Disclaimer: El Hazard is the property of AIC/Pioneer LDC. Shadow Fallen Do I wake or dream. In this endless night I do not know. I can never know... I remember. They called me crazy when I told them that the Shadow tribe could not exist in total darkness. I told them that if they banished the light from this world we would be annihilated along with the light that we fear. They denied that they feared the light, claiming that they had nothing but hatred for it. Hatred is as blind as the darkness they thought they desired, and just like darkness hatred will obscure the self. Unlike the darkness hatred will never ever release you once you have fallen prey to it. They think that hate makes you strong and don't realize that once you've succumbed to its deadly embrace that you can never emerge victorious or otherwise ever again. This is their punishment and lesson for me. I have been confined in absolute darkness to prove that I still exist. I think therefore I am. I think I am not therefore I must be going mad. I have no shape, just a consciousness floating in space. I have tried to create the illusion of form but illusion that cannot be seen is useless, useless to the point of nonexistence. I used to think that we used illusions only to fool the others, now I think we have been trying to fool ourselves. How ironic. Power. Everything is about power. Light is heat, heat is energy. Motion (work) equals energy but what of motion that creates no heat. Can there be heat without out light or power without heat? As a scientist I should say no, as a shadow... What should I say as a shadow? What is Roshtaria? I see a picture in the mind I cannot feel. What is a picture? Lines and color that is seen with the eyes. Color is light and eye is an object who's sole purpose is to translate light for the mind. What is a shadow? What is darkness? What is light? Who am I? What am I? Am I? The receptacle that had been fashioned to hold Galen in absolute darkness was located in his own lab. A guard walked past the rows of glass tubes and scientific equipment nervously. He was to release the prisoner. He had never believed that it was good luck to enter a lab, not for anyone other than a scientist anyway. He breathed heavily as he approached the metal orb that held the scientist. The release switch felt horribly cold in his hand as he pulled it toward himself. For a moment he wondered what condition Galen would be in. When the orb opened he gasped, "He's gone." All at once the hundreds of glass test tubes and beakers shattered. And then there was darkness... Author's notes: What can I say? It's different. This scene was just floating about in my head. Someday maybe I'll write a fic to incorporate this into.