ifurita was dressed rather casually in a T-shirt and jeans. Even when dressed casually, this former ultimate weapon of destruction still looked stunning. "Ummm...could you excuse us just for a second? We..uh...you know, guy stuff." "Sure, sure, I understand." Smilling, Ifurita waited outside the Special Exhibit Room. Akira pointed at the figure. It was tall and majestic and seemed like a warrior of ancient times. The face looked stern and the head was wrapped in a turban. *Why is it this looks so much like a demon g...* "Makoto, I want you to touch this figure." "Are you sure that's okay?" Makoto was fidgeting nervously and pointing at the sign beside it proclaiming in bold characters: "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH." "Don't worry. It's okay." Hesitantly, Makoto Mizuhara placed his hand on it. He felt a strange sensation that felt like electricity rushing through his fingertips. He quickly withdrew his hand as if it had accidentally gotten burned. Bending down, Akira picked up the power staff beside it and placed it into a keyhole at the back of the figure and started to wind it clockwise diligently. "Hey! What do you think you are doing?" There was a tremor and a powerful sensation in the Hall of Special Exhibits. Outside in the main entrance to the museum, the old security guard was still snoring peacefully.... *********************************** "Let's meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Museum of Ancient History near Shinonome High, okay?" Makoto Mizuhara. He was Ifurita's life; he was her everything. He had often asked her about the ancient El Hazardian ruins that she was found in when they first met. To tell the truth, her memory was rather hazy in this aspect. Or rather through a process scientifically known as "selective memory," her mind may have subconsciously chosen to forget many events that had occured during her miserable 20,000 years of existence. Who could blame her? After all, half of that time was spent destorying cities and causing the suffering and deaths of many innocent lives. And half of it was spent in a miserably lonely existence floating through time and space until she met her final destiny. All she knew at this moment was that for some strange reason, a deep sense of dread seemed to be rumbling in the pits of her soul. Akira Kanzaki. She didn't know too much about him except that he was smart and popular and she had often seen him after class being surrounded by a bunch of pretty girls. However, she had always sensed that there was more to him and there was something that he was not telling her and Makoto. "...could you excuse us for a second...guy stuff." Sure, of course she could excuse them for a second. Probably talking about macho stuff like racing cars or contact sports. Typical guy stuff. After waiting for what seemed like eternity, she felt what seemed like a tremor and a burst of light from the room. She glanced across the hallway as her eyes lingered past some ancient El Hazardian pottery right to the entrance of the building. There, the old security guard was still sound asleep and was probably daydreaming about his retirement and his pension. Ifurita entered the hall and was greeted by a strange sight. Amidst clouds of smoke, a tall figure was standing with a staff in his hands. He was wearing a turban on his head. He looked stern and his unsmiling face betrayed no emotions. Akira and Makoto were staring in amazement. Makoto looked slightly downcast but Akira looked excited; almost like he had discovered the secret of the fountain of youth. "Identify yourself! Who are you and what do you want?" Ifurita demanded. "My name is Abzahai." "Y-y-you're a demon god? But that's impossible! In my memory which contains a lot of history of El Hazard, there is no mention of you." "Simply because I have not been used yet. I was created by Arjah." He said all of this in an almost robotic voice, completely devoid of emotion. "Arjah? But he's dead already," Makoto exclaimed. "Yes, that is right. When you touched me, fragments of your memory were transfered to my internal system and I saw how he was obliterated when he foolishly attempted to destroy Creteria through the manipulation of their Eye of God." Makoto was silent as Arjah continued. "Let me tell you a bit more about Arjah and my origins. Thousands of years ago, Arjah was a young prince of Roshtaria. Unfortunately, he was driven by anmbition and was evil beyond redemption. He cold-bloodedly murdered his own parents and then set his own kingdom into a bloody war that