Other sites of related interest.

Fan Fiction

THE very best archive on the web for Tenchi Muyo! fanfiction. It is also the primary model for this site. Maintained by Gensao.

What would have happened if Shinji Ikari had never stepped into Unit1? This epic fanfiction is the story of the replacement pilot. Not to be missed.

This site, hosted by Cavis and Davner (Fish at the moment), is one of the most constructive and thought provoking for reviewing Anime Fan Fiction of all sorts.

Here is one of the newest Fan Fiction sites dedicated to the Anime series Slayers. It's a great site for Slayers Fanfiction. Hosted by Incantrix. One of the best sources around to read all kinds of fan fiction. Has thousands of stories available to read.



A new Shayla-Shayla shrine maintained by Batousai Kawaii.

Anipike: This is by far the best listing of anime related links and pages.

Ultimate Animanga: This is one of the best resources out there for anime art on the web.