lasted for years and resulted in the deaths of millions. Because he was so evil, the people finally rose up against him and he was put to death." Abzahai paused for a moment while everyone tried to digest this new information. "However this was not the end of the story. Before he died, he had been studying the black arts. When he died, his evil soul just wouldn't rest and he continued to spread havoc throughout El Hazard. Finally through the combined efforts of the three priestesses of Mount. Muldoon at that time, he was sealed off and never heard of again Roshtaria." "You mean sealed like a genie?" Akira quickly spoke. Makoto shot him a disapproving glance and Akira said no more. "That was until you..." Abzahai pointed to Makoto Mizuhara. "...you were searching for a way to be reunited with your beloved Ifurita..." He paused for effect while looking at Ifurita who was glancing at Makoto. "..somehow you accidentally revived and released Arjah from another dimension and he transported all of you to Creteria. There, he attempted to destroy innocent lives through his manipulations. He even offered you(looking back at Makoto) a chance to be reunited with Ifurita if you helped him. You turned down that offer which actually was wise because he would have killed you anyway even if you agreed to help him with his plans." ************************** "My name is Abzahai." Akira had been listening to Abzahai with great interest. Ifurita had also entered the room and she seemed stunned as he poured out revelation after revelation. Akira(or G'ran to his Phantom Tribesmen) was not a person who looked evil. In fact, he looked like he would be more at home hanging out with a society of nerdy brainiacs and scientific geeks than he would hanging out with the yakuza. He did have an illustrious career with the Phantom Tribe first working under Nahato where he had been one of the elite group of Phantom Tribe Scientists who had conducted experiments on the captured Fatora. He didn't mean to cause any pain to her and he had constantly urged his colleagues to be more gentle but he had been told that it was all in the name of science. Later, he had worked under Lagus. While he didn't always agree with Lagus' violent ambitions, he found that working under Lagus gave him more opportunities to broaden his horizons and explore things from a scientific perspective. He had followed Lagus when they went on an expedition to some ancient ruins near the border of Roshtaria and the Dukedom of Paralia. There, Lagus had uncovered the second Kalia. At the ruins, he still recalled being excited as he smelled the ancient air and just stood there observing ancient history. He had also been very excited when they first came to Japan. So many new things to discover! Learning how to drive and eating fine Japanese cuisine! And even though he wasn't particularly fond of the Bugrom and Diva wasn't aware of it, he had actually made sure that Diva wasn't harmed physically when he was put in charge of the group to capture her. Abzahai had turned to Ifurita and was now speaking to her in the same monotone. "While some of Makoto's memories were transfered to me, I saw some things that were really interesting. I saw Makoto's battle with Lagus. I have no idea who this Lagus character is but what really interests me is this device which he carried and is currently lying in Makoto's apartment. You also mentioned to Makoto about having strange recurring dreams. That device serves as a kind of a key to the questions of the past. Bring it to the tomb that Kalia was found and many of your questions will be answered." Akira was thinking about what he was going to do next. He had no intention to cause any harm to anyone. He merely wanted to wake this demon god and bring it back to his place so that he could study it. It was all in the name of science. "I have not finished explaining in case you are wondering what I was constructed for. Simply put, the purpose of my existence is for the entire destruction of Roshtaria." Akira was stunned. This was not what he was expecting. "I see the perplexed looks on your faces. Let me explain. Before he was put to death, Arjah constructed me secretly to wreck vengeance on Roshtaria. He had some of his followers hide me in the Eye of God. And as I have travelled from the Eye of God to Earth, I have acquired the means for inter-dimensional travel and hence travel to El Hazard will not be a problem for me." "Stop! You don't have to...your master is already dead!!!" Makoto lunged at Abzahai's staff. Nothing happened and after a few seconds, Makoto drew back as Ifurita placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "I see that you are trying to do to me what you did with Ifurita and Kalia. Unfortunately that won't work with me. Arjah believed that a person with emotions is weak and hence, I have no feelings. Even when seriously injured, I cannot feel any pain. And I have no soul for you to access. I was constructed with only one purpose: the ultimate destruction of Roshtaria and once my task has been accomplished, I will self-detonate. Do not attempt to stop me. If you do so, it will be at your own risk." Akira couldn't belive that this was all happening. A bright light was surrounding Abzahai. He lunged towards Abzahai only to feel a searing sensation and his body was enveloped in bright light. That was the last thing he ever felt in his life.... ************************************** Makoto Mizuhara had been listening intently to Abzahai pour out revelation after revelation. He had been shocked to hear about his plans for the ultimate destruction of Roshtaria. He had to do something so without thinking, he lunged forward and grabbed the staff... (Ever been in an empty soundproof room where it is all dark? Where no light seeps in through any openings and where no objects exist to create any sounds? That was how Makoto felt when he touched Abzahai. Dark, deathly silence. Nothing. It was very different from the sensation he felt when he had touched Ifurita and Kalia.) "I see that you are attempting to do to me what you did with Ifurita and Kalia...do not attempt to stop me...at your own risk." Akira had lunged at Abzahai and the whole room was covered with bright light. It had only lasted a few seconds and after that, both were gone and all that remained was some smoke. "What happened to Akira? Is he alright?" "Makoto, I'm afraid not. Based on my analysis, the atoms of his body were shattered on contact with the force. To put it simply, our friend does not exist anymore. I am sorry but there's nothing we can do for him." Makoto looked stunned. He was quiet for a while. Taking hold of Ifurita's hand gently, he said,"Let's go before the security guard thinks that we stole the statue. I need some time to think of what we should do. Maybe Kalia can help." ********************** Tunisha was barely a dot on the map. Located near the North-eastern border of Roshtaria, it was a small village with a population of around 300. The villagers were mostly farmers making an honest living cultivating the crops around the region. Their village was rather isolated from the other cities mostly due to the mountainous region and thick jungles nearby so news from Florestica often took days to reach them. Today was different. It was the beginning of something that would forever be etched into the memories of future generations of Roshtarians. By the dusty road, the first people to spot the figure were the children. Tall and solemn-looking with a turban on his head and a power staff in his hands, he looked like a messanger of death. He surveyed the landscape without flinching an eyelid as startled villagers began to point at him. His power staff began to glow and charge as he positioned himself and took careful aim at the small village of Tunisha. Then it was all over. All that remained were smouldering houses and incinerated dust. Survivors: 0 Abzahai felt no remorse at what had just happened. How could he? He was designed without any feelings or emotions. He was a machine designed solely for the purpose of the destruction of Roshtaria. And that would just be the beginning. His targets would gradually be bigger and his energy discharge would grow more powerful day by day until, like a massive time-bomb, he would ultimately destroy all of Roshtaria. Once that was achieved, he would self-destruct, having served the purpose of his creator. Abzahai flew off into the sunset. After all, tomorrow was another day.... ************************** The procession moved slowly and regally through the high, arched corridors of the palace. Diva looked around her and sighed. "I fled through these corridors with you in my arms when you were an infant, Inari. Such a short time ago..." Inari was too excited to catch the wistfulness in her mother's voice. "Oh, Mama, I can't believe Papa let me come to this meeting! And I can't believe he didn't come himself! How did you manage it?" "I did not 'manage' it, Inari. It was your father's decision," Diva replied smoothly. "He said he would be glad enough to avoid his sister as long as I was here to watch over you." The Bugrom princess groaned. "Babysat again? When is Papa going to trust me?" "When you're a Queen with a hive of your own." "But Mama, in Papa's country women chase after men all day long!" Diva raised her eyebrows. "And what do you know of the women of your father's country?" "I know all about them, from Papa's sacred books. The ones he brought back with him about the great Earth hero, Tenchi." "Mmmm. But you are not an Earthwoman, Inari. You will be a Bugrom Queen one day, and you must look to your future. Now, your father has spoken to you about this meeting tonight?" "Yes, Mama." Inari winced, remembering how Jinnai had walked into her room to find her slipping in through the window. He hadn't looked too convinced by her story of seeing a mysterious figure in the grounds, and not wanting to disturb the guards. Of all the people she knew, her father was the hardest to lie to - he was too good at it himself. "Then I expect you to obey. The future of our people may be decided tonight." They stopped before a towering pair of gleaming, gold-chased doors. The Roshtarian guard bowed, then swung the door wide to admit them. "Queen Diva and Princess Inari of the Bugrom Empire!" he announced. Within the great chamber, moonlight from the high windows mingled with torchlight to create a soft, dreamy glow. There was a long, low table piled high with glistening fruits, gleaming, glazed meat, fish and fowl, golden loaves and silky-iced cakes. Ivory place settings, with tall wine goblets and crystal water goblets stood awaiting the honoured guests. The very few Roshtarian attendees were already there: Sir Londs, Mr. Fujisawa, and Nanami, secretly delighted that her brother had not come. Rune Venus, resplendent in her emerald robes of state, strode forward. "Greetings, Queen Diva. On behalf of the people of Roshtaria, I offer thanks for your coming to this table of peace." Mr. Fujisawa translated into Japanese, and Inari translated for her mother. Diva nodded her head slightly. "On behalf of the Bugrom people, Princess Rune Venus, I thank you for your hospitality, and for your offer of peace." Inari repeated her mother's statement, word for word, to be relayed back by the schoolteacher, who was trying very hard not to catch Inari's eye. Rune Venus indicated the cushions around the table. "Will it please you sit, Queen Diva?" Diva bowed again, and she and Inari settled gracefully onto the cushions, while the other Bugrom moved back to stand a few paces behind them. Rune Venus, Sir Londs, Mr. Fujisawa and Nanami took the remaining places. The remaining Roshtarian guards fell into ceremonial stance, and the servants began to glide to and fro. Inari winked surreptitiously at Fujisawa, mouthing a silent, "Remember!" He coughed slightly, trying to hide his embarrassment. The princess of Roshtaria began. "Queen Diva, our peoples have lived at odds for many years, but after this conflict with the Dorylae, we can see how it is possible for us to work together for the common good." Inari beamed. "Yes, Papa was brilliant, wasn't he! And I was too! Do you know how we--" Diva silenced her with a sharp look as Fujisawa looked flustered and Nanami snorted. "Inari, translators do not converse," she said quietly. "They simply repeat. Now tell me what the teacher said." Crestfallen, the girl obeyed. Diva raised an eyebrow. "I would very much like to believe that is possible, Princess Rune Venus. But you will understand that after what we have suffered over the centuries, the Bugrom will not easily trust the Roshtarians." "What you have suffered!" gasped Londs, when he heard the translation. "You have raided our villages, attacked our people-" Rune Venus raised her hand. "Mr. Fujisawa, you will not repeat that. Sir Londs, I speak for Roshtaria. You will hold your peace." She turned again to Diva. "By the same token, Queen Diva, trust does not come easily from our side. Especially with regards to your Grand Marshall...whom I see has not come tonight. Is he as eager for peace as you are?" "He is my Grand Marshall, but I am Queen and Mother of the Bugrom. They follow me alone. And he, too, is ultimately subject to my will." Inari blinked, forgetting herself. "Is that true, Mama?" she whispered. "In more than you know," her mother whispered back. "Now translate." As they whispered, Nanami leaned in to her teacher. "Do you believe that? My brother has to follow her orders too?" "Comes with the territory, kid. Your husband'll find out one day, too." Before Nanami could reply, he snapped back to repeat Inari's statement. Rune Venus listened intently. "This is important for us to know," she said, then saw that the servants had entered with a large silver flagon of wine. "Ah, the ceremonial wine is here. Let us drink a toast to the success of our meeting tonight." A female servant glided among the guests, filling their goblets, but when she came to Inari, the princess covered her glass. "Oh, I almost forgot. Could I have please have water, instead? Papa said I wasn't to drink while I was translating and he'd probably hit the roof if I disobeyed him." The servant blinked, until Fujisawa translated. He smiled at Inari. "Tough luck, kid. Guess we can't drink and drive, eh?" Rune Venus called for her guest to be served water, and then the whole company raised their goblets. "To an end to the fighting between both our peoples - forever." They all drank, and the servant refilled for them. The musicians, hovering in the background, plucked at strings, jangled bells and blew gently on flutes as the long curtains billowed in on the soft breeze. Everyone waited for Lune Venus to signal the start of the feast, but she was too interested in continuing the conversation. "We are very glad to hear it, Queen Diva. It is important for us to know where the true power behind the Bugrom Empire lies. For these talks to have any meaning - " "Mama?" Inari whispered. "Mama, are you all right?" Diva's eyes had glazed over and she was swaying on her cushion. Sweat had broken out on her forehead, and the goblet shook in her hand. She tried to speak, but couldn't. It felt as though liquid fire were racing through her very veins. The others were already rising. "Inari, what is it?" Fujisawa demanded. "What's wrong with her?" "I don't know! Mama!" Diva groaned and sank backwards into her daughter's arms, where she lay quivering. Her face was deathly pale, her breathing shallow. Lune Venus motioned to her servant. "Send for Dr. Shtalbaugh! At once!" The servant turned to obey, when suddenly an arrow came whistling through one of the great windows and struck deep into the wooden table. Lune Venus swung on the guards. "Find that archer! At once!" she cried. The Bugrom were crowding around Diva and her frantic daughter as the Roshtarians stared at the arrow. A scroll of paper was tied to the shaft. "What is this! Sir Londs, what is that paper?" The knight nfurled it and gasped. He showed it toLune Venus, who gave a soft cry of horror. "What is it?" demanded Inari in Japanese. "Mr. Fujisawa, tell me what it says!" But Nanami, too shocked to think, replied without thinking. "Death to the Bugrom! Roshtaria forever!" Inari looked at her stricken mother, then at the wine dripping from her mother's fallen goblet. "The wine! It was poisoned!" she gasped. Even though she spoke in Bugrom, Fujisawa realized her meaning. He spoke in Japanese, trying to calm her. "That's ridiculous, Inari. We all drank the same wine, and we're fine!" She stared at him, wide-eyed. "Of course you are! Because it is poisonous to Bugrom!" she screamed. "Look at my mother! And I would have drunk it too, if it hadn't been for Papa! He was right about all of you, all along! You - you can't be trusted!" "Inari-" Fujisawa was moving towards her. "Stay back!" She bared her fangs and sprang onto the table, scattering the plates and dishes. Even the Roshtarian guards jumped back at the sight of her. "Chico, take mother! We're getting out of here! We're getting out of Roshtaria! And if you try to stop us--" she glared 'round at them, wild-eyed, "we'll take as many of you with us as we can!" The Bugrom surrounded Chico and Diva like a shield as they moved towards the doors. The Roshtarian guards moved towards them, but Lune Venus stopped them. "Let them go! We can'tstop them, not now. But please, Mr. Fujisawa," her voice tightened with anguish,"tell them! Tell them I promise this was not an aggression of the Roshtarian people and whoever did this will be punished!" He did, and as Inari paused at the door, he called to her. "Sweetheart, you've gotta trust me!" Then the door clanged shut behind er,and with it all their hopes for peace. For a moment they all stood, listening to the echoes of the clacking feet hurring away. Rune Venus was about to turn to Londs, when a messenger burst in from the other side of the room, panting desperately. "Majesty, forgive me. I bring you the most terrible news..." "We know," Rune Venus said sadly. "Leave them be." "Leave them be?" The messenger was too horrified for protocol. "Majesty, there is no one left to leave! The village of Tunisha is..